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UPDATE after Phase 1

We took a little different approach to develop a product - in the beginning we wanted to make sure that the idea is completely well thought out and we're going to make a very useful, usable and pretty app so we dedicated most of our time to create full set of user scenarios and high quality mockups to make sure that everything is planned and ready to code.

We decided so because of the general idea that the substantial design is ought to precede the coding stage. We spent January on preparing scenarios and mockups and we did technical research. Now we have the general plan to finish our Jetpack in 3, 4 sprints lasting all in 3, 4 weeks. This approach also fitted our university calendar with January session.

Below we attached mocks and list of scenarios that you'll be able to realize with our prototype.

1. Simple View at the beginning [[1]]

2. Click to add note based on highlighted text on site [[2]]

3. Add note based on highlighted text on site - panel [[3]]

4. Status - add note successful, you can view your note by clicking "read it" [[4]]

5. Add simple note by pressing the Note button [[5]]

6. Notes' panel - single note view (assigned to project) [[6]]

7. Notes' panel - single note editing (assigned to project) [[7]]

8. Notes' panel - single note editing (not assigned to project) [[8]]

9. Notes' panel - single note print preview without comments [[9]]

10. Notes' panel - single note print preview with comments [[10]]

11. Notes' panel [[11]]

12. Notes' panel - add note [[12]]

13. Notes' panel - hover [[13]]

14. Notes' panel - share your note with your friends [[14]]

15. Notes' panel - search through notes [[15]]

16. Notes' panel - single note view (not assigned to project) [[16]]

17. Projects' panel [[17]]

18. Projects' panel - add new project [[18]]

19. Projects' panel - share a project with your friends [[19]]

20. Projects' panel - share a project with your friends + view updates from friends in project [[20]]

21. Projects' panel - Project view [[21]]

22. Projects' panel - sites [[22]]

23. Projects' panel - search through projects [[23]]

24. Preview mode - simple project with Preview Off [[24]]

25. Preview mode - simple project with Preview On [[25]]

26. Preview mode - simple project with Preview On + edit comments [[26]]

27. Preview mode - simple project with Preview On + view sites [[27]]

28. Preview mode - simple project with Preview On + edit comment and share it with your friends [[28]]

29. Preview mode - simple project with Preview On + view updates [[29]]

30. Preview mode - simple project with Preview On + update alert [[30]]

31. Preview mode - simple project with Preview On + new update view [[31]]

Simple scenarios

1. Add simple note

2. Add simple note from site

3. Add project

4. Add simple note to project

5. Add simple note from site to project

6. Search notes

7. Search projects

8. View onsite notes

9. Navigate through project's sites

10. View and update status - share notes / projects

11. Edit note (name, content)

12. Edit project (name, notes, sites)

13. Print note

14. Print note with comments

15. Delete project

16. Delete note

17. Delete project

iNotes - the general idea

We would like to make the process of gathering valuable data as simple and effective as never before and to make this data accessible through the popular social networks. The basis lays upon the simplistic approach to gathering information from various websites - information like texts, urls, images, videos etc. are treated like notes that can be stored loosely or tagged, commented and assigned to projects.

Saved notes are assigned to websites from which they come from - you can view and edit them in special "Preview mode" which is a great way to extract important information related to the topic that you're working on. The list of websites containing your notes is also available on the status bar and can be navigated very easily.

You can work collaboratively with your mates. To make this process clear and comfortable all the changes are visible in "Preview mode" (colors attached to co-workers) and also can be commented on Twitter thanks to built-in mini Twitter client. Obviously effects of your work can also be shared through Facebook and other social services.

Viewing, saving and sharing notes is also very simple. You can preview, save, print or share at once: - all the notes saved per project - notes saved per website (regardless assignments to projects) - any saved note alone Notes can be ordered by the level of importance. It simplifies the management and boosts productivity.