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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop

Current Releases

  • FF21 remains strong stability/feedback wise (Flash is back to being our top reported issue)

Beta (129)

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

Firefox Metro

  • Iteration #8 is in progress
    • Lots of bug fixes/improvements on front end UI.
    • New default browser telemetry added for all platforms (BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT)
    • APZC prelim investigation / syncup with other teams
    • Software updating from Metro (note addon compat check issue in bug 794937)

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

Beta (129)

  • [akeybl] this week's beta will be the first to support x86
    • We'll have an XDA thread with bug filing link to garner feedback, and we're similarly watching passive feedback channels (stability) to evaluate release readiness

Aurora (54)

  • This is no longer our "new Android permissions" release. Moved to Fx24.
  • [akeybl] FHR is still targeted for this Firefox for Android version (23)

Nightly (130)

  • Async Prompts Landing
  • Quick Share landing, see bug 869123 for details.
  • WebRTC permission UI is in place, but we still need the "Session Indicator" to land before preffing WebRTC on by default.
  • WiFi AP tracking for better geo-location landed, but is preffed off pending an Opt-In UI
  • ANRs (Android chrome-hangs) have been reduced from 21.6 reports/day for first 3 weeks of 23 nightly, down to 13.8 reports/day for first 3 weeks of 24 nightly (36% decrease). This can be attributed to our new ANR reporter and focus on fixing those hangs.


Firefox Sync

Product Announcements

Developer Tools

  • Jetpack is looking to uplift bug 878877 to Aurora, 'tracking-firefox23' has been requested.
  • Devtools team is intensely focused on B2G debugging, Remote Inspection, UberRepl and Netmonitor improvements.
  • planning has started for next quarter on exciting things like devtools extensibility and extension tooling.
  • devtools posts on Hacks were the most traffic-worthy in the last month!

Feedback Summary


Firefox 21 is currently very quiet. Threads on the SUMO forums are down roughly 20-30% from the last release. We have staged the snippet surveys for 21 and should have star ratings and verbatims to share next week.


Very smooth, no updates.

UX & User Research

Market Insights from the Product Marketing Strategy Team

Desktop / Platform



  • Google announced the Mobile Backend Starter, "a one-click deployable, complete mobile backend" that allows developers to "reap the benefits of a cloud backend with none of the headaches." The solution includes data storage, pub/sub messaging, push notifications, continuous queries, Google authentication, and very low (free) price points for entry.
  • Google I/O concluded a few weeks ago -- in the Android world key announcements were improved Google Play Services, which add features for game developers, location APIs, cloud messaging enhancements, and cross-platform single-signon. Android Studio, a new IDE, was released, as well as an updated Developer Console.
  • The Chromium team released SyzyASAN, a tool for detecting memory heap errors that supports Windows platforms. It's a clone of ASAN, which supports Mac and Linux platforms. These features are now built into Chrome Canary builds.
  • Chrome Beta or Android now supports the Fullscreen API as well as instant translation.
  • Chrome now has faster page loading, due to Blink's threaded HTML parser. WebGL joins WebAudio and WebRTC as an option flag. It also now no longer supports HTML notifications; developers are encouraged instead to support the Rich Notifications Chrome API.
  • Chrome will soon receive more support for the RAW image formats from digital cameras. Support for RAW files from many camera companies, including Sony, Canon, Hasselblad,Kodak, Nikon and Minolta is on the way.
  • At Google I/O, Google announced that the Chrome team had removed 8.8 million lines of code from the WebKit codebase as they dropped unneeded build, platform and test case code to create their fork, called Blink.
  • Google announced that they will publicly release exploit information for partner companies' technologies (usually plugins and operating systems) after 7 days if a patch or an advisory is not made available by those parties.


  • Intel's upcoming "Haswell" line of processors will offer 50% more battery life in laptops. Intel and its partners hope to increase demand for PCs with this increased performance.




Marketing, Press & Public Reaction

Questions, Comments, FYI

Actions this week