EU MozCamp 2011/Schedule/Skills Development and Community Growth Track/Adapting To Change
Adapting to Change
Speaker: Diane Branson
Time: 17:15
Duration: 45
Summary: Change isn’t always easy; the unknown can be scary for some. However, those that can quickly adapt and have the tools to move nimbly through those changes will often find themselves at a significant advantage over those that can’t.
In this session with Mozilla’s Diane Branson, you will come to understand the human side of change management and realize why it’s important to acknowledge and support others through the transition process. We will also explore your role during the transition.
At the conclusion you will have seen tools/tips and techniques to help yourself and others during the transition
Presentation slides (to provide after you talk):
Ideal audience size: Open to all
Equipment needs (video projector already included):
Submit a question for the speaker here: