From MozillaWiki
- Shipped 66 last week
- Now using jMDSW
- Granular permissions now in place - if you find regressions in your permissions, file a bug
- Extra machines for our ES cluster were approved (needed for raw crashes)
- Flash Beta seems to be missing symbols, KaiRo has emailed the Adobe team.
- bug 941892 - crash in mozalloc_abort(char const* const) | NS_DebugBreak | mozilla::plugins::PluginModuleParent::StreamCast(_NPP*, _NPStream*)
- the hola addon devs say they are waiting for the fixed version to be approved by AMO
- KaiRo points out that several signatures may appear as explosive because we just got the current MS symbols.
- bsmedberg posted to dev.platform about OOM crashes in Firefox 25, which are almost 40% of all crashes. Need to react more strongly?
- bug 925459 - crashes related to bitguard.dll
- related signature JS_WrapObject(JSContext*, JSObject**) is now at #10 on Beta
- related signature bitguard.dll@0x16eb99 is at #6
- blocklisting of bitguard is working on Aurora.
- bug 925459 - crashes related to bitguard.dll signatures are rapidly dropping down Aurora topcrash list.
- bug 942819 - crash in mozilla::layers::DeviceManagerD3D9::Init()
- #1 topcrasher by far on Nightly
- Crash rate on Beta down ~0.6 crash per 100 ADU
- bug 920006 checking if Nexus 10 is still a crash to track
- bug 939258 - When creating a bug for the B2G product it can't find the product in bugzilla
- looks like rhelmer is on it
- just have to get people on more recent builds for most part, don't have the symbols for others, or not enough data.
- need to look into why we aren't getting crash data from released 1.1
- both Inari/Buri 1.1 builds aren't still showing even though the builds based on the files seem to be reporting crashes
- Investigation still occurring : need to look at production phone builds to see if the builds based on the files match as well as test the crash kill on those devices.
- can't do anything about lack of symbols at this point; moving forward we have to make sure they send us the right symbol files.
- bug 932046 - crash in mozilla::net::HttpChannelChild::OnRedirectVerifyCallback(unsigned int)
- bug 939259 - crash in js::Invoke
- need STR
- bug 943049 - Geeksphone : crash in android::AudioTrack::processAudioBuffer(android::sp<android::AudioTrack::AudioTrackThread> const&) (
- Bug 940751 - B2G crash in nsINode::GetProperty(nsIAtom*, unsigned int*) const
- verified via checking builddates past fix.
- Bug 927413 - crash in mozilla::gfx::DrawTargetSkia::DrawSurface
- tracy verified for desktop; doesn't seem to be any more in B2G either.
- Bug 914823 - crash in mozilla::gl::SharedSurface_Gralloc::~SharedSurface_Gralloc
- verified via checking builddates past fix.
- bug 940075 - crash in mozilla::dom::PBrowserChild::SendRecordingDeviceEvents(nsString const&, bool const&, bool const&)
- bug 904483 - crash in GrTextureStripAtlas::unlockRow
- only one crash
- need to take some time to investigate why we aren't getting 1.1 data
- same for the most part as before.
Upcoming PTO
David out Wednesday 11/27