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Security bugs

B2G 1.4 (Dolphin) Blockers (Gecko 30)

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

B2G 2.0 Blockers (Gecko 32)

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

B2G 2.1 Blockers (Gecko 34)

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta Tracking Bugs (Firefox 128)

Currently in BETA channel
Moves to RELEASE week of July 9, 2024

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Aurora Tracking Bugs (Firefox 54)

Currently in AURORA channel
Moves to BETA week of July 9, 2024

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Nightly Tracking Bugs (Firefox 129)

Currently in NIGHTLY channel
Moves to BETA week of July 9, 2024

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Keywords Priority Status Assigned to
719114 Crash in [@ js::GCMarker::processMarkStackTop ] from heap corruption [unactionable], ShutDownKill crash, stalled, topcrash, topcrash-android-armv7, topcrash-mac, topcrash-win -- NEW
787879 Crashes while sweeping [js:p1][unactionable], qa-not-actionable crash, regression, stalled, topcrash, topcrash-mac, topcrash-win -- NEW
858032 [meta] crashes in EnterBaseline / EnterJit [file separate bugs for specific reproducible cases][unactionable], ShutDownKill crash, meta, topcrash, topcrash-startup, topcrash-win P5 NEW
1472062 [meta] OOM while evicting the nursery [MemShrink:P2][tbird crash][qa-not-actionable] crash, meta, top50, topcrash P3 NEW
1541905 Crash in [@ js::gc::StoreBuffer::MonoTypeBuffer<T>::trace] crash, regression, stalled, topcrash P3 NEW
1639157 Crash while collecting the nursery crash, stalled, topcrash P3 NEW
1799300 Crash in [@ js::gc::CellWithTenuredGCPointer<T>::headerPtr] crash, regression, stalled, topcrash, topcrash-startup P5 NEW
1801916 Crash in [@ js::frontend::ParseNode::getKind] crash, topcrash P3 NEW
1838277 Crash in [@ js::gc::TenuredCell::zoneFromAnyThread] crash, stalled, topcrash P3 NEW
1863599 Crash in [@ shutdownhang | js::frontend::ScopeStencil::appendScopeStencilAndData<T>] topcrash P3 NEW
1868775 MOZ_CRASH(invalid node kind) in [@ js::frontend::RewritingParseNodeVisitor<T>::visit] crash, topcrash P3 NEW

11 Total; 11 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Perf Regressions

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Keywords Priority Status Assigned to
797401 Array concatenation 9 times slower in Firefox than in Chrome [js:p2] perf, regression -- NEW
969765 Regression with javascript performance perf, regression -- NEW
1037764 Significant performance regression in JSIL test case (array operations?) caused by generational GC perf, regression -- NEW
1152893 [meta] Investigate remaining performance regressions in promises due to async stacks meta, perf, regression -- NEW
1190723 BitcoinBench perf regressions on SHA, Scrypt, AddressChain, and AES tests perf, regression P3 NEW
1207987 3% Linux*/WinXP/MacOS* tp5o memory regression on Mozilla-Inbound-Non-PGO (v.44) on September 22, 2015 from push ad320eee186e1f57aef89c322148cc3d73c3fc91 [talos_regression] perf, regression -- NEW
1619502 1.12 - 1.22% Base Content JS (windows7-32, windows7-32-shippable) regression on push d93e9fef86dd098bfce6b2e7b16da0366298a4b0 (Fri February 28 2020) perf, perf-alert, regression P3 NEW
1645651 Changes in Reddit's comment section JS code makes selecting text slow on Nightly perf, regression P2 NEW
1833078 2.02% Base Content Heap Unclassified (Windows) regression on Mon May 8 2023 perf, perf-alert, regression P3 ASSIGNED Alex Thayer [:alexical] (she/her)
1834526 Large fetch in Web Worker in extension causes hang in Firefox extension process perf:resource-use, perf:responsiveness, regression, reproducible P2 NEW
1895678 7.54 - 4.26% pdfpaint colorspace_atan.pdf / pdfpaint bug1650302_reduced.pdf + 6 more (Linux, OSX, Windows) regression on Thu April 25 2024 [sp3] perf, perf-alert, regression, talos-regression P2 ASSIGNED Alex Thayer [:alexical] (she/her)

