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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases (Lawrence)

  • 38.0b8 desktop and mobile shipped
    • Note: There was not 38.0b7 due to build issues related to shipping Betas off of the m-r branch
  • 38.0.5b1 gtb on Thu, May 7
  • reminder that branches are currently as follows:
    • m-r: 38.0
    • m-b: 38.0.5
    • m-a: 39.0
    • m-c: 40.0

Firefox Desktop & Platform (Javaun/Chad/Martin)

Current Releases

EME is on track for 38. Some bugs for us, some for Adobe.

38.0.5: Some elements at risk. Good news: L10N out of scope, EN-US only.

64 bit rollout planning is resuming today. We are not launching Win64 in 38 nor 38 ESR.

Iteration 40.3: Some work for 38.0.5. Add-on signing planning is happening.

Beta (129)

  • GMP regression from EME patch that was uplifted to Beta, this should be a block-ship issue and we're working on a patch bug 1159300

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

UX (Madhava)

Firefox Mobile (Mark/Brad/Jenn)

Firefox for iOS

  • iOS Status Report for this week
  • Sync is considered At Risk for June 2nd Campaign timelines, at least partially (history, passwords)
  • Timing of feature availability (such as Sync) means any external feedback cycle is also At Risk for June 2nd.

Firefox for Android

Beta (129)

  • Reader View & Local Only Reading List for this release. Pocket Integration is not in scope for the 38 release.

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

  • Tab Queues
  • Voice Search
  • Password Manager
  • Otherwise, light in terms of new feature content as the majority of work completed for this cycle was uplifted.

Developer Tools (Jeff)

  • no audible, complicated day
  • meta bug with links for tracking [devedition-40] progress: bug 1159780

Feedback Summary (Cheng/Tyler/Matt)


Tracking a few crashes on release:

Trusteer (

Old versions of Displaylink drivers seem to be causing a few different crashes.


User Experience Research (Bill)

Market Insights from the Product Team (Kev)

No update this week, but will add items of interest for next

One item of note is the Microsoft Build developer conference this week in SF. It has an online presence with streaming of some sessions, some of which will give more info on Edge (the official name of what's been referred to as "Spartan").

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction (Arcadio)

Questions, Comments, FYI