Firefox OS/Comms/1.4

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1.4 Sprint 1 - (Feb 14)

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g Target milestone
934916 [WAP push][CP] If a CP message is opened, newly coming CP or WAP push messages can still be opened but content is not displayed. Gaia::Wappush RESOLVED FIXED José Antonio Olivera Ortega [:jaoo] [FT:RIL] 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
942460 [Contacts] Implement position:sticky for fixed headers Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Kevin Grandon :kgrandon 945472, 945777 943849, 967277, 967292 [c=handeye p=4 s= u=1.3] [ETA:waiting_for_review] 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
945472 [Call Log] Implement position:sticky for fixed headers Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Kevin Grandon :kgrandon 945777 942460, 943849 [c=handeye p=2 s= u=1.3] 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
945481 [Messages] Implement position:sticky for fixed headers Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Kevin Grandon :kgrandon 945777 943849 [c=handeye p=2 s= u=1.3] 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
951130 Contacts Export view is visually incorrect Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) - 1.4 S1 (14feb)
962377 [B2G][Contacts] User is unable to sign out of a gmail account and in to another after importing contacts. Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 966216 927196 burirun1.3-2 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
963050 [SMS] Subject's line-height in composer is too high Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Fernando Campo (:fcampo) 919966 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
964833 Entering the edit mode in the Dialer call log is slow Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Anthony Ricaud (:rik) 965337 [c=effect p= s=2014.02.14 u=] --- 1.4 S1 (14feb)
966445 [Contacts] When viewing contact details as an activity (from Messages for example or Rocketbar), launching email activity doesn't work Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 957338 962566, 963504 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
966622 [contacts] import hangs at N-1 of N contacts imported from.vcf file on memory card/sd card Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Germán Toro del Valle (:gtorodelvalle) burirun1.3-3 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
966951 "Group Call" is inactive when received call is hung up Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Anthony Ricaud (:rik) 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
967272 Contacts spends to much time decoding image: Should be using thumbnails Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) 972245, 983740 942750, 965341, 968372, 969274, 1024553 [c=effect p= s= u=1.3] 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
967274 [Contacts] Background doesn't scroll with the contacts causing expensive over-invalidation Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Vivien Nicolas (:vingtetun) (:21) - (NOT reading bugmails, needinfo? please) 942750, 967818 [c=handeye p= s=2014.02.14 u=1.3] [ETA=2/7] 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
967277 [Contacts] Scrolling the contacts app causes reflow Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Vivien Nicolas (:vingtetun) (:21) - (NOT reading bugmails, needinfo? please) 942460, 997153 942750, 965307, 973850, 1005954 [c=handeye p= s=2014.02.14 u=1.3] [ETA=2/14] 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
967540 [Contacts] Exporting to SD card contacts imported from Gmail with invalid dates never ends Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Germán Toro del Valle (:gtorodelvalle) 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
967878 [Messages] Background doesn't scroll with the threads causing expensive over-invalidation Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Vivien Nicolas (:vingtetun) (:21) - (NOT reading bugmails, needinfo? please) 942750, 967818 [c=handeye p= s=2014.02.14 u=1.3] [ETA=2/7] 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)
968815 [SMS] Delete a SMS doesn't refresh the main list so it is outdated Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Fabien Cazenave [:kaze] 929919 1.3+ 1.4 S1 (14feb)

