From MozillaWiki
Planning Meeting Details
- Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
- Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
- Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
- #planning for backchannel
- (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)
Video/Teleconference Details - NEW
- 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
- 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
- Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
- Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.
Actions from Last Week
Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases
Firefox Desktop
Current Releases
- We're working with Symantec on bug 783369 – Norton Confidential 2012/2013 crashes (couictlr.dll, coffplgn.dll)
- We expect resolution on their end in the short term
- Moving forward with bug 832038 – CTP request: Flash 10.2.* and lower (for 1/29 push, FF18 and up)
- Based upon initial feedback from 10.2.* and lower, we'll move on to CTPing more insecure versions of Flash on FF18 and up
Beta (131)
- FF19.0b3 went to build today, will be shipped before the end of the week
Aurora (54)
Nightly (132)
Firefox Metro
- Work Week completed: January 14 - 18.
- Metro Project Wiki Updated:
- Project and Iteration statistics will be updated at the conclusion of each Iteration every 2-weeks.
- Team currently involved in Iteration #1: January 22, 2013 - February 04, 2013
- Backlog of Feature Stories selected for Iteration #1:
- Iteration Review and Planning Meeting set for Tuesday February 5.
- Iteration Review - Asa will provide his feedback on the features included in the release and outline any change requests. Juan will outline any defects found during the functionality testing.
- Iteration Planning - Any changes and defects will be prioritized as 'P1' feature stories for the upcoming Iteration. The team will then select any new 'P2' Feature Stories to be included in the upcoming Iteration.
- Iteration Retrospective - Team discussion focusing on identifying beneficial practices, stopping detrimental practices and identifying new practices to be tried in the upcoming Iteration.
- Asa is currently updating all the legacy stories in Bugzilla.
Firefox Mobile
Current Releases
- MWC prep continues, particularly with focus on WebRTC work, see:
- QA completed benchmarks and they are currently under analysis
Beta (131)
- bug 792410 - thumbnails are currently cut off in the tabs tray, update thumbnail styling in tabs menu
Aurora (54)
- Changes approved for Fx20
- About Home
- bug 830758 - Pinned sites should not show "pin site" in context menu
- bug 792410 - thumbnails are currently cut off in the tabs tray, update thumbnail styling in tabs menu
- Tablet UI
- bug 831402 - Tablets should use Android Spinners
- bug 824501 - Remove gradient from normal, private and synced tabs section headers
- bug 817739 - Add more information to synced tabs
- bug 826819 - Show different "Add tab" icons for normal and private tabs in Tabs Panel
Nightly (132)
- Shipping Open Sans and Charis fonts for Web Content
- As part of the Readability 2.0 feature, bug 831354 landed in central after a heroic effort on part of UX, D. Baron, Johnathan Kew to correct test failures. We are removing the Reader Mode only use of Open Sans in bug 831883. Package size increased by about ~2MB. We are also looking into a talos regression bug 833000. Once we have that nailed down, we will figure out if this will ride the trains for Fx21 or if we'll uplift to Fx20. The web content looks much nicer!
- Misc Happy Changes
- bug 832433 - Phones should use Android spinners (nom'd for Aurora uplift, too)
- A fix landed for bug 832773 - Unable to send tab to devices; send button greyed out
- A fix for a wallpaper manager crash bug 827250 - java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoApp$<n>.doInBackground(
Firefox Health Report
- Landed on trunk, on by default, landed on Aurora but not built.
- Planning on enabling on Aurora in the next week
- Small number of outstanding perf and string blockers to fix before then
Add-on SDK
Release (1.12 -> Firefox 18, 19)
Stabilization (1.13 -> Firefox 19, 20)
Development (1.14 -> Firefox 20, 21)
- landing in m-c RFSN, getting help from joduinn and coop with the releng bits to get the SDK tests to behave like everyone expects Firefox tests to behave.
Feedback Summary
- I like the updated support for the Mac retina display. Thank you!
- So so SO glad you FINALLY include support for Retina Display! I have been using Chrome while patiently waiting for this feature (32-bit!? UGH!), and I am happier than a pig in slop to be able to return to the best browser out there. Thank you!
Java block - Lots of vocal feedback around the block[1]
Retina - Strangeness with external monitors.[2]
Yahoo Mail - Issues seems to be related to the Ghostery addon. Possibly others. Investigation continues.
We are delving into reports of Slowness with Firefox 18 on Mobile, hopefully something more definite soon.
User-Experience (Design & Research)
- [desktop]
- [Misc] - Make plugin click-to-play less ugly: (shorlander)
- [Australis] (Zhenshuo, Shorlander)
- Update-to-Australis UX - Existing user types and what happens when they update to Australis working document (PDF)
- Otherwise, implementation continues!
- [Translation] (Madhava, Yuan)
- digging back into feature concepts; meeting about scope and strategy of a solution
- [Social API] (Boriss)
- Giving sketches & review on remaining Facebook bugs
- [newtab2] (Boriss)
- Meeting with research & privacy to discuss & develop testing plans
- Iterating on timeframe and goals to specify gating factors and time estimates
- Sketching/researching thumbnail alternatives that can be generated rather than downloaded
- [project SPF (security/privacy)] (larissa)
- Brownbag happened! Video and slides are up:
- discussion about expanding scope of Click-to-play to all plugins other than Flash; design proposal out
- [gUM/webRTC] (Boriss)
- Adding to mockups for system & toolbar interface changes for next version of GuM (see mockups)
- Finalizing remaining click-to-play UI issues (see bug 775857)
- [FHR] (Larissa)
- User-facing page design proceeding in bug 832547
- more notes here
- thinking about how to improve Telemetry uptake
- [metro] (yuan)
- Updates on the settings charm: entry points mockup, about info mockup a, mockup b
- Finalizing the design of Options panel [mockup coming soon]
- Prototyping for new gestures and page transitions, including full-screen back & forward navigation, tab switching, etc, planning to add those changes into V1 release user stories.