11 Total; 11 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

P1 Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Keywords Priority Status Assigned to
1450787 Decide what to do with the javascript.options.gc_on_memory_pressure pref on Android [fxdroid] [foundation] [group1] P1 ASSIGNED Kayacan Kaya [:kaya]
1670403 [meta] Cache Stencils across Documents meta P1 NEW
1707066 [meta] Improve performance on ReactDOM meta P1 NEW
1728273 USER_INACTIVE GCs do not collect all zones perf-alert P1 REOPENED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1729502 [meta] SpiderMonkey Site Issues meta P1 NEW
1729503 [meta] SpiderMonkey Intermittents meta P1 NEW
1729504 [meta] SpiderMonkey Crashes meta P1 NEW
1729506 [meta] SpiderMonkey Frontend meta P1 NEW
1729507 [meta] Assemblers / MacroAssemblers / Trampolines meta P1 NEW
1729508 [meta] Garbage Collection meta P1 NEW
1729509 [meta] Optimizing Compiler meta P1 NEW
1729511 [meta] JavaScript Language meta P1 NEW
1729513 [meta] SpiderMonkey Fuzzing & Instrumentation & Security meta P1 NEW
1729514 [meta] SpiderMonkey Runtime meta P1 NEW
1729515 [meta] SpiderMonkey Defects meta P1 NEW
1729516 [meta] Just-In-Time Compilers meta P1 NEW
1729518 [meta] SpiderMonkey meta P1 NEW
1778392 Fix narrowing conversion warnings for Imm32/Address/BaseIndex P1 ASSIGNED Iain Ireland [:iain]
1785806 Add import-meta-resolve.any.html and import-meta-object.any.html wpt tests P1 NEW Yoshi Cheng-Hao Huang [:allstars.chh][:allstarschh][:yoshi]
1786007 Add a fake Navigation Cache to instrument it with telemetry P1 ASSIGNED Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp]
1786298 Improve documentation comments for module object slots P1 NEW Jon Coppeard (:jonco)
1791109 Add testing function to disassemble baseline ICs P1 NEW Iain Ireland [:iain]
1791547 Enable balanced heap limits perf-alert P1 REOPENED Jon Coppeard (:jonco)
1803803 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Atoms and Strings meta P1 NEW
1805058 [hazards] malformed function and type names P1 ASSIGNED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1810243 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Megamorphic Property Access in Speedometer meta P1 NEW
1811467 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Immutable Objects meta P1 NEW
1812157 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Ion Compile Latency meta P1 NEW Justin Link
1812231 waitForBackgroundTask is easy to misunderstand P1 ASSIGNED Paul Bone [:pbone]
1812316 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Bound functions meta P1 NEW
1814599 The `MBasicBlock::slots_` mechanism can generate quadratic work and space use P1 NEW Julian Seward [:jseward]
1814813 Don't run background sweep and background free concurrently [sp3] perf P1 ASSIGNED Paul Bone [:pbone]
1814815 Coalesce madvise calls until after sweeping [sp3] perf:responsiveness P1 ASSIGNED Paul Bone [:pbone]
1819180 Add a dumpRuntimeStats helper P1 ASSIGNED Jeff Muizelaar [:jrmuizel]
1825001 Add MIR & LIR output to Perf DEBUG_INFO. P1 ASSIGNED Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp]
1828115 Change inlining rules based on tenuring information? [sp3] P1 ASSIGNED Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp]
1838554 Use an IC for JSOp::BuiltinObject P1 NEW Iain Ireland [:iain]
1844400 IonGenericCall stub is misattributed to caller in JIT profiles P1 NEW Jeff Muizelaar [:jrmuizel]
1844878 Improve preservation of DOM wrappers [sp3] P1 NEW
1866518 Assertion failure: !obj->runtimeFromMainThread()->gc.nursery().isInside(src.dataPointer()), at vm/ArrayBufferObject.cpp:2070 [bugmon:update,bisect] assertion, crash, regression, testcase P1 ASSIGNED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1868521 Support direct call inlining in Ion P1 NEW Julian Seward [:jseward]
1874456 jit::EliminateDeadResumePointOperands never worked as expected. [sp3] P1 ASSIGNED Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp]
1875862 [meta] Experiment with changing module compilation pipeline meta P1 NEW
1888964 Assertion failure: !done(), at vm/Scope.h:1674 reporter-external, testcase P1 ASSIGNED Tooru Fujisawa [:arai]
1892984 [meta] SpiderMonkey Third Party Dependencies meta P1 NEW
1892985 [meta] SpiderMonkey ICU Dependency meta P1 NEW
1892986 [meta] Irregexp meta P1 NEW
1892987 [meta] Zydis meta P1 NEW
1892988 [meta] SpiderMonkey Shell meta P1 NEW
1892990 [meta] SpiderMonkey Build System meta P1 NEW
1892993 [meta] SpiderMonkey Testing & Test Infrastructure meta P1 NEW
1892998 [meta] SpiderMonkey APIs (Public, Private, API Design) meta P1 NEW
1894274 [meta] Out Of Memory Handling meta P1 NEW
1894275 [meta] Bugs made worse by small-OOM recovery meta P1 NEW
1896218 Add JS PI support for x86-32 target P1 ASSIGNED Yury Delendik (:yury)
1896581 Tweak Ion's Backtracking Allocator spill costs P1 NEW Yulia Startsev [:yulia]
1900336 Code generation aspects for wasm lazy tiering P1 NEW
1902447 Refactor WasmPI.cpp logic to remove JS functions P1 ASSIGNED Yury Delendik (:yury)
1902598 riscv build failed P1 ASSIGNED LuYahan