17 Total; 0 Open (0%); 12 Resolved (70.59%); 5 Verified (29.41%);

1.4 Sprint 2 - (Feb 28)

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g Target milestone
919977 [User Story][Messages] Support delivery reports Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] 887159, 927711, 933131, 933133, 943224, 949379, 961574 976427 [ucid:Comms28, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
929027 [Messages][Gallery] The option "Share with: Messages" are missing, when more than one file is selected Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED sasikala 854795, 992891 958307 [mentor=schung][ready-to-land-after-1.4-branching] [m+] --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
929817 [B2G] [1.2] [l10n] [Contacts]: Current location header from Facebook contacts is shown in English on every language Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera LocRun1.2 --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
946531 [B2G][Contacts] An infinite spinner will occur when performing a search on a large number of contacts Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED WORKSFORME [c=progress p= s=2014.02.28 u=] dogfood1.2 --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
947180 [DSDS][Message] Message notification informs of SIM Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] 975356, 981711, 984820, 985273 942446, 945641 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
948493 [SMS] message input box is really laggy when receiving focus Gaia::SMS RESOLVED WORKSFORME Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [c=effect p= s= u=] --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
958733 [cdma][supplementary services] GSM SS are being initiated when acquired on CDMA network Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] (PTO) 969218 726098, 976427 --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
959414 [B2G][Contacts] Cancelling out of editing or Updating a contact after importing displays broken UI Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 973853 1.3+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
961574 [Gaia][Messages] Display sent timestamp in received message report Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] 901457, 1043273 919977 --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
961950 [Sora][Message]The "message setting" menu should in "Messages"main screen. Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
962328 [B2G][SMS] The keyboard does not automatically appear when composing a new SMS Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Borja Salguero [:borjasalguero] burirun1.3-2 1.4+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
965853 Display SIM indication in missed call notification Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Anthony Ricaud (:rik) 977337, 979453 942446 --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
966566 [B2G][Dialer] Loading stays at 60% in the call log loading all past calls for an extended period (around 10 minutes) Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED DUPLICATE [c=progress p= s=2014.02.28 u=1.3] dogfood1.3 1.3+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
969280 [Dialer] dialer app modification according to Telephony API change, i.e. dial() returning a Promise Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Anthony Ricaud (:rik) 978104 969218 - 1.4 S2 (28feb)
970360 [gaia-ui-endurance] Increase in b2g memory consumption during add_contacts test Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED WONTFIX Ben Kelly [:bkelly, not reviewing] 968957, 968991 [c=memory p=3 s= u=][MemShrink:P1] --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
970377 [Messages][Drafts] Drafts are kept forever Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Rick Waldron [:rwaldron] 1.4+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
970832 [Contacts] Photos of Contacts aren't imported to device Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED :gerard-majax 980539 978011 [systemsfe] [p=3] 1.3+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
970835 [Contacts] The selection of contacts is slow AND scroll too when there are a lot of contacts to import Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) [c=progress p= s= u=] 1.3+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
972060 [B2G][Dialer][Contacts] Imported Facebook contact does not show existing phone number when adding information via Dialer app Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera burirun1.3-3 --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
973850 Images are not displayed anymore in link view Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 967277 1.3+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
973853 Images are not displayed the second time in link and import views Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 959414 1.3+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
974046 [Messages] Carrier tag bar width no longer 100% Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Fabien Cazenave [:kaze] 1.4+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
974081 Scrolling w/ the SMS App is Choppy and Checkerboards Gaia::SMS RESOLVED DUPLICATE Mason Chang [Inactive] [:mchang] 965593, 974025 [c=handeye p=4 s= u=1.4] --- 1.4 S2 (28feb)
974211 [B2G] [Dialer] Group call phone numbers are truncated Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] 979624 944340 burirun1.3-3, [systemsfe][p=3] 1.3+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
974646 [B2G][Contacts] Linking a Facebook contact to existing contact shows local image on contacts list, but Facebook picture in contact details Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 1.3+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
976275 PhoneNumberJS: update metadata Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Gregor Wagner [:gwagner] [systemsfe][p=1] 1.4+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
976663 [B2G][l10n][Contacts][All languages] Number Label name of Suggested Contacts to merge is not translated Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Francesco Lodolo [:flod] locrun1.3 1.4+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)
977619 [Dialer] Wrong l10n-id used in oncall.html (select-audio-source) Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Francesco Lodolo [:flod] 900801 1.4+ 1.4 S2 (28feb)

