Drumbeat NYC—P2PU

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In our working group we came up with an idea for connecting P2PU participants with organizations after they finish courses.

There would be two ways to make a connection, an organization can make a request for people to join their project based on which courses they participated in at P2PU and course organizers can recommend organizations that might be good for course participants.

Think of it like this: Habitat for humanity needs workers who know basic carpentry skills, if there were a class at P2PU that offered construction training, peers from the course might be matched with Habitat for Humanity. The goal would be to provide a way to continue learning beyond a strictly academic setting and provide recognition. Everyone wins. Habitat for humanity gets workers who have basic skills, people learn about carpentry at P2PU and then get to learn more in the real world on a job site. Finally the work with Habitat for Humanity is tracked and added to the peer's portfolio.