Electrolysis/Release Criteria/Pageload
From MozillaWiki
Page load time may regress, up to 5%, if there are other improvements to offset.
- Responsible: jimm
- Accountable: RyanVM
- Supporting: jmaher
- Consulted: rvitillo
- Informed: elan, cpeterson, release management
talos tp5/tp5o (page load time)
- e10s comparison validated: mconley
- Current e10s diff:
- Windows 7/8: better by 2-5%
- OS X: worse by 1.5% (but very noisy)
- Linux: worse by 3%
- Metric owner: rvitillo
- Latest Spark analysis e10s_experiment.ipynb indicates that e10s is better than non-e10s. The median of the e10s population decreased by about 50% wrt to the median of the non-e10s population.
- Need to confirm that data is reliable for comparison.
- e10s shows some bimodality in the data, not sure how relevant that is.
No results.
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