28 Total; 0 Open (0%); 19 Resolved (67.86%); 9 Verified (32.14%);

1.4 Sprint 3 - (Mar 14)

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g Target milestone
838605 [CONTACTS][FACEBOOK] Inconsistent notification of the number of Facebook friends available to import Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera interaction [UX-P2], [TEF_REQ] 1.4+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
926572 [B2G][Contacts] Last name appears twice when merging an imported SIM contact with Facebook contact Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 899525 permafail --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
935045 Allow the user to enter birth date in contact add and contact edit Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 973648, 974341 891754, 987966 --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
943845 [Gallery] There is a little delay between before rendering the images while panning. Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Vivien Nicolas (:vingtetun) (:21) - (NOT reading bugmails, needinfo? please) 942750 980412 [c=handeye p=3 u=1.4 s=2014.03.14] 1.4+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
946866 [DSDS][Dialer] On-the-fly SIM change when calling Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 972150, 982723, 983054, 1093583, 1093585 921971, 942446, 945641, 978300, 980208, 980982, 982163, 982226 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
946874 [DSDS][Dialer] Display receiving SIM on call screen Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) 984882, 1093589 942446, 945641 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
947131 [DSDS]Call Log shows which SIM was involved in call Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) 1093608 942446, 945641, 984475 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
947139 [DSDS][Message] Send message via default SIM Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] 983858 942446, 945641, 947140, 974315 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
947142 [DSDS][Message] Message Report show SIM information Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] 942446, 945641, 978705 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
947161 [DSDS][Message] Message Report shows received SIM information Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] 942446, 945641 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
947186 [DSDS][Contacts] Calling from Contact Details Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 942446, 945641 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
947189 [DSDS][Contacts] Long tap on contacts details to choose SIM Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 949707 942446, 945641, 947140 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
972091 [B2G][Contacts] Header bar, search bar and all contacts can be completely missing on the main contacts' view window Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 909877, 983176 burirun1.3-3, dogfood1.4 1.3+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
972600 [B2G][Contacts] After merging duplicate contacts selecting edit contact button brings up "Add contact" screen Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Germán Toro del Valle (:gtorodelvalle) 982084, 982260, 983777 burirun1.3-3 1.3+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
972803 [Tarako] slow response when end calls while music playing Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED WORKSFORME [c=progress p= s=2014.03.14 u=tarako] [SI-testing-blocker] 1.3T+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
974296 Facebook Link view is broken Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Paco Rampas [:paco] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
974315 [DSDS][Message] Send message using the 'always ask' option Gaia::SMS RESOLVED DUPLICATE Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 947139, 947140 942446, 945641 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
974733 [Sora][Message] We should not change panels when handling the "sending" event on the window that does not send the message Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] 1.3+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
976999 [Sora][Message][MMS]Some of the text content lost when forward the MMS. Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] 1.3+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
977145 [dialer] Make AM/PM localizable when displaying clock Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Francesco Lodolo [:flod] 968062 1.4+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
977680 [Messages] Remove position: sticky as it hurts scrolling performance Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Vivien Nicolas (:vingtetun) (:21) - (NOT reading bugmails, needinfo? please) 982862 942750 [c=handeye p= s=2014.03.14 u=] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
978011 Unload properly Image Loader when syncing/importing Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 970832 1.3+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
978031 [B2G][Dialer] Incorrect message after trying to use dialer in Airplane mode Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Anthony Ricaud (:rik) 969218, 978024 [fromAutomation][xfail] 1.4+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
978067 [Call Log] Remove position: sticky as it hurts scrolling performance Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Vivien Nicolas (:vingtetun) (:21) - (NOT reading bugmails, needinfo? please) 942750 [c=handeye p= s=2014.03.14 u=] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
979018 [Messages] Background doesn't always scroll with Content Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Mason Chang [Inactive] [:mchang] [c=handeye p=1 s= u=] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
979330 In contacts edit if the type of a field changes in the selection box the done button is enabled Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
979624 [B2G][Dialer][All languages] Performing a call while in a call wil cause the contacts name to overlap the "connecting" text Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] 967050, 974211 LocRun1.3, perf-reviewed [systemsfe][p=3] 1.3+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
980208 [DSDS][Dialer] Call button should display default SIM Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 946866 942446, 945641 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
980650 Contact birthday is always off by 1 Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera [fxos-bug-bash-1.4] 1.4+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
981159 [B2G][Contacts] Unfriend Facebook friends are not removed from the user's contacts after import Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera burirun1.4-1 1.4+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
981521 [Sora][WAP Push] the phone can not Receive SI Signal-None push message from NowSMS Gaia::Wappush RESOLVED FIXED Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] (PTO) 1.3+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
981711 [Messages][DSDS] Bug 947180 broke the SIM switch Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] 947180 1.4+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
982150 [B2G][SMS] An SMS is not displayed after hit "Send". The user is unable to open and view any of the sent or received SMSs from the messages list. Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED 981327 1.4+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)
982723 [DSDS][Dialer] Change uses of mozMobileConnections to mozIccManager Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 946866 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S3 (14mar)
983176 [B2g][Contacts] Unresponsive "done" button while searching FB contacts Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 972091 1.3+ 1.4 S3 (14mar)

