From MozillaWiki
- Stability work week -
- Trying to get agenda out by the end of this week -
- We should get a tab on the report list that lists urls for that signature.
- Address matching/java signatures.
- Flash
- The decision for now is to go for a variant of the blocklist we haven't done before. If you navigate to a page that is running Flash and it's an old version - we have a notification bar.
- Adobe gave us symbols that haven't been obfuscated. We reprocessed all the reports. For the 11.2 version.
- Still outstanding issue around 11.3 being particularly crashy - discuss in stability work week.
- bug 686335 - mentioned in the discussion of blocklisting. Not a problem with the notification bar. Nominated as tracking for 13.
- Looking into having the Adobe folks for a meeting the stability work week.
- Silverlight issues - not specifically a crash but people are reporting hangs with new versions.
- Top issues
- bug 756796 - big spectacular crash in nightly. Fixed now but will take several days to trail off.
- Crashes on b2 is looking better.
- Build for b3 on Tues or Wed am.
- We already have a few crash fixes queued up for that.
- Have a list of crashes is core to present at tomorrow's meeting.