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Interested in hosting a Knight Mozilla fellow in 2012?

Knight Mozilla fellows are paid, one year positions inside leading newsrooms. Fellows will work side-by-side with journalists to understand and serve the technology needs of newsrooms. The work of fellows will be shared with the broader news hacker community, seeding open web innovation across the industry.

We have five criteria for selecting news partners:

Innovation Capacity

  • invested in innovation
  • empower technical teams to experiment with new tools and models
  • excited about open web standards and software that can be used and remixed by others
  • a maker/hacker culture is in evidence, even if lots of financial resources are not

Producing Excellent Journalism

  • a history of producing content that makes an impact at the local, national or international level
  • values journalism that represent the fair, accurate, contextual pursuit of truth.

Commitment to the Partnership

  • active participation in sharing ideas and feedback on the community list
  • helping to build buzz during the innovation challenges
  • proposals for how an organization plans to build on their fellow’s work and the technologies we build after the partnership is over

Multiplier effect

  • how one organizations (or a partnership) with a Knight-Mozilla fellow can influence many more to adopt the technologies we develop

Compelling Stories

  • We’re open to surprises. What makes your news organization unique? Do you reach a special audience? Have you organized multiple news providers in your community to work together?