35 Total; 0 Open (0%); 18 Resolved (51.43%); 17 Verified (48.57%);

1.4 Sprint 4 - (Mar 28)

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g Target milestone
947140 [DSDS][Message] Long tap to send message Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 947139, 947189, 983215 921971, 942446, 945641, 974315, 983411, 984446, 984449 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
951670 Contacts list edit mode: Update layout Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) 950765, 965885, 965887, 986055 ux-tracking, visual design, visual-tracking, bokken --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
972308 [DIALER]slow response when click on dialer panel Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED ying.xu 917193, 967440 [c=progress p= s= u=] 1.3T+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
975618 importLiveOption and importGmail option seem backwards Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Fernando Campo (:fcampo) --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
977368 [B2G][Contacts] The export footer message gets stuck in contacts after exporting multiple times Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Fernando Campo (:fcampo) --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
978814 [DSDS] RIL should re-use currently in-use SIM cards Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 942446, 985888 [cr 639080] 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
979026 [Messages] SMS app Checkerboards while scrolling Gaia::SMS RESOLVED WORKSFORME Mason Chang [Inactive] [:mchang] 972731 [c=handeye p=4 s= u=1.4] 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
979833 inconsistent presentation of message that number is not in FDN list. Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Anthony Ricaud (:rik) 978130 --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
980070 90% CPU load in parent after re-opening message app Gaia::SMS RESOLVED INCOMPLETE [c=power p= s=2014.03.28 u=] --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
981401 [Messages] Notification does not vanish when the SMS is read when going back from sleep Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] 855165 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
981468 [Sora][Call] [MPTY] Can't hide keypad during a multiparty call. Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) 1.3+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
982080 [Contacts] JSHint fixes for js/utilities Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 981076 --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
983038 [DSDS] Unable to send DTMF tone for SIM 2 voice connection with IVR system. Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] (PTO) dsdsrun1.4 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
983054 [Dialer] Cannot make a outgoing call from suggestion bar Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 942446, 946866 [xfail] 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
983594 Avoid making several calls from detail view at the same time Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) - 1.4 S4 (28mar)
983777 [B2G][Contacts] Tapping the Favorite button on an imported facebook contact will break the Edit Contact button. Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 972600 dogfood1.4 1.3+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
983885 Contact app leaks memory over a period of time and killed by LMK Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Ben Kelly [:bkelly, not reviewing] [CR 615380][MemShrink:P2][c=memory p=3 s= u=1.3] 1.3+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
984153 Add a background color to the thread list |ul| element Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Vivien Nicolas (:vingtetun) (:21) - (NOT reading bugmails, needinfo? please) 992233 --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
984315 Follow-up Bug 947189. Polish contact button content according to the length of operator, tel number and SIM indicator Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Michał Budzyński (:michalbe) 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
984399 Contacts list is not properly updated when importing a new FB Friend Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
984882 L10n follow up - Display receiving SIM on call screen Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) 946874 [ucid:, 1.4, ft:comms] 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
985795 Contacts unit test fails due to missing utils.misc.vcardToContact function Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Kyle Machulis [:qdot] [:kmachulis] (INACTIVE) 914584 [systemsfe] [p=2] --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
985888 [DSDS] SIM indicators should display currently in-use SIM cards Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 978814, 980982 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
985938 [Contacts] Select mode checkbox is being overlaped by facebook indicator Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Joan Leon [:joan] --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
985948 When contact is added without name/surname (for example with only phone number) and it is edited you can see empty title Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Fernando Campo (:fcampo) --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
986047 [B2G][Dialer]Cannot select 'Add Comment' when creating a new contact through the dialer app Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 947099 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
986433 [Messages][Refresh] Messages Inbox edit mode Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) 950175, 986055, 993388 --- 1.4 S4 (28mar)
986465 [Messaging] In list of messages to delete, contact name overlaps the photo Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] 972245 1.3+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
987024 [Contacts] Can not make a call from Contacts with bug 980982 applied Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 988754 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)
988399 [B2G][Contacts] Contacts birthday set to January first incorrectly shows previous year Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 1.4+ 1.4 S4 (28mar)

