Innovation/Experiment Setup
These instructions are here in order to avoid duplicating work among projects. If something needs to work differently for a particular experiment, that's fine, but it might go a little more slowly.
- Contract: this is a standard Mozilla contract, with copyright assignment by default. Assignments are for the project deliverables only, not for open source work on non-deliverables that you do in the course of the project. Structure the project deliverables carefully in order to make clear what is and is not a deliverable.
- Statement of Work: specifies the deliverables and dates
Contracts are sent using Adobe EchoSign after initial review. So far we have done US and Canada contracts, and other countries are available. The contract will contain instructions for invoicing Mozilla for the deliverables and for expenses. It's pretty straightforward and you can use a standard invoice template.
Mozilla accounts
- LDAP: Needed for access to the Mozilla Hacks blog.
Coming soon. Experiments will be able to submit containers to run within the Mozilla Participation Systems infrastructure.
Communications Plan
How to get the word about about your project.
- Principal investigator's blog
- Mozilla Open Innovation Medium site - good for project overview and discussion of impact.
- Mozilla Hacks blog - specific web technologies that a project uses. Intro articles welcome. An overview of a new technology from a developer coming from a different background would be ideal for Mozilla Hacks.
- other contributed articles and interviews.
It's better to learn about requirements and interests for potential places to publish your work as early as possible. Many media sites have long lead times and in order for an article to run at the most effective time it must be scheduled well in advance.