- Initial Design for Reconfiguring the Toolbar Interface (Shorlander)
- Start Screen:
- Web Page:
- [android] (ibarlow)
- Fonts are in Nightly! \o/ - blog post coming
- In progress:
- about home designs for MWC
- top site customization tweaks -
- lots of high level discussions about Firefox Account / continuity of UX across devices / Reading List
- did a brief UX review of Firefox on OUYA, made some notes / suggestions
- not not not not not final omg not final
- supporting implementation of tab menu updates
- [Project Meta - Behavioral Segmentation Study] (Lindsay, Bill, Leo)
- Bill Selman is taking over as lead of the Firefox Behavioral Segmentation project. He will run the remainder of the North American phase and begin planning for phase two which will take place in another world market. Leo Yeykelis will remain part of the Project Meta team. Lindsay Kenzig is off to focus on user research for Firefox OS.
- We are currently consulting with stakeholders to determine the priorities for world markets to study. We expect to have a list of markets by the middle of February.
- First draft of quantitative survey questionnaire is for Phase 1 nearly complete. We are in the process of revising and validating our questions.
- We've established a relationship with a new recruiter for the quantitative survey. Once we have completed the questionnaire, we will begin recruiting participants. We anticipate the survey will take place in the second week of February.
- Bill will be attending the Firefox Workweek in Toronto next week and will provide a presentation of the team's findings thus far.
- [other/future]
- Starting to assemble our emerging markets user research strategy
- Building ourselves a better tool for mapping visual work to bugzilla - have a look
Market Insights from the Product Marketing Strategy Team
Desktop / Platform
- Google's Native Client technology was extended this week, as applications written with it are now able to run on ARM platforms. Google plans to release a version in 2013 that will support (many) more platforms by using LLVM bit code.
- Google released its Q4 2012 revenue and profit figures; pundits said that the analyst conference call it was clear that the company is "is making a very strong commitment to Chromebooks"
- Microsoft's Windows Phone Developer Blog had an interesting post about how mobile application developers can reduce the power consumption of their apps.
- Details of the 2013 Pwn2Own contest have been released. Prizes have more than doubled, to $560K -- $100K for hacking Chrome or IE10, $75K for IE9, $65K for Apple Safari and $60K for Firefox. Prizes will also be given for hacking Adobe and Oracle plug-ins.
- Oracle has been severely criticized by other members of the industry for the continuing security problems with its Java platform.
- The Tizen project is quite proud that shows that Tizen 2.0 scored 485 out of 500 points.
- In Google’s Q4 2012 earnings report Larry Page talked about the current issues of “managing supply” of hardware (meaning the problems with LG not being able to deliver as many Nexus 4 devices as are ordered) and of Motorola’s opportunities for innovation. He mentioned battery life and durability as possible areas of focus. Page mentioned that at the moment of acquisition Motorola had a 12 – 18 months product pipeline that Google still needs to deliver on.
- Opera announced Opera Ice, a Webkit-based browser for Android and iOS, to be launched in February. Opera Ice will probably replace Opera Mobile for its 20 million users. Its main value proposition is a more intuitive, human user interface that ditches menus and focuses on gestures and prioritizes common language to communicate to the user. (Opera Mini, the proxy-browsing version with 200 million users will remain available.)
- Huawei will release a mid – end Android device in Germany. The Ascend G615 is rumoured to be available next month and has a quad – core processor, 1 GB of RAM and run on Ice Cream Sandwich, with a possible upgrade to Jelly Bean. It will be sold exclusively through online retailers.
- Deloitte issued a report claiming that average modern smartphones (Android, iPhones or Windows Phones) generate 35 times more data traffic that a typical cellphone. This data surge will produce a 50 fold increase of wireless traffic by 2016 and will intensify the congestion of operator networks, especially in urban areas in developed economies. To avoid degradation of customer experience, network operators will continue to invest in technologies to offload some of the connectivity burden to landlines, through WiFi, Femtocell, or WiMax. This points to convergence of the mobile and landline / desktop markets, not just at the device (tablets), but also at the connectivity level.
Marketing, Press & Public Reaction
- Post holiday growth continues at the expected pace, with downloads, ADIs and star ratings increasing at a steady rate. If anyone wants specific details about trends, growth, etc...please reach out to me!
- User conversion reporting(AKA Google Play campaign Tracking) is in the early stages of a privacy review
- We have a big release coming in March (FX20) which will sport about:home customization changes, support for all android locals, private browsing, and expanded ARMv6 support. We're looking into working closely with our community to evangelize this release. More to come.
- Dolphin released a big update to their android browser (new design, sync, sharing, and more), and Opera announced a new Webkit browser called (Ice).
- Newsletter planned for today. The mobile section will discuss a "preview" of 2013 features
- Lots of work being done around MWC!
- OUYA Firefox browser in the works at Mozilla
- Mozilla working on Firefox for OUYA
- Mozilla is porting Firefox for Ouya
- Mozilla Stabilizes Firefox 18.0.1 with 7 bug fixes
- Firefox update 18 gets an update, but no security problems this time
Questions, Comments, FYI
- A request from support - when listing new features and fixes in the desktop and mobile notes please link to supporting bugs or other documentation. This will make documentation research much easier for those that can't attend this meeting.