59 Total; 59 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

P2 Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Keywords Priority Status Assigned to
482298 Implement ES5 strict mode dev-doc-complete P2 REOPENED Jim Blandy :jimb
605515 Strict mode code should throw ReferenceError when assigning to a global if it doesn't exist at BINDNAME time P2 NEW
944260 [jsdbg2] Debugger should provide a GC-insensitive replacement for findScripts P2 NEW
1008337 [meta] GC memory efficiency tracking bug [MemShrink:meta] meta P2 NEW
1008341 [meta] GC Correctness & Stability meta P2 NEW
1284975 [meta] Make SpiderMonkey clean on UBSan meta P2 NEW
1299643 [meta] Google Docs performance issues due to javascript execution [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs] meta, perf P2 NEW
1329900 GC takes a long time on the test case in bug 1269695 perf P2 NEW
1339557 [Meta] Quantum Release Criteria: Figure out why we are so slow on Speedometer v2 meta, perf P2 NEW
1346178 Consider compiling Ion IC code less eagerly perf P2 NEW
1375565 GC: Do nursery allocation for external strings perf P2 NEW
1376904 [meta] Stop doing full GCs meta P2 NEW
1380129 [meta] Support AArch64 in ion meta P2 NEW
1385120 Speedometer Ember benchmark spends a lot of time in toString(). perf P2 NEW
1386390 Crash in JS::WeakCache<T>::lookupForAdd crash, regression P2 NEW
1393712 for-await-of with Async Generator is slow [js:perf] perf P2 NEW
1396933 Error message for strict mode functions' and arguments' properties is misleading [js:correctness] P2 REOPENED
1400237 [meta] GC crashes meta P2 NEW
1400641 Crash in FinalizeTypedArenas<T> crash P2 NEW
1402265 Better estimate CPU resources and apportion HelperThreads to tasks P2 NEW
1402700 Crash in js::InitFunctionEnvironmentObjects crash P2 NEW
1407691 Run away memory use sending ArrayBuffers to workers [MemShrink:P3] P2 NEW
1409441 Fix some perf issues on the EnterJit path leave-open, perf P2 ASSIGNED Jan de Mooij [:jandem]
1409953 Make PCToLineNumber stop hanging the Gecko profiler [js:tech-debt][js:testability] P2 NEW
1410238 Postpone malloc accounting of nursery strings until they are tenured P2 ASSIGNED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1424057 Excessive time spent running JS (in "transitionHandler" function), when clicking rightarrow on Facebook photo viewer P2 NEW
1426034 Access to `undefined` is slow in modules loaded via require() P2 NEW
1428972 RexBench is slower than Chrome/WebKit perf P2 NEW
1431142 Crash in xul!icu_58::DecimalFormat::updatePrecision (likely OOM) crash, csectype-nullptr, testcase P2 NEW
1431831 [Meta] Spectre mitigations for C++ bounds checks reachable from JS meta P2 NEW
1436427 Consider optimizing MBoundsCheck followed by MSpectreMaskIndex P2 NEW
1445020 Slow shutdown of debug Firefox (~30s) builds after loading P2 NEW
1447701 Find better solution for making JSID_VOID constexpr (and fix SM Rust breakage) P2 NEW
1454917 [meta] SpiderMonkey bytecode abstraction meta P2 NEW
1454919 Move bytecode iterators and other gadgets to a common header P2 NEW
1464274 (msan) use of uninitialized value in HashTableEntry::isFree() P2 NEW
1464281 (msan) use of uninitialized value in CreateRegExpMatchResult P2 NEW
1467697 Loading page is x2 slower than chrome parity-chrome, perf, perf:pageload P2 NEW
