EU MozCamp 2011/Schedule/Engagement and Regionalization Track/Regionalizing Hackasaurus

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Regionalizing Hackasaurus

  • Speakers: Atul Varma and Jessica Klein
  • Time: Sunday, 15.00
  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Summary: We'll provide a brief overview of Hackasaurus and how to localize it. Topics covered in the overview will include the Hacktivity Kit printable, the X-Ray Goggles, and the website. The localization will cover how to use Github to localize the goggles, how to use to localize the website, and how to use an as-of-yet undecided mechanism to localize the Hacktivity Kit (hopefully we'll have this figured out by MozCamp).
  • Presentation slides (to provide after you talk): All About Hackasaurus (HTML5)
  • Ideal audience size:
  • Equipment needs (video projector already included): This is an interactive workshop. Every participant should come with a laptop and be ready to hack!
  • Submit a question for the speaker here: