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Firefox 90 Proposed

Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Status Resolution Priority Severity
1693119 Make Site Compatibility WebExtension own and control its own Help menuitem Dennis Schubert [:denschub] ASSIGNED P5 N/A
1695239 Tab tool-tips persist after alt-tabbing away Neil Deakin VERIFIED FIXED P5 --
1695527 [Proton tooltips] tab tooltip is not attached to the tab when overflowing tab strip is being scrolled Neil Deakin VERIFIED FIXED P3 S2
1695900 Bookmarks / History tooltips always hide the next two items regardless of mouse position Neil Deakin VERIFIED FIXED P3 S4
1696214 Wrong tooltip for tab actions Neil Deakin VERIFIED FIXED P3 S3
1697916 bookmark in bookmarks toolbar flickers instead of showing the tooltip if you hover on the bottom of the bookmark Neil Deakin VERIFIED FIXED P3 S4
1698761 [respect-system-appearance] Respect macOS system theme in native-styled menu arrows RESOLVED DUPLICATE P2 S2
1700883 Audio indicator blurry on active tab RESOLVED WORKSFORME P2 --
1701394 [Proton] RTL tabs title shift to the left when hovering the mouse over the tab :Gijs (he/him) VERIFIED FIXED P2 S2
1702899 White-on-white text in <input type="date"> popup in Dark Mode, if widget.macos.respect-system-appearance is true Harry Twyford VERIFIED FIXED P2 S2
1703051 Bookmarks Toolbar menupopups should look more like panels with Proton enabled Emma Malysz VERIFIED FIXED P2 --
1703644 Intermittent toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_panel_item_accesskey.js | application crashed [@ MergeState::AddNewNode ...] :Gijs (he/him) RESOLVED FIXED P3 S4
1704080 [Proton] Elastic overscroll does not work if there are no vertical or horizontal scrollbars present on the site Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) REOPENED P3 S3
1704488 [Proton] Interacting with the touchpad while the overscoll animation is ongoing - and toggled via the magic mouse - will stop the animation RESOLVED DUPLICATE P2 S3
1705157 With native context menus enabled VoiceOver doesn’t read the password fields context menu options NEW P3 S3
1705500 FxA "sent tab to another device" menu should wrap device names Bernard Igiri VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1706487 "Open Image in New Tab" should load images in a background (rather than foreground) tab, like Chrome :Gijs (he/him) VERIFIED FIXED P2 --
1706684 Other Bookmarks Menu on macOS should use Firefox styling in MR1 due to close proximity to Toolbar area Emma Malysz RESOLVED DUPLICATE P2 --
1706685 Bookmarks Toolbar overflow menu on macOS should use Firefox styling in MR1 instead of native styling NEW P2 --
1706977 [macOS] The "Not now" button from the existing users Onboarding modal is not recognized by the "VoiceOver" screen reader software VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1706981 Bookmarks Menu Toolbar button submenu items have incorrectly placed chevron on Windows Mike Conley (:mconley) (:⚙️) (PTO: July 22-26) VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1707717 Bookmarks panel goes beyond screen when fully expanded NEW P3 S4
1707875 [Proton] Inconsistent bookmarks panel field and button colors on Linux RESOLVED WORKSFORME P3 S4
1708118 Warning icon in downloads panel is offset and will disappear if reinitiating the same download RESOLVED WORKSFORME P3 S4
1708186 Pocket menu dropdown does not open sometimes while in overflow menu RESOLVED WORKSFORME P3 S3
1708428 [Proton] New Folder button (Bookmark panel) does not apply the specific proton dark theme Molly Howell (she/her) (no longer active) VERIFIED FIXED P2 S4
1708451 [Proton] The highlight on "Don't save" button from the Save login panel is not correctly displayed Mike Conley (:mconley) (:⚙️) (PTO: July 22-26) VERIFIED FIXED P2 S4
1709050 Focus ring displayed by default on C2A for some about:pages Mike Conley (:mconley) (:⚙️) (PTO: July 22-26) VERIFIED FIXED P2 --
1709376 Missing border on focused inputs in password dialog RESOLVED WONTFIX P2 S4
1709379 Mute/Unmute tooltip is not displayed when video is played in PIP Neil Deakin VERIFIED FIXED P3 S3
1709396 [macOS] The High contrast mode will cause Dark / Light Firefox Themes to switch to Default NEW P2 S3
1709591 [RTL] The FxA "Show More Tabs" arrow points upwards instead of downwards Mike Conley (:mconley) (:⚙️) (PTO: July 22-26) VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1709717 Update download indicator badges Emma Malysz VERIFIED FIXED P2 --
1709988 Findbar checkboxes and checkbox labels are too light, look disabled Mike Conley (:mconley) (:⚙️) (PTO: July 22-26) RESOLVED DUPLICATE P2 S2
1710122 White-on-white text in sheet windows with System Dark + Firefox Light theme, if widget.macos.respect-system-appearance is true - Inherit lwtheme-based ColorScheme into sheet windows VERIFIED FIXED P2 S2
1710164 White-on-white text on in-content pages when using macOS Dark Mode + High Contrast Mode, if widget.macos.respect-system-appearance is enabled Harry Twyford VERIFIED FIXED P2 S2
1710392 The "Your Browser is being managed by your organization" string and ( i ) info icon are not spaced Itiel VERIFIED FIXED P3 S4
1710460 [Experiment] Hold back study comparing proton upgrade onboarding with previous no-onboarding Ed Lee :Mardak RESOLVED FIXED P2 --
1710629 Bookmarks menu button panel has wrong spacing between icons and title Bernard Igiri VERIFIED FIXED P2 --
1710651 Proton: Spacing in One offs area is too big. Daisuke Akatsuka (:daisuke) VERIFIED FIXED P2 S4