1471438 [meta] Provide more performance info to the gecko profiler meta P2 NEW
1489826 Crash in js::jit::RangeAnalysis::truncate [#jsapi:crashes-retriage] crash P2 NEW
1490847 [meta] Long-standing Ion Compilation Time Issues meta P2 NEW
1490849 Off-Main-Thread Baseline Compilation P2 NEW
1491204 Coalleace nursery tests per basic block P2 NEW
1494271 Crash in js::TenuringTracer::traceObject qa-not-actionable crash, stalled P2 NEW
1495355 Add explicit GC tuning modes (low memory, tab in background, etc) [MemShrink:P2] P2 NEW
1496514 Long stalls (10-15 seconds) while paging down on load of very large Google doc P2 NEW
1498484 Sketchfab frame rate is too slow in FxR on Oculus Go [geckoview:fxr:p1][webvr] P2 NEW
1499538 Reduce the overhead of JS helper threads P2 NEW
1500481 JSVM - Simplify dictionary object representation and sparse arrays with object-held hashtables P2 NEW
1500898 Free LifoAlloc oversize list. [overhead] P2 NEW
1501438 [meta] Use XPCOM thread pools for Spidermonkey meta P2 NEW
1503150 Merge Chromium change to zlib for arm optimization P2 NEW Makoto Kato [:m_kato]
1503319 [meta] (Legacy) JavaScript Streams meta P2 NEW
1504468 Either ban cross-domain stream readers or write tests for them P2 NEW
1505192 site loads slow compared to Chrome perf:pageload P2 NEW
1505589 Make Profiler Counters usable within the JavaScript Engine P2 NEW
1506263 Local builds don't update BUILDID resulting in cache corruption (XDR) P2 NEW
1508121 Crash in js::jit::LIRGenerator::visitInstructionDispatch [#jsapi:crashes-retriage] crash P2 NEW
1511615 Intermittent Tier 2 Android tests/jit-test/jit-test/tests/ctypes/conversion-finalizer.js | Segmentation fault (code 139, args "--ion-eager --ion-offthread-compile=off --ion-check-range-analysis --ion-extra-checks --no-sse3 --no-threads") [0.3 s] [geckoview:p2][leave-open] intermittent-failure P2 NEW
1514284 Add bytecode counters to estimate the speed of execution of Interpreters / Baseline / IonMonkey. P2 NEW
1515380 [meta] Shrink GC nursery on background tabs [overhead:800k] meta P2 NEW
1516775 Optimize lookups on cross-realm WindowProxies P2 NEW
1517424 Make sure we have tests for WindowProxy lookups involving navigation and document.domain P2 NEW
1517534 Poor performance of simple "vector" operations on arrays perf, perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1517916 Skeletal Animation: Slow (FPS) on Firefox compare to Chrome perf, perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1518857 provide optimized implementations of float modulus perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1526993 [meta] ARM64: Post ARM64 Ion Support - Issues/Failures to address meta P2 NEW
1526995 [meta] ARM64: Post ARM64 Ion Support - Windows-on-ARM Test Failures meta P2 NEW
1528986 Investigate OOM crashes in DevTools tests crash P2 NEW
1529343 JavaScript algebra calculation on FireFox is slower than on Chrome perf, perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1529514 [ARM64] Bing maps is slowing down the browser and remains stuck when zooming out using touchscreen regression P2 NEW
1532654 Teach the jit-test harness about the Android log P2 NEW
1537906 Make ICScript/TypeScript allocation faster perf P2 NEW
1538408 Add StructuredClone tests for Big(U)Int64Arrays P2 NEW
1540090 Investigate JetStream 2 code-load tests perf P2 NEW
