Firefox OS Data Sync/Scrum/fxos-s5

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Sprint dates


  • Start: August 7th
  • End: August 21th

List of bugs

Issues for this sprint

Full Query
ID Summary Component Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g Feature b2g Target milestone
1191771 Syncto documentation Sync FIXED Michiel de Jong [:michielbdejong] 824026 --- --- FxOS-S5 (21Aug)
1191774 Kinto.js next steps discussion Sync FIXED Michiel de Jong [:michielbdejong] 824026 --- --- FxOS-S5 (21Aug)

2 Total; 2 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Full Query
ID Summary Component Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g Feature b2g Target milestone
1187223 [CloudStorage] Implement File System Provider API DOM: Core & HTML WONTFIX Kershaw Chang [:kershaw] 772528 1164750, 1210336, 1210338, 1235960 --- --- 2.6 S7 - 2/12
1188230 [CloudStorage] Cloud Storage Fundamental infrastructure on FirefoxOS General WONTFIX Eden Chuang[:edenchuang] 1164750 --- --- FxOS-S11 (13Nov)

2 Total; 2 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);



Actions taken from last sprint

Things that went well

Things that went not that well

Actions for this sprint