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Meeting Details
- Time and location: Monday, 10am PST, conf bridge 359
- irc.mozilla.org #elmo for back-channel
Previous Action Items
Meeting Notes
- Attendees: Pike, peterbe
- Bugzilla 0.9 API
- plan A: get Gerv to fix the bug (see point below about Gerv and Lonnen)
- plan B: work-around the bug
- plan C: ask for an extension maybe
- plan D: deploy the old API locally on the Elmo server
- bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=733026
- poke Gerv and Lonnen about if the it's a bug or a new feature that no bugs returns null instead of an empty array
- Current develop branch breaks master-ball
- potential little challenge might to get mercurial 2.1 installed as an RPM. Might need to do a pypi2rpm.
- Shyam and test-ball
- run the exercise as if it would work on the (future) new hardware once we get it
- mercurial 2.1 breaks the master branch
- thus testing hg 2.1 on -dev- is going to be hard
- Testplan (https://elmo.etherpad.mozilla.org/test-plan)
- Which URLs to check???
- Build-logs page now slightly harder to read
- Plan: switch DB on -dev to that of production and then test -dev using live data. e.g. doing real sign-offs.
- Pike to get started on this
Action Items
- peterbe: poke around with bugzilla API 1.1
- Pike: figuring out how to pin hg 2.1 and what it involves in master-ball and dogfooding on -dev and -stage at the same time
- Pike: Work through a manual testplan by making -dev point to the -prod database
- peterbe: upgrade csrf bug to be 100% ajax based