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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases (Lawrence)

  • Mobile 34.0.1 gtb today with fixes for
    • bug 1110499 - Crash reporter does not work in Android L
    • bug 1108627 - Regression: market-specific search defaults (desktop) broke default engine behavior for Fennec
    • May also include bug 1105590
  • 35 beta4 shipped today
  • Modified Beta schedule for holidays (from dev-planning post)
    • Week 3 - Dec 15-19: Beta 4 (Desktop & Mobile) and Beta 5 (Desktop) build & ship as usual
    • Week 4 - Dec 22-26: Beta 6 (Desktop & Mobile) gtb on Monday Dec 22 as usual, ship on Tues Dec 23 - no further betas
    • Week 5 - Dec 29-Jan 2: Beta 8 (Desktop & Mobile) gtb on Monday Dec 29 as usual, ship on Tues Dec 30 - no further betas
    • Week 6 - Jan 5-9: Beta 10 (Mobile) and Desktop RC 35.0 gtb on Monday Jan 5th, ship on Tues Jan 6 to beta channels

Firefox Desktop & Platform (Javaun/Chad/Martin)

Current Releases

Beta (129)

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

UX (Madhava)

Firefox Mobile (Mark/Brad/Jenn)

Current Releases

Beta (129)

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

UX (Ian)

Developer Tools (Jeff)

Feedback Summary (Cheng/Tyler/Matt)


  • Flash is causing a lot of pain for our users.


User Experience Research (Bill)

Market Insights from the Market Strategy Team (Kev)

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction (Arcadio)

Questions, Comments, FYI