Activate Mozilla Community
Activate Mozilla Community campaign aims at the grassroots of volunteer contributions. We want to bring more clarity on what are the most important areas to contribute to at Mozilla right now by providing guidance to mobilizers on how to recruit contributors and create community around meaningful Mozilla projects. It also encourages mobilization of one’s community by predominantly focusing on special initiatives like Web Compatibility, Rust, WebVR, Add-ons as well as non-technical ones like Community Participation Guidelines and privacy policy.
-Using & Testing Nightly This activity has great potential to make an impact by increasing overall involvement in Nightly, simply by introducing community to tasks that they can engage in related to Nightly. Finding and filing issues early in the cycle means by the time Firefox gets to release, the code is in good shape.
-Build Your Own WebExtension Add-on for Firefox Add-ons provide a safe, simple, and powerful way to personalize your browsing experience. With WebExtensions APIs, it’s easier than ever to create extensions that can be easily ported to Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Opera. Through this activity you’ll help connect new developers with an opportunity to create add-ons to solve real problems and make their lives and the web better.
-Dive Into Rust Rust is a systems programming language important to the future of the web. It runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety. With your help, we want more developers to understand, use and evangelize this language in order to make the web better and more secure.
-Host a Technology Talk with Tech Speakers! As Mozilla we’re working to help to keep the internet healthy, open and accessible to all but we can’t do it alone. We need to engage with people who are on the front lines of building the internet: web developers, designers, and other technologists who care about the open web. We need to get them excited about Mozilla as a technology leader.
-WebVR Camp A-Frame is a web framework for building virtual reality experiences, making it easy for anyone to get involved with virtual reality. Run events to onboard developers into 3D and write some great demos. This will advance WebVR, an open platform for virtual reality that leverages the Web.
-Web Compatibility Sprint Web Compatibility, the ability for all Web content to run in all browsers, is important. There are multiple web content engines running on multiple devices, and sometimes with a little testing and some small tweaks to their site, developers can ensure that more users can have the full experience that is desired. Test sites and spread the message about compatibility.
-Community Participation Guidelines Larissa Shapiro, and the D&I Team at Mozilla have been busy this year, developing a 2.0 of the Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines(CPG), and we are bringing this draft to you, Mozilla’s community, for feedback before release in early April. Completing this activity is a valuable contribution to Mozilla,and recognition of that contribution is included as a final step.
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Activate Mozilla Best Practices
Mozilla India Gear Store(Swags)
Budget and Swag Process for Reps
If you need budget, file the budget request through the usual process and then follow the swag request process. Create the event page on reps and select MozActivate as initiative. Here File your budget request. Here File your swag request as per process-2. Here Once your budget is approved, your swag will be processed.
If you are going for zero budget event, you can directly file a swag request from reps. Create the event page on reps and select MozActivate as initiative. Here Fill up the form the regular way. Mark the Whiteboard as “MozActivateIN” Mention the estimated attendees and T-Shirt Size after creating the swag request. Here Once your event has been reviewed, your swag will be processed.
* Plan all your request 3 weeks in advance to get the swag processed in time. * Once the swag request is approved then it will processed within two weeks. * Swag request which is approved on or before Tuesday will be processed on Saturday of same week. * Swag request which is approved after Tuesday will be processed on Saturday of next week. * There will be no EXCEPTION to the process as this is being run by Volunteers. * Avoid pinging people personally. Please comment in Bugzilla if you have any concern about the swag request. * If you have any concern/feedback then drop a mail to Kiki / Konstantina. * Non-Reps can contact any local Reps for the same. Here * Courier/Packing & Sending: We will use India Speed post Courier system which can deliver your swags in 72 hours within India. * India Speed post Tracking
All communication related to your swag request will take place on the bug. We have created a telegram group for event discussion and reporting. Please contact us to join the Telegram group. Write an informative report/blog so that other people can follow. Contact: Umesh Agarwal <umesh(dot)agarwal1(at)gmail(dot)com> Prathamesh Chavan <musicandprathamesh(at)gmail(dot)com> Rizki Kelimutu <rkelimutu(at)mozilla(dot)com> Konstantina Papadea <kpapadea(at)mozilla(dot)com>
Swag Pack:
10-50 Participant:
One T-shirt 10-50 Topic Related Round Stickers like Rust/ WebVR / Mozilla Round Stickers 10-50 Mozilla WordMark 10-50 Mozilla Firefox Round Sticker
50-100 Participant:
One/Two T-shirt 50 Topic Related Round Stickers like Rust / WebVR / Mozilla Round Stickers 50-100 Mozilla WordMark 50-100 Mozilla Firefox Round Sticker
100-150 Participant
One/Two T-shirt 100-150 Topic Related Round Stickers like Rust / WebVR / Mozilla Round Stickers 100-150 Mozilla WordMark 100-150 Mozilla Firefox Round Sticker
150-300 Participant:
One-Three T-shirt 150-300 Topic Related Round Stickers like Rust / WebVR / Mozilla Round Stickers 150-300 Mozilla WordMark 150-300 Mozilla Firefox Round Sticker
300+ Participant:
One-Three T-shirt for Organizer 150-300 Topic Related Round Stickers like Rust / WebVR / Mozilla Round Stickers 150-300 Mozilla WordMark 150-300 Mozilla Firefox Round Sticker