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< Electrolysis | Meetings
Known issues to fix before beta: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=539055&hide_resolved=1 Many of these seem to be duplicate/already fixed, but I'd like people to go through the list.
- hung-plugin detection with at least child-side crash reports a very high priority
- PPluginModuleChild::OnCallReceived(IPC::Message const&, IPC::Message*&) bug 546766
- _filbuf (DebugAbort) bug 536666
- RPCChannel::RPCListener::OnEnteredCxxStack()
- PluginInstanceChild::GetActorForNPObject(NPObject*)
- PluginScriptableObjectChild::Unprotect()
Summary of privacy-policy implications of automatic crash report submission.
Backporting to 1.9.2. bsmedberg can't start this until Friday at the earliest.