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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop & Platform

Current Releases

  • FF29.0 is currently throttled (no updates offered automatically) and doing well in terms of stability
  • Due to several smaller, but user-impacting issues we are vetting a 29.0.1 candidate right now, which will be released on Friday May 9th in place of unthrottling 29.0 updates

Beta (129)

  • Week 2 of Beta Cycle - can still take more speculative work
  • We are about to build Desktop FF30.0b3 tomorrow

Aurora (54)

  • bug 865826 changes tab closing pref, affects some addons but Jorge has done outreach to Tab Mix Plus devs (1M ADI) and there will be blog post as well as MDN docs to help others deal with any fallout

Nightly (130)

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

  • 29.0.1 - thank you, relman
    • bug 1005074 Re-enable 'Send Tab to Devices' on Beta and Release with a string swap
    • bug 987867 JB & KK crash in java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: at java.util.LinkedList$
    • bug 1003897 Character Encoding selection broken in Fennec 29

Beta (129)

  • Early in the cycle, not many uplifts but calling out nice stability wins that have been uplifted the last week:
    • bug 952721 crash in gfxContext::gfxContext(mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget*)
    • bug 1003911 - crash in java.lang.IllegalStateException: Couldnt read row 0, col 0 from CursorWindow. Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it. at android.database.CursorWindow.nativeGetBlob(Native Method
    • bug 966154 - (HTC One 4.4, CodefireX) - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "__fork" referenced by ""

Aurora (54)

Quiet on uplifts, here's one:

  • Fx31, bug 1001566 - Yahoo search plugin should use nresults param for smaller requests

Here's the [[1]]

Nightly (130)

  • bug 998398 - Swiftkey/Kii/Swype input interaction issues in the URL bar
  • bug 999071 - crash in nsObserverService::NotifyObservers(nsISupports*, char const*, char16_t const*)
  • bug 946021 - Enable ARM assembly in libopus ARM build
  • bug 997872 - Make delay before first safebrowsing download smaller/configurable.
  • bug 999203 - Tabs always restore from last time, even if preference is disabled
  • bug 997237 - [JavaScript Error: "this.defaultBrowsers is undefined" {file: "resource://gre/modules/HelperApps.jsm" line: 117}]
  • bug 993407 - Navigation should be primary tab on image link dialogs
  • bug 997289 - Regression: Unable to tap any Google search result links
  • bug 850600 - Enable pull-to-refresh on Sync'd tabs page
  • bug 994195 - Add tests for RawResource class
  • bug 994734 - Centralize change notification for dataset cursors
  • bug 1000001 - Regression: Panel re-ordering non functional
  • bug 856565 - Removing bookmark will unpin and remove website from Home page
  • bug 994284 - Intermittent testSystemPages | Exception caught - junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: LayerView is not found!
  • bug 996850 - Top sites: Empty tile behavior
  • bug 996669 - onuninstall listener can be called after panel is unregistered
  • bug 999853 - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path must not be empty.
  • bug 1000616 - PanelViewItemHandler.mItemOpenListener is null when panel list view replaces empty view
  • bug 1000849 - Panel view sometimes does replace empty view after dataset updates
  • bug 988068 - Add-on options are ugly
  • bug 949178 - Remove reading list button from reader mode toolbar
  • bug 996313 - JavascriptMessageParser does not immediately end the test when a js assertion fails
  • bug 999750 - Recycle MotionEvents
  • bug 1000149 - Simplify edit mode
  • bug 965548 - Add a way to close edit mode in one tap on phones
  • bug 998426 - Use same constructor across API levels in shrunken BrowserToolbar's LayoutParams
  • bug 611556 - zoom levels should persist within a session
  • bug 1000828 - Enable zoom session history for synthetic documents
  • bug 997478 - Lots of "GeckoFavicons: Cancelling favicon load (NN)" spew in logcat
  • bug 976216 - Include -purgecaches command line to Gecko for developer builds of Fennec
  • bug 975625 - Sync fails to sync data with invalid signature on Android 2.2
  • bug 995157 - Tabs opened in guest mode can be synced
  • bug 986095 - Add UI Telemetry for Reading List

You can find more on upcoming feature plans in the[[2]]

Developer Tools


  • a quiet week, but many cool things being passed my way as try builds:
    • toolbox UI re-jig
    • add-on debugger improvements
    • storage inspector


Feedback Summary



UX & User Research

Market Insights from the Market Strategy Team


  • Yahoo announced that it will no longer respect Do Not Track requests.[3] Yahoo's reasoning is the absence of a single standard that is effective and adopted broadly, which enables its competitors to derive the long-term monetary value in tracking which Yahoo is not. Browser add-ons help here to an extent, but with current limitations. EFF's new Privacy Badger browser add-on tool helps privacy-conscious users enforce their do-not-track wishes on uncooperative websites and third-party advertising companies.[4]
  • Opera released Opera 21 browser based on Chromium[5] for Mac and Windows[6] using Aura-based hardware acceleration.[7] Opera had released its mobile browser called Coast for iOS, which has been also been getting positive reviews for its stripped down content consumption app feel.[8]
  • US Patent and Trademark Office published Microsoft's patent filing for smartwatches [9], a product category with global market volume of $700M, ten times the size of 2012, and expected to grow in 2014 to $2.5B, still forming only 5% the size of the watch industry implying further potential growth in the pipeline.[10] While Android captures a majority of the wearables market, Firefox is listed explicitly among the operating systems for wearables. [11]

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction

  • Fx29 results: Biggest spike in one-day downloads in over 3 years
  • Firefox Accounts: we’re currently creating accounts at a higher clip than our forecast
  • Video views on the Web We Want, over 9 million views

Questions, Comments, FYI

  • FYI this is Laura's last meeting with us, thank you for everything and best of luck over at the Big Thumb
  • lsblakk to take over this meeting

Actions this week