Identity/Spread Persona/Common Questions

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Placeholder: page for common questions that presenters always get asked and a canonical answer to use.

Open ID


  • What's the rationale behind using email addresses for identity instead of something like a certificate in the browser which contains email as one of the fields?
    • Email addresses are simple for users. Users know their email addresses, they also know how to create new ones if they want separate identities.
    • Most sites already need (and have) their users' email addresses to engage with them.
  • Is there an alternative to the popup?
    • We are using a redirect flow on certain platforms that don't support popups.
    • We are currently considering making this redirect flow more widely available.


  • Doesn't the verifier get a log of all websites users log into? Are there libraries that do assertion verification without using the online verifier? What languages are they in?
    • While the online verifier gets to see where users are logging into, the use of the verifier is not mandatory. Sites can do their own local verification.
    • To make this easier, we are building verification libraries that currently make use of the online verifier but which can later be "upgraded" to do verification locally.
    • There are currently libraries for Python, Perl, Node.js and PHP.
  • Isn't Big Tent leaking history to Yahoo?
    • No, all that Yahoo can see is that you're logging into



  • Is the assertion signed or could the RP tamper with it?
    • The assertion is signed using the browser's private key so it cannot be modified by the RP or the IdP.
  • If you're asking for email addresses and passwords, aren't most users just going to give your their email password?
    • That's possible, but the goal is for users to authenticate directly with their Persona-enabled email providers.
  • Why is the fallback IdP asking for a password is the whole point of Persona is to get rid of passwords?
    • This is to avoid asking users to click an email link every time they want to log into a site.
    • We are currently considering giving users the option to opt out of setting a password (and choose to confirm via email every time instead).
  • Can you restrict which identity providers are allowed on your site?
    • Yes, the easiest way is to extract the domain from the email address returned by Persona and check it against a whitelist.
    • Alternatively if your users have an IdP with native support, you can check the issuer field inside the certificate.
  • What prevents an attacker from stealing an assertion on the wire?
    • We recommend that sites send assertions to their back-end over HTTPS.
    • To further mitigate this, assertions have a short expiry.


  • What kinds of personal information can an RP request from the user?
    • Only the email address.
  • What's the incentive for RPs to implement Persona?
    • Better user flow, no need to secure passwords.
  • Should the button be sign in or register, or two different buttons (which do the same thing)?
    • One option is "Sign in / Register" on the same button (see developers area on Marketplace).
  • What will RPs have to change on their site once email providers or browsers add native support for Persona?
    • Nothing.
  • Do you offer a way for sites to self-host the JS file and then remove the need to load anything from

End User

  • Why is JavaScript required?
  • What's the story with shared computers?
    • The first time you use Persona we assume you're on a shared computer. The second time, we ask you.
    • On shared computers, the certificate validity and session duration are kept very small.
  • It's unfortunate that users have to pick a new password for Will that go away?
    • Yes, when a user's IdP switch to native Persona support or when an identity bridge for it is released.


  • Are there plans to create a Facebook identity bridge?
    • We have built a prototype for it, but decided not to use it because most users don't know what their Facebook email address is.
  • Is there potential for an OpenID 2 bridge?
  • Do you think that building a bridge to GMail makes Google less likely to implement full native support? Have you talked to Google about it?
  • Is there a way for a Google Apps domain to delegate to the GMail bridge?
    • No because we don't have an authoritative way of finding out from Google whether or not a domain is hosted on Google Apps.


  • Does the certificate given by your email provider expire?
    • Yes, in fact there are two expiries.
    • When the browser generates its public and private keys, it sets an expiration on them.
    • When the email provider signs the browser's public key, it sets an expiration on the signature.
    • If either of these expirations have passed, the certificate is deemed invalid.
  • Why do we force the use of HTTPS and not use DNS?
  • Does Persona rely on TLS certificate authorities, which is a centralized point?
    • Yes, just like the rest of the web.
    • This means that Persona benefits from the ongoing work to make TLS more secure and transparent.
    • Note that it also relies on another centralized point: DNS.
  • How does someone become an IdP?
  • Which Persona identity providers support 2-factor auth currently? Will the fallback IdP support 2-factor auth?
  • Isn't Persona's security entirely dependent on the email provider keeping other people away from your emails?
    • Yes, but so are other sites. If an attacker can read your emails, he/she can reset your password on most sites and gain access that way.
    • An identity provider is by definition an entity that you trust not to let other people impersonate you.
  • If someone is doing a DoS on your HTTPS site, can they break/compromise authentication for your domain?
    • It depends whether or not has already noticed that you site has native support.
    • If it has, it will show some kind of "IdP down" message, otherwise it will use the fallback IdP.
  • How does IdP key revocation work?
    • When an IdP changes to a new key, existing certificates will become invalid since verifiers will fetch the new public key.
    • Note that verifiers will most likely cache the certificates for a short period of time.
    • We recommend that IdPs set appropriate caching headers on their support documents.
  • How can claim to verify an ISP's users without the ISP being involved and having the ability to revoke these?
    • The fallback IdP sends a confirmation email to a user the first time they use an email address. Only the owner of the email address can read that email and click the link.
  • How do you find the IdP's public key when you verify an assertion?
  • Can this work with 2-factor authentication?
    • Yes, the authentication mechanism is entirely up to the identity provider.
    • All that an IdP needs to supply is a login page and a way for the browser to get certificates signed.
  • What happens to the existing passwords once a domain adds native support?
    • They are no longer used because native IdPs take precendence over the fallback IdP
  • What happens when an identity provider goes down?
    • Initially, users of that IdP can't login.
    • If it's like that for an extended period of time, then Persona will switch back to the fallback.
    • Just like with email servers, they are never all up and they are never all down. At any given time, you can find a broken email server, but the system as a whole is highly resilient due to its decentralized nature.


  • When will Persona be part of Google Chrome and is Google still committed to BrowserID?
    • We are currently building native support for Persona in Firefox. Once that's done, we will start talking to other browser vendors.
    • Until then, it is a bit premature since we don't know for sure what problems browser developers will run into.


  • How does it work on mobile?
    • If you can display a web view, you can use Persona.
    • Note that Persona replaces the authentication step, not authorization.
    • Most apps will want to authenticate once and then exchange a token that will be used for any further communication between the app and the server.
    • This is better than asking users to login every time they open the app, or saving the user's credentials on the phone directly.


  • How does the system move private keys around a user's multiple devices?
    • It doesn't move any keys, each device has its own private key.
    • You can have more than one valid private key at any one time.
  • Do we have any thoughts about what the FIDO Alliance [8] is doing?
    • TODO!
  • Can you use your own domain and use a different username for each website you log into?
    • Yes. If you have your own domain, you can make up a different email for each site and configure your IdP to use the same password for all of them.
  • "Is it possible to reset my Persona password using my phone number?"
    • No because we don't store your phone number.
  • Is Persona accessible?
    • Our user testing has shown that it is, but it is obviously an ongoing issue and you should file a bug if you run into any problems.
  • How can I contribute to Persona / BrowserID?
  • What guarantees do I have that you're not going to drop this project and leave me hanging?
    • Federation of identity is very important to Mozilla and we are dedicating significant resources to it.
    • We use Persona on most Mozilla properties, so we can't just turn it off.