1540646 Figure out why JetStream 2's async-fs test is slow perf P2 NEW
1540935 Fix Ion resume point overhead perf P2 NEW
1544036 Baseline ICs show up in the profiler as "Native Code" not "Baseline" code. P2 NEW
1544097 SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: access-violation z:\build\build\src\js\src\jit\JitcodeMap.cpp:412 in js::jit::JitcodeGlobalTable::lookupForSamplerInfallible(void *,struct JSRuntime *,unsigned __int64) P2 NEW
1547520 [jsdbg2] Debugger.Frames are dumb about suspended generators P2 NEW
1548356 Hash the XDR transcode buffer P2 NEW
1548775 Stop eagerly allocating profile strings P2 NEW
1549914 js::GetGeneratorObjectForFrame returns nullptr after generator object has been created P2 NEW
1555169 Differential Testing: Different output message on ARM32 sec-other, testcase P2 NEW
1555522 Enable JavaScript Startup Bytecode Cache for DevTools code perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1564602 [jsdbg2] Separate Web Assembly and JavaScript Debugger.Script instances P2 NEW
1564825 Misleading Syntax Error when re-declaring an ES6 class P2 REOPENED
1572562 [jsdbg2] DebuggerWeakMap instances cost more in code size than they should. regression P2 NEW
1574163 Crash in [@ js::frontend::PerHandlerParser<T>::propagateFreeNamesAndMarkClosedOverBindings] crash, regression P2 NEW
1575024 [jsdbg2] Debugger should have a function to reset all current hooks/state [debugger-mvp] P2 NEW
1575556 Update vendored Inflector crate to 0.11.4 P2 NEW
1576999 "new Function" cloning of introducer URLs is slow P2 NEW
1577549 Evaluate the distribution of slot counts for ArrayBuffers P2 NEW
1578396 Use SIMD and avoid intermediate allocations in impl FromJSValConvertible for String P2 NEW
1579796 Garbage builds up when running JS reftests P2 NEW
1588127 Make it harder to misuse GC hash tables P2 NEW
1588130 AttachFinishedCompressions operates per-runtime but is called per-sweep group P2 NEW
1588340 Spidermonkey does not build with --disable-shared-js leave-open P2 ASSIGNED Christian Holler (:decoder)
1589523 include async callers in captured stacks (SavedFrame chains) for free P2 NEW
1589714 Add web platform tests for weak references P2 REOPENED
1589906 [jsdbg2] Breakpoint handlers can fire when they should not, in rare situations P2 NEW
1590460 Remove the third flags argument from JS_FN, split JS_CTOR out of it (and maybe rename it) P2 NEW
1595986 [jsdbg2] Force return completions are a weird special case currently as neither a termination nor an exception P2 NEW
1596984 [jsdbg2] Debugger::hasAnyLiveHooks doesn't check for `onNativeCall` P2 NEW
1597572 null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null in modules/zlib/src/trees.c:873 csectype-undefined, testcase P2 NEW
1598384 13 seconds of jank when loading perf:pageload P2 NEW
1598786 Figure out how BytecodeLocation shows up in the JSAPI public interface, and see if it's removable P2 NEW
1599295 Intermittent<test name> | No test results reported. (SCRIPT) [stockwell unknown] intermittent-failure P2 REOPENED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1599542 Support upgrading a SameProcessDifferentThread structured clone buffer to a DifferentProcess buffer P2 NEW
1600366 Make FunctionBox initialization verifiable and ensure correctness P2 NEW
