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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases (Lukas/Sylvestre/Lawrence)

  • Firefox Desktop & Android 30.0 live
    • 25% of pop offered updates for 24 hours (this is an experiment in uptake/reducing throttling time)
    • Updates are now set to only manual for data collection, target for 100% enabled is next Tuesday (formerly Friday)
  • Firefox ESR 24.6.0 live
  • FF31 beta 1 with QA, ships Thursday
  • Aurora updates are currently disabled, re-enabling on Friday once QA signs off
  • Might need to disable OMTC for FF32 as it is responsible for 5 of the top crashers on that channel right now

Firefox Desktop & Platform (Gavin/Chad/Martin/Javaun)

Current Releases

Beta (129)

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

UX (Madhava)

Firefox Mobile (Mark/Brad/Jenn)

Work In Progress

  • Improve tab management (1004850,817716, 997288)
  • Sync
  • Intent-driven distribution selection and download for partners (1013024, 1013684, 1014242, 1014283)
  • bug 1013326 Add a way to distinguish chrome hangs from content ones in BHR
  • bug 1011059 crash in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid selection notification range: 0 to #, length: # at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoEditable.onSelectionChange(
  • bug 1012720 Fix deleting prototype getters in Fennec code

You can find more on upcoming feature plans in the[roadmap]


Release (128)
  • crash in java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.home.TopSitesPage$EditPinnedSiteListener.onSiteSelected( (Bug 935542)
  • crash in @0x40098bd4 corrupt crash stack on x86 tablets Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (Bug 983211)
Beta (129)
  • Edit mode not left when returning to content (Bug 917514)
  • HomeProvider: org.mozilla.gecko.sqlite.SQLiteBridgeException: Can't step statement: (5) database is locked (Bug 1006947)
  • [Fennec] [mr] Improper UI text rendering for leading character ॲ (U+0972) on Samsung Galaxy S4 device (Bug 1012365)
  • Telemetry probe for home provider database errors (Bug 1017778)
  • Lack of contrast on editing mode's 'X' button when using a lightweight theme (Bug 1019595)
  • Improve colors in remote tabs pull-to-refresh (Bug 1021123)


Nightly (130)
  • Packaged app installation does not trigger `onsuccess` callback (Bug 985614)
  • Define initial list of suggested sites to ship with Fennec (Bug 997765)
  • Video overlay cut off after panning (Bug 1017427)
  • After "tab closed/undo" toast, cannot pan starting from where the toast was (Bug 1017566)
  • Restore tab in correct position when undoing close tab (Bug 1017912)
  • Closing zombified tab results in "closed about:blank" toast (Bug 1018661)
  • Support narrow char strings in android bridge (Bug 1019836)
  • Allow for locale switching functionality to be disabled (Bug 1019981)
  • URL of closed tab is cut off and shows only "http:/..." (Bug 1020730)
  • Improve colors in remote tabs pull-to-refresh (Bug 1021123)

UX (Ian)

  • First run / Onboarding (yuan)
    • Assembling an overall design strategy, design flows
  • Refined video controls (antlam)
  • Tablet refresh (yuan)
    • Tabbed browsing - scoping this into release buckets
    • (Bug 1014156)
  • Search activity (antlam, ibarlow)
    • Defining scope for a landable proof of concept
    • Bugs and designs coming soon!

Developer Tools (Jeff/Rob/Dave)

  • Outbound
    • Nice blog post about the tools
    • Devtools and our developer story are the focus of the Firefox 31 beta post this week and the usual Aurora hacks post next Tuesday.
  • Landings
    • bug 1016578 Inject script libraries into content via GCLI (Intern!)
    • bug 1005909 Clickable Links in console output (Intern!)
    • bug 907310 Reload key commands available in detached devtools toolbox
    • bug 911209 Show hidden (display:none) nodes differently in inspector
    • bug 718250 Show node dimensions in highlighter
    • bug 1017790 Expose category information in Profiler data
    • bug 1007021 Reflow actor should show reflows in all frames

(45 Bugs fixed by 20 contributors.)

Feedback Summary (Cheng/Tyler/Matt)


  • Still a little too early for Firefox 30 data.
    • Crashes is still up relative to 28 -- similar levels to last week, though. We saw a peak about 4 weeks ago and we're down from that, but not back to normal.
    • We're seeing some feedback on hang/slowness/freezing. It doesn't look 30 specific. Still investigating.
    • No major spike in complaints around hang on exit so we've likely fixed that issue in the beta, go us!
  • Working on getting an understanding of how people use Firefox accounts.


Market Insights from the Market Strategy Team (Kev)


News of the Week

Adobe's marketing group released their take on browser trend numbers last week. Like a number of other orgs, they've stopped differentiating between desktop, mobile, and tablets, and just report on total share. They give the nod to Chrome over IE in the US, and we've seen similar reports elsewhere.
Why we should care: The new "browser war" reporting is cross-platform, with mobile contributing more and more to web browsing/access in general and being added to market share reporting. There's a need to be aware in the gradual shift of market share reporting, and how more orgs are looking at browsers across platforms, rather than by hardware/operating platform.

A little-known company talked a bit about it's plans around operating systems and cross-platform integration at it's World Wide Developer conference. Lots of interesting bits around iOS 8 and Yosemite, including things like Continuity and mirroring voice and messaging between iOS and OS X, iOS app extensions, and expanded notifications.
Why we should care: Apple continues to bring some amazing features to its platform, and only to its platform. They're taking good ideas from other platforms and improving on them as new features for the Apple ecosystem, while further locking their users in to their software, service and hardware ecosystem by taking away reasons to leave. Some great ideas, particularly around notifications/intents and picking up where you left off regardless of device.

Desktop Notes

Kev has slacked this week, and will add more stuff here this afternoon (apologies).

Mobile Notes

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction (Arcadio) world cup campaign: Live. Through desktop and Firefox for Android features we are able to engage partners who bring the content people love.

With's collaboration we are deploying world cup news, scores and game recaps

  • Firefox desktop sidebar
  • Firefox for Android home screen panel add-on

Announcement Blog Post

Questions, Comments, FYI