30 Total; 0 Open (0%); 20 Resolved (66.67%); 10 Verified (33.33%);

1.4 Sprint 5 - Apr 11

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g Target milestone
951687 [Messages] Thread. Update file icon placeholders Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] 1026528 950175, 965885, 965887 ux-tracking, visual design, visual-tracking, bokken --- 1.4 S5 (11apr)
963963 ~2s delay after hitting the call button Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED DUPLICATE 949551 [c=effect p= s=2014.04.11 u=] --- 1.4 S5 (11apr)
966224 [VDR][Contacts] Apply Buttons and Input areas [BB] Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) 967843, 999332 950765, 965889 ux-tracking, visual design, visual-tracking, bokken --- 1.4 S5 (11apr)
977480 [Sora][Call][Voicemail] The "Response time" is too long when user press and hold the number 1 to call voicemail number. Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED DUPLICATE [c=effect p= s=2014.04.11 u=] --- 1.4 S5 (11apr)
978696 [Sora][Contacts] The vCard exported from Soul 3.5 FF can not be imported into Android devices. Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Sergi Mansilla [:sergi] (Telenor) [PTO] 1.3+ 1.4 S5 (11apr)
983631 [Messages] After deleting a message thread the notification persists forever Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] 855165 1.4+ 1.4 S5 (11apr)
987211 [B2G][Dialer][Lockscreen] Time is not visible when receiving call while screen is locked Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 980984 1.3T+ 1.4 S5 (11apr)
987445 [B2G][SMS]Delete button behavior intermittently unexpected when no conversations are selected Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] 943822 burirun1.4-2 1.3+ 1.4 S5 (11apr)
988139 [b2g][tarako] In phone call, can't switch back to bt sco after switch to speaker Gaia::Dialer VERIFIED FIXED Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [tarako_only] 1.3T+ 1.4 S5 (11apr)
988430 [B2G][Contacts] Cancelling on allow offline access page for importing Gmail contacts brings user to blank page Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED --- 1.4 S5 (11apr)
988772 [tarako][buri] sometimes contact index shows nothing when tap on a index Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] [sprd294195] 1.3T+ 1.4 S5 (11apr)
989899 [VDR][Messages] Apply Buttons and Input areas [BB] Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Joan Leon [:joan] 950175 --- 1.4 S5 (11apr)
989909 vcard Export / Import does not deal with birthday and anniversary Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 1.4+ 1.4 S5 (11apr)
990002 [Import] Move Utilities to shared Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Fernando Campo (:fcampo) 950018, 989985, 989986, 989987, 990079, 990081 --- 1.4 S5 (11apr)
990496 [Contacts] Error when user tries to cancel importing contacts Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 1.3+ 1.4 S5 (11apr)
990528 [Messaging][Visual refresh][Regression] Adding several recipients breaks the layout Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) 950175 --- 1.4 S5 (11apr)
993388 [Followup][Messages][Refresh] Messages Inbox edit mode Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) 986433 --- 1.4 S5 (11apr)
995097 Contact photos are not always imported. Bug 970832 did not fix the problem Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 998905 --- 1.4 S5 (11apr)