1602780 Simplify for-in iterator bytecode P2 NEW
1603070 The shell has no way to start a new task P2 NEW
1603575 [jsdbg2] Debugger cannot follow cross-compartment promise resolutions P2 NEW
1604121 Rewrite and optimize source notes P2 NEW
1606600 Consider moving GC hooks out of JSClassOps P2 NEW
1607222 Re-add 'module' reftest marker to async-generator-declaration-in-modules.js P2 NEW
1608027 JS Errors from new Error are not correctly muted P2 NEW
1608430 Remove all uses of toSource/uneval P2 NEW
1611459 ErrorReport::populateUncaughtExceptionReportUTF8VA() can result in a null filename P2 NEW
1616378 Reimplement Function.prototype.caller P2 NEW
1616543 Rust getters and setters for private values are broken P2 NEW
1618391 Avoid parsing and compiling self-hosted code during startup (takes 90ms on Android Moto G5) perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1619424 64% longer jank in Fenix Nightly versus Chrome P2 NEW
1620228 isObservableArgumentSlot() doesn't match IsSloppyNormalFunction P2 NEW
1620446 Return UniquePtr-like thing from smoosh bindings, instead of raw struct that needs manual free [smooshmonkey-reserve] P2 NEW
1621995 WarpBuilder optimization ideas P2 NEW
1622192 Clean up Ion and nursery allocation invariants P2 NEW
1623169 Create js::stencil namespace inside SharedStencil.h P2 NEW
1623261 Use the type system more to improve thread safety in WarpBuilder P2 NEW
1624449 Muted errors still have an URL/filename P2 NEW
1626294 Ion bug with function.arguments + aliased formals P2 NEW
1626719 Firefox Nightly hangs when displaying a Grafana nightly-community, perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1626854 WarpBuilder: re-enable and re-evaluate copy-on-write arrays P2 NEW
1628211 WarpBuilder: potential GC optimizations P2 NEW
1629897 Warp: improve MIR backend optimizations P2 NEW
1633217 Object iteration is slower than the competition (3-4 times) P2 UNCONFIRMED
1635176 Run js ref tests in COOP+COEP headers on treeherder P2 NEW
1637618 Replace the ELEMENT_PROPERTY_SLOT in the ScriptSourceObject with a callback P2 NEW Denis Palmeiro [:denispal]
1639740 Deselecting rows in gsheets takes 1s+ main thread plus severe delay perf, perf:resource-use P2 NEW
1643369 Crash in [@ js::jit::MConstant::MConstant] crash, regression P2 NEW
1645651 Changes in Reddit's comment section JS code makes selecting text slow on Nightly perf, regression P2 NEW
1646039 [Meta] Warp Fuzzing meta P2 NEW
1647847 Huge lag typing into a slack popup perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1653088 Performance issue on - Site can hang from seconds to minutes perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1653267 Unnecessary CheckAliasedLexical instruction when accessing a private field P2 NEW
1653920 Add a CacheIR op that matches MToIntegerInt32 P2 NEW
1656469 CacheIRWriter::loadArgumentFixedSlot's flags argument should not be optional P2 NEW
1661491 Frame dropping due to GC when looking at perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1661695 Use --fast-warmup for shell tests leave-open P2 ASSIGNED Jan de Mooij [:jandem]
1662110 [meta] Support progressive compilation of CompilationStencil meta P2 ASSIGNED Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp]
1662149 [meta] Use stencil for selfhosted.js meta P2 NEW
