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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop

Current Releases

Beta (128)

  • We shipped Firefox 24 Beta 6 for Desktop yesterday
  • Our next beta for Desktop goes to build tomorrow and is planned to ship on Friday

Aurora (54)

Nightly (129)

  • New download manager back-end landed on Nightly: bug 825588. A bunch of followup issues need to be fixed, but the goal is better performance.

Firefox Metro

Iteration #13 - Completed

  • Team completed 50 story points across 26 features which resulted in a decreased average team velocity of 63 story points per iteration.
  • The decrease in average team velocity expanded the development complete forecast from Iteration #16 to Iteration #17 - October 28, 2013.
  • An evaluation will be conducted at the end of Iteration #14 if alternative strategies will be necessary for the Metro Preview Release.
  • QA achieved 99% coverage for the regression testing across Iterations #1 - #12.
  • Team achieved a 95% Pass Rate and a 5% Fail Rate during the Iterations #1 - #12 regression testing.

Iteration #14 - August 27 - September 10

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
775739 Story - Touch scrolling in frames P1 RESOLVED
801187 Change - Theme tab-modal prompts to look good in Metro P1 VERIFIED
831910 Story - Use the Auto-Complete Screen P1 RESOLVED
831944 [MP] Story - Open downloaded file from downloads app bar P2 VERIFIED
845152 [MP] Story - NewUI - Access and dismiss the new Firefox app bar P1 VERIFIED
875924 Defect - Topsites Thumbnails do not always appear P2 VERIFIED
882142 [MP] Defect - Manual or disabled updates from Metro needs cleanup P2 RESOLVED
886321 Story - APZC metrofx issue tracking P1 RESOLVED
891056 Defect - [8.1] Support "snapped view" in Windows 8.1 P2 VERIFIED
892575 Story - Browser can display tab-modal, metro-styled prompts - Part II P1 VERIFIED
893066 [MP] Story - Initiate a file download and display the downloads app bar - Part III P2 RESOLVED
893784 [MP] Defect - Metro update shutdown sometimes doesn't respawn Nightly after update P2 RESOLVED
893961 [MP] Defect - Clean up metro sync strings P2 RESOLVED
898477 [MP] Story - Initiate a file download and display the downloads app bar - Part IV P2 VERIFIED
900072 Defect - Line wrapping and layout issues in flyout panel localization P2 VERIFIED
903426 [l10n] Change - In-content crash reporter prompt P2 RESOLVED
903740 [MP] Defect - Clicking the overlay back button doesn't hide the tab strip P2 VERIFIED
906772 [MP] Defect - popup blocked notification bar is hidden behind the navbar P2 VERIFIED
907244 [MP] Defect - Opening a new tab when the page has focus doesn't correctly focus the location bar P2 VERIFIED
909019 [MP] Change - Clarify and simplify BrowserUI.newTab API P2 RESOLVED

20 Total; 0 Open (0%); 9 Resolved (45%); 11 Verified (55%);

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

Beta (128)

Firefox 24 beta features

Aurora (54)

Firefox 25 Features

  • Also less than 2 crashes per 100 ADU
  • Fairly quiet, not tracking Fx25-specific uplifts

Nightly (129)

Firefox 26 Features

Developer Tools

Feedback Summary



UX & User Research

Market Insights from the Product Marketing Strategy Team

  • Google has deepened the integration between Android and its products by replacing the Messenger app with G+ Hangouts. The company announced further plans to connect the Google Drive service with the photos and videos app.
  • Amazon's Silk browser was updated with a simplified interface and upgrades to the New Tab page. Other changes: a new tutorial, redesigned tabs, improved browser controls, simpler navigation options, and easier access to the Reading View feature. A Silk Developer Guide also comes with the update.
  • App developers in Indonesia are supported by Telkomsel, the country's largest operator, through a program to promote locally developed apps on its channels and facilitate downloads through carrier billing.
  • AppinChina is a service that allows foreign developers to submit their apps to the numerous Chinese app stores and open up the market. The country's app store market is particularly difficult to navigate not only because of language barriers, but also due to fragmentation.
  • Jolla closed its pre - sales campaign for the 399 Euros device it plans to release in early Q4. While not quoting exact numbers, the company suggested to have orders in the tens of thousands of units.
  • In terms of smartphone growth, Vietnam is the second fastest growing in the world, right after China, according to a report from Appota on the mobile market of Vietnam. Approximately 60 percent of revenue in the online mobile gaming market (an estimated $50 million) comes from gambling games, most from Vietnamese companies. 40 percent of revenue from online games is accrued by China-made titles. One of the most popular types of games is card gaming.
  • HP has declared to be looking at entering the smartphone market again. At this early stage, it is not possible to say whether HP will go with Android OS, but a comment by the HP director suggests that the company may choose to take a gamble on one of the smaller platforms in order to separate itself from the mass market.
  • Apple is reported to have acquired a Swedish start-up that specializes in media compression and that has extensive expertize in optimizing for low memory and processor constraints. This type of environment is characteristic to the lower - end of the mobile market, that Apple is rumoured to be preparing to enter. The company will be holding an event on the 10th of September.

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction


"Mozilla is taking new steps to make its mobile browser better anticipate what people might want to see when they start Firefox or tap its address bar.” - Stephen Shankland, CNET

Questions, Comments, FYI

  • Game Benchmarking Project producing first vetted results
    • Project measures benchmarks across different platforms we support on a weekly basis.
    • We currently test on Firefox and Chrome but intend to include all significant competitors.
    • Data is being gathered to help with both snapshots of current status and trend analysts per benchmark to track regressions and progress.
    • Games team is working with the Ateam to make this happen and we now have our first week's results, Android only so far.
    • NOT yet for public use, we would like to have more data points before we send this out to the world to be sure the results are credible.
    • Data is available via a Mozilla wide shared Google Drive folder currently. In the short term, you need a account to access it but once it's vetted as being solid, we intend to make that public.
    • To request benchmarks be added to the project, please contact Alan Kiligman or join us at one of the project meetings

Actions this week

  • joduinn - to book meeting with finkle,asa,marco to discuss metro on trains