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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PDT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases


Firefox Desktop

Current Releases

  • 17.0 shipped yesterday, RelEng will throttle updates tomorrow (Thurs) around mid-day
  • 17.0ESR and 10.0.11ESR shipped yesterday
  • Currently investigating stability issues:
    • bug 812307 - crash in DataMngrHlpFF17.dll @ nsObserverEnumerator::Release
    • bug 770238 – Fatal jemalloc assertion in js::gc::Arena::finalize
    • bug 812319 – crash in js::ShapeTable::search (correlated to Yandex Bar)

Beta (129)

  • 18.0b1 builds underway, shipping on Monday 11/26

Aurora (54)

  • updates throttled, unthrottling on Monday 11/26

Nightly (130)

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

  • Shipped Fx 17 on Monday
    • Included some Android 4.2 fixes

Beta (129)

Aurora (54)

  • Don't upscale 16px favicons in the awesomescreen
  • Refactor how we store favicons to use less space
  • Expiring history and thumbnails to use less space and speed up queries

Nightly (130)

  • Using correct logos for XHDPI ans XXHDPI devices
  • Landing soon
    • Private browsing UI (also enables private browsing)
    • Top sites customization on Start page
    • Hide the Toolbar when scrolling content

Firefox Metro


Firefox Sync

  • Starting planning for 2013 Sync roadmap

Product Announcements

  • Still waiting on prod hardware before enabling by default

Firefox Health Report

  • Landed preffed off, no UI, on multiple branches
    • Supporting B2G v1 ADU pings
    • Firefox release vehicle TBD

Add-on SDK

Release (1.11 -> Firefox 16, 17)

Stabilization (1.12 -> Firefox 17, 18)

Development (1.13 -> Firefox 18, 19)



Feedback Summary


Sentiment for Firefox 17 is down roughly 6% as compared to the first days of the Firefox 16 launch. This can probably be explained by the following issues:
General Issues

  • Menu items are not working in FF 17 - Seems to be related to a few specific addons, Tab Mix + and better privacy. Ticket on file [1] Complaints about Tab Mix + being marked incompatible are already coming in [2]
  • Font issues - Some users report disabling hardware acceleration works. Some still have the issue. [3][4][5]. Initial hardware/driver research leads us to believe that is not the culprit. Two volunteers so far to work 1 on 1.

Social API

  • Love the new facebook integration, would be nice to have G+ chat somewhere too :D
  • Awsome with new Facebook Integration.....


  • Slowness - The Facebook sidebar is really slowing down everything. I removed it because the background check for updates made by browsing a terrible experience. Also, clicking on FB notifications works incredibly slow, it takes more than 10 secs to open.
  • Disable FB - Lots of complaints from users that don't want Facebook integration. Assuming they just don't know how to turn it off.


Mobile is going smooth, read mobile Notes for the details.

User Experience (Design & Research)

  • [project SPF (security/privacy)] Workshop on privacy/security in Asia at MozCamp (Larissa)
  • [gum/webRTC] (Boriss)** Working on mockups for remaining bugs (multi-device cases, notifications across operating systems & mobile)
  • [android] (ibarlow)
    • Working with snorp on hiding the header \o/
    • Tweaking the tab menu a bit
      • Rough sketches for tablet tab menu -
        • sidebar in landscape mode, tabs on top in portrait
      • Option to keep tab open / automatically close
      • Doing this now, as some of these changes could affect how we display private tabs
      • More refined mockups coming soon
    • Experimenting with a more Holo-inspired UI theme
      • Not posting sketches here, but ask Ian if you'd like to take a peek :)
  • [Behavioral Segmentation Study] (Lindsay, Bill, Leo)
    • Both the fielding and diary study are complete!
    • Cori, Bill, Lindsay, Leo, and Mary will be deep in analysis this week as individual teams to prepare for a meeting of the minds the first week of December.
    • We will be developing initial groupings of users from both the diary and in-home interviews to prepare for the upcoming quantitative research led by Leo.
    • We learned a LOT in the field and are glad others were able to join us! Thanks to Asa, Boriss, Michael Verdi, Karen, JP, Zhenshuo, Blake, and Ian. Say hi and ask them about it.
  • [other/future]
    • finishing up a shareable-quality draft of our Firefox Design Values - more on this soon (Madhava)

Market insights from the Product Marketing Strategy Team

Desktop / Platform










Summary below, full update here

  • Jolla
    • announced partnership with DNA, Finnish operator
    • Sailfish OS based on MeeGo and the Mer Project, also used by Tizen
    • application development environment is based on Qt, QML and HTML5
    • will run Android apps, with support from Open Mobile
    • slick, clear, minimalist design
    • development across all range of screen sizes, from TVs to cars
  • China
    • 90% of smartphones sold in Q3 on Android
    • taking over a large Symbian penetration rate in the country
    • 388 million out of the 538 million connected people are mobile
    • 38% of Internet users are mobile-only, living predominantly in rural areas
  • Smartphone install base as of end of Q3:
    • Android at 48% (559 million devices),
    • iOS at 19% (217 million)
    • Symbian 18% (213 million)
    • Blackberry 9% (109 million)
    • bada at 2% (24 million)
    • total install base: 1.16 billion

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction


  • See press coverage from the release yesterday, below


Mark is on PTO today; for urgent matters, contact Otherwise he'll be back next week.

Positive coverage resulting from Monday's Firefox for Android release:

Additional coverage from yesterday's Firefox release (with Social API):

Questions, Comments, FYI

Actions this week

  • JP to investigate font issues in 17
  • Madhava to sync with Taras on perf impacts of australis tabs