18 Total; 0 Open (0%); 9 Resolved (50%); 9 Verified (50%);

1.4 Sprint 6 - Apr 25

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g Target milestone
885545 Create Blobs for Contact photos in the VCF importer Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Sergi Mansilla [:sergi] (Telenor) [PTO] 878820, 885546, 989306 permafail --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
918347 [contacts] refactor CSS to support improve load time Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED WONTFIX [c=progress p= s=2014.04.25 u=] - 1.4 S6 (25apr)
936321 [B2G][Helix][Dial Pad][HanCheng]First time enter dial pad is a little slowly. Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED WONTFIX [c=progress p= s=2014.04.25 u=helix] --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
965854 Display SIM indication in voicemail notification Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) 942446, 998972 1.4+ 1.4 S6 (25apr)
978130 [FDN] Misleading message when trying to send an SMS in FDN mode Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Sergi Mansilla [:sergi] (Telenor) [PTO] 979833 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
983315 [Messages][DSDS] Provide a feedback while we're switching the data APN to send a MMS Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] 990368, 1076703 942446 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
988760 [Sora][IOT]Device doesn't play "busy line" tone when calling busy line but a very loud tone Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] (PTO) 943138, 984498 952893 [cert] 1.3+ 1.4 S6 (25apr)
989923 [Contacts][Refactor] New app to host Contacts DataStore in test apps Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 968098 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
991114 [Contacts] Invalid text when user delete multiple contacts Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 956219 2.0+ 1.4 S6 (25apr)
991141 [Follow up from Bug 956219] Look and feel for "Delete contacts" button under Settings Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 990478, 994653 950765, 956219 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
992233 Bug 984153 regressed the background color for suggestions list Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Steve Chung [:steveck] 984153 1.4+ 1.4 S6 (25apr)
992263 regression found on datazilla in cold_load_time test for most apps Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED DUPLICATE Jon Hylands [:jhylands] [c=progress p= s= u=2.0] [b2gperf_regression] QARegressExclude 2.0+ 1.4 S6 (25apr)
992946 [VDR] Update thread's image previews style to match the refresh Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] 950175 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
992948 Use the telephony-call-ended system message to fill call log Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) 990003 [1.4-approval-needed] 1.3T+ 1.4 S6 (25apr)
993151 [B2G][Contacts]When editing a Facebook contact, the blue highlight box does not fully cover the section that can't be edited Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) 995984 950765 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
993406 [Contacts][unit test] Follow up 909201: Add unit test to search view when a contacts change Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 909201 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
993807 [OPEN C_1.3] Send ussd fail Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [cert] 1.3+ 1.4 S6 (25apr)
994761 [B2G][Tarako][Dialer] Cannot hear sound the first 4-7 seconds of an active phone call Gaia::Dialer RESOLVED FIXED sam.hua [c=progress p= s= u=tarako] [POVB] 1.3T+ 1.4 S6 (25apr)
995173 [Messages] The in-app notification for the "message is too big" state should not disappear after 2 seconds Gaia::SMS VERIFIED FIXED Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] 952109 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
995605 [Sora][Message][MMS]Can't add the text in content when forward a media MMS. Gaia::SMS RESOLVED FIXED Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [cert][ETA:20140428][p=1] 1.3+ 1.4 S6 (25apr)
995984 [Contacts] input type date is not using the right style Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) 950765, 993151 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
996776 [Messages] Speed up reflowing by improving CSS selectors and properties Gaia::SMS RESOLVED WONTFIX 888135, 893838 [c=handeye p= s=2014.04.25 u=] --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
998905 After importing contacts photos are not shown in the contacts list Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 995097 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
999332 Contact's name appears below the "X" button Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) 966224 --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)
1001314 Misaligned checkboxes and texts in search mode within multiple selection Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) --- 1.4 S6 (25apr)

25 Total; 0 Open (0%); 20 Resolved (80%); 5 Verified (20%);