1662344 Warp: mark some MIR instructions as guard P2 NEW
1663955 [meta] Stencil Phase 2 Capabilities meta P2 NEW
1663956 [meta] Stencil Phase 2 Use-Cases meta P2 NEW
1666141 Assertion failure: makeWritable(), at jit/JitRealm.h:759 [bugmon:update,bisected,confirmed] assertion, regression, testcase P2 NEW
1666569 Warp and CacheIR DOM optimizations P2 NEW
1669091 Experiment with adding a typed LoadDenseElement variant P2 NEW
1669376 Extremely elevated memory usage by Facebook P2 UNCONFIRMED
1669806 Optimize DOM getters with polymorphic receivers P2 NEW
1670301 Add telemetry for how many JSScripts are delazified. P2 NEW
1672272 High memory use and slow performance on Windows P2 NEW
1675837 Lots of memory used by JS classes on Facebook P2 REOPENED
1679719 High memory use for JS classes on TechRadar P2 UNCONFIRMED
1680195 Facebook Next Photo appears to be 2x as slow compared to Chrome [platform-rel-facebook][responsiveness] P2 NEW
1680904 Massive Javascript performance regression with Firefox 83 / warp P2 NEW
1681181 High memory use for JS classes on imgur and Reddit P2 NEW
1682854 Crash in [@ JSStructuredCloneWriter::startWrite] [not-a-fission-bug], qa-not-actionable crash P2 NEW
1683140 [meta] Memory leaks meta P2 NEW
1683978 Leaks a ton of memory on after using for a while P2 UNCONFIRMED
1685082 Chrome refreshes news sites ~2x faster than Firefox P2 NEW
1685127 [meta] Warp: Performance regressions meta P2 NEW
1686775 Consider delazifying small inner functions with their enclosing functions [sp3] P2 NEW
1687964 Cleanup initial-prototype lookup for JSFunctions P2 NEW
1688187 Use inline assembly to optimize ToInt32 on Aarch64 Apple. P2 NEW
1689328 IonMonkey: BacktrackingAllocator: use loop depths in computation of spill costs (weights) P2 NEW Julian Seward [:jseward]
1689434 Experiment with length-3 TaggedParserAtomIndex in Parser [sp3] P2 NEW
1692855 Warp can't elide MLexicalCheck P2 NEW
1692856 Transition from GuardSpecificFunction to GuardFunctionScript breaks trial-inlining regression P2 NEW
1694067 Install a telemetry probe for JS parse errors on UI resources P2 NEW Zibi Braniecki [:zbraniecki][:gandalf]
1696412 GC globalArrayLargeArray microbenchmark triggers very long minor GCs P2 NEW
1698095 Consider preserving a LifoAlloc chunk for common delazification stencil case P2 NEW
1699830 Web content process consumes 2GB of memory when browsing on Facebook P2 REOPENED
1700291 [meta] Pretenure long-lived allocations meta P2 NEW Jon Coppeard (:jonco)
1701197 [meta] wasi port meta P2 NEW
1701936 Annotate GCs with URL P2 NEW
1701945 Ryzen startup crash in [@ js::jit::MoveResolver::resolve] (= with cpu family 23 model 1 stepping 1) crash P2 NEW
1701951 Record whether a GC slice is running in idle time P2 NEW
1701956 Scrolling twitter has more checkerboarding than Chrome perf:responsiveness P2 NEW
1708779 Consider unserializing directly to the Tenured generation when the input is too big for the nursery P2 NEW
1711284 gigabytes of JS classes on Twitter P2 UNCONFIRMED
1714589 Windows spidermonkey sometimes exceeds its max-run-time P2 NEW
1717597 Twitter feeds paint very slowly [sp3] P2 UNCONFIRMED
1720480 Consider enabling exemplar cities again P2 ASSIGNED André Bargull [:anba]
1722737 Re-implement checks for missing self-hosting intrinsics P2 NEW
