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DRM for Mozilla Foundation

This is the project page for the DRM project referenced here.

Project Description

End-User Goals

Use Cases

Server/Environment Needs

Development Server/Environment Requirements

  • The project requires a two-server setup: an internal server which is to be a full repository of all information and an external server which will function as a front-end for interacting with the public.
  • Based on current understanding, the internal server will be a virtual one.
  • A LAMP stack with PHP 5+, MySQL 5+, and a MTA is necessary on both servers.
  • Both servers will need a minimum of 48MB allocated to PHP's script execution memory.

Staging/Production Server Requirements

  • See above for specs
  • The additional load from this project should be minimal to the externally-facing server (which is assumed to be the same one as the Foundation's general web server); the system will *only* be used for the processing of donations. The internal server will be serving only a few users doing relatively unintensive data retrieval and analysis.
  • Beyond basic monitoring to ensure the system remains online, no systems staff time should be necessary to either administer or maintain the solution.

Project Timeline