1710934 Hard-to-read URL bar text when using a theme with brighttext toolbar and darktext URL bar Harry Twyford VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1711111 Text in Tracking Protection milestone notification is off-center Andrei Oprea [:andreio] VERIFIED FIXED P2 S4
1711205 Proton specific color for dark theme is not applied on about:newtab RESOLVED DUPLICATE P2 S3
1711215 "Password Manager key" button doesn’t trigger the password panel if clicked near the edges Mike Conley (:mconley) (:⚙️) (PTO: July 22-26) VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1711296 very low contrast on container icons in dark theme preferences page :Gijs (he/him) VERIFIED FIXED P3 S3
1711317 Horizontal and vertical scrollbars in upgrade dialog at some Windows OS zoom/scaling settings Ed Lee :Mardak VERIFIED FIXED P2 --
1711350 Proton app menu doesn't fit in small screen NEW P2 S3
1711370 Mouse hover text is black with dark blue background in about:preferences applications action Itiel VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1711381 A page spamming `prompt()` can trigger window prompts when the containing browser window goes away :Gijs (he/him) VERIFIED FIXED P3 --
1711428 The “Sign in” hyperlink hover effect from the “about:welcome” page is missing on the AR build Emily McMinn :emcminn VERIFIED FIXED P2 S4
1711430 The second screen of the "about:welcome" page is skipped if a double click action is performed on the "Not now" secondary button from the first screen Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1711431 Long tab title is displayed without a fade on Windows 7 RESOLVED WONTFIX P2 S3
1711466 [macOS] Firefox remains stuck if closed while the master password modal is opened and close tabs and exit window is displayed. :Gijs (he/him) VERIFIED FIXED P2 S2
1711480 Remove proton doorhanger and modal pref changes from tests Michelle Goossens [:masterwayz] RESOLVED FIXED P3 --
1711497 Remove browser.proton.enabled checks/setters from tests Michelle Goossens [:masterwayz] RESOLVED FIXED P3 --
1711498 Remove checks for protonAppMenuEnabled or protonToolbarEnabled smart pref getters from tests Michelle Goossens [:masterwayz] RESOLVED FIXED P3 N/A
1711508 Remove PanelUI.protonAppMenuEnabled and CustomizableUI.protonToolbarEnabled smart pref getters and their consumers :Gijs (he/him) RESOLVED FIXED P3 N/A
1711515 Remove gProtonDoorhangers, gProtonDoorhangersEnabled, and gProtonAppMenuEnabled from various jsms and other frontend (non-test) code Michelle Goossens [:masterwayz] RESOLVED FIXED P3 N/A
1711523 Remove `protonEnabled` private tracking in various frontend modules :Gijs (he/him) RESOLVED FIXED P3 --
1711539 Update localization note for welcome page caption Emily McMinn :emcminn RESOLVED FIXED P2 --
1711580 [macOS] Row labels in about:support (first column) are illegible (white-on-white text) in macOS high contrast mode :Gijs (he/him) VERIFIED FIXED P2 normal
1711700 Empty experiment feature object for enabled aboutwelcome fails to render "content.screens is undefined" Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] VERIFIED FIXED P2 --
1711805 Extract uses of gBrowser in PrintUtils in a way that can be easily overridden Geoff Lankow (:darktrojan) RESOLVED FIXED -- --
1711858 [Onboarding] The last three letters of the "Fire starts here" string are barely visible when the browser inner window is 700 x 500 Ed Lee :Mardak VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1711860 The distance between Theme options from the third slide of the “about:welcome” page is inconsistent Ed Lee :Mardak VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1711899 The Sign in button should not be displayed on the Onboarding page when the `identity.fxaccounts.enabled` pref is set to false Ed Lee :Mardak VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1711942 The browser_aboutwelcome_multistage test is incompatible with Proton pref removed Ed Lee :Mardak VERIFIED FIXED P3 --
1712178 Update the noodles in about:welcome to match marketing colours Emily McMinn :emcminn VERIFIED FIXED P2 --
1712306 Telemetry for Close Tabs modal :Gijs (he/him) VERIFIED FIXED P2 N/A
1712802 Show Pin or Default or Start about:welcome with appropriate headline + button and no helper image Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] VERIFIED FIXED P2 --
1712847 No space / padding between subviewbutton nav arrow on connection security item in identity panel Emma Malysz VERIFIED FIXED -- S4
1712857 Upgrade dialog radio button theme selection text is white on hover Ed Lee :Mardak VERIFIED FIXED P2 S3
1712868 Upgrade onboarding: aria-live should not be set on entire dialog Ed Lee :Mardak VERIFIED FIXED P3 S3

73 Total; 7 Open (9.59%); 21 Resolved (28.77%); 45 Verified (61.64%);

Remaining P1s

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining P2as

Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Status Resolution Priority Severity
1706685 Bookmarks Toolbar overflow menu on macOS should use Firefox styling in MR1 instead of native styling NEW P2 --
1711350 Proton app menu doesn't fit in small screen NEW P2 S3
1705157 With native context menus enabled VoiceOver doesn’t read the password fields context menu options NEW P3 S3
1706476 [Intermittent] Update badge on application menu makes hamburger menu icon disappear when using Firefox Dark theme NEW P3 S4

4 Total; 4 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);