1722802 Add JSAPI functions to create JS modules w/ custom exports P2 UNCONFIRMED
1724213 Investigating replacing pinned atoms with permanent atoms P2 NEW Jon Coppeard (:jonco)
1724236 Use JS::Stencil directly in dom::ScriptLoader P2 NEW
1727191 Add Ion CacheIR tools to the JavaScript shell P2 NEW
1732932 Investigate improving Heap<T> read barrier P2 NEW
1735591 Large GC slice budget overruns in hydration-preact benchmark (found from BHR) P2 NEW
1738566 Scrolling and dragging a section of graph on perfherder spends a lot of time in JS P2 NEW
1743098 Intermittent <random_test> | application crashed [@ ShouldTraceCrossCompartment] [stockwell unknown] crash, intermittent-failure, leave-open P2 ASSIGNED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1752520 Ion's RA: after splitting, spill bundle interferes with other fragments P2 NEW
1752582 Ion's RA: investigate invariants related to live-range splitting P2 NEW
1754892 Crash in [@ js::ModuleObject::getCycleRoot] crash P2 NEW
1755022 GC slice with 6ms budget went for 61.9ms (sweeping, waiting for parallel tasks) P2 NEW
1756978 Add test coverage for Web Extension global P2 NEW
1757426 takes a massive amount of time to make progress compared to Chromium P2 NEW
1757798 Crashing spidermonkey tests do not always fail P2 NEW
1763265 GC_SLICE_DURING_IDLE telemetry is useless and possibly misleading P2 NEW
1765780 Consider always-inlining $ArrayValues/CreateArrayIterator to enable scalar replacement of iterator objects in more cases P2 NEW
1768255 Find conditions when JSBC compression improves page load time P2 NEW
1769362 spidermonkey-91 branch fails compile with gcc-12.1 P2 UNCONFIRMED
1770763 [meta] Investigate balancing GC heap sizes using compositional limit rule meta P2 NEW
1772638 Do eager major GCs after draining the microtask queue if approaching a GC threshold perf-alert P2 NEW Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1773339 Use TaskController directly for off-thread JS parsing P2 NEW
1774636 Tune tempLifoAlloc's default chunk size for off-thread compilation P2 NEW
1778399 Terrible input lag on chat P2 REOPENED
1779767 Preserved DOM reflectors always get tenured P2 NEW
1780916 String in String output differnet error message P2 NEW
1782334 Assertion failure when calling join() on an array of tuples P2 NEW
1786395 Assertion failure: retainedBytes_ >= nbytes, at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/js/src/gc/Scheduling.h:769 [bugmon:bisected,confirmed] assertion, pernosco, regression, testcase P2 NEW
1786451 Apply the delay crashing on OOM idea to the JS GC. P2 NEW
1787350 Spec compliance and implementation simplifications for Record and Tuple properties and prototypes P2 NEW
1790298 Intermittent awsy/ TestMemoryUsage.test_open_tabs | application crashed [@ AllocInfo::Get] / [@ _ZN9AllocInfo3GetILb1EEES_PKv] crash, intermittent-failure P2 NEW
1791395 Consider splitting AliasSet::ObjectFields into more fine-grained categories P2 NEW
1793929 Crash [@ vixl::UseScratchRegisterScope::AcquireNextAvailable] regression, reporter-external, testcase P2 NEW
1798403 JS Test Suite Readme links to MDN page that doesn't exist P2 NEW Bryan Thrall [:bthrall]
1798958 Experiment with removing char16_t JS parser [sp3] P2 NEW
1799152 Clean up JS-related module ownership P2 ASSIGNED Jan de Mooij [:jandem]
1799154 Inