Festival2012/Submit/Build A Hacktivity

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Title of session: Design and Build a Hacktivity

Your name and affiliation: Mozilla Hive NYC

Session format: Design Challenge

What will your session or activity allow people to make, learn or do? Participants in this session will have the opportunity to create new learning activities or hack pre-existing ones. We'll use pre-existing modular activities or "hacktivities" as a jumping off point to brainstorm, design and develop activities that are based on participants' interests. We'll use Mozilla's tools to help introduce, instruct or apply web skills. Participants can bring their own ideas or start with pre-existing activity kits, projects and/or content created in other sessions at the Mozilla Festival.

How do you see that working? The session will invite a variety of people—and their accompanying skill sets—to come together to design, build and hack. Session participants will break into groups and focus on specific projects, skills, interests or ideas. Each group will be encouraged to have a designer, a coder and an educator present and peer-to-peer collaboration will be facilitated across groups. Each participant will use their skills and expertise to create prototypes. We'll also invite Summer Code Party hosts to share their party agendas and discuss ways to document and build them out into full hacktivity kits.

How will you deal with 5, 15, 50 participants? This is a collaborative session that welcomes all participants and values their expertise. No matter the number of participants, we'll find ways to work together to create new curriculum for sharing web competencies.

How long within your session before someone else can teach this? Within minutes, participants will receive a speedy, hands-on introduction to Mozilla's webmaker tools and begin tinkering with code and content.

What do you see as outcomes after the festival? The session will help to create interest-based learning activities for anyone who would like to use them. It will also help solidify meaningful connections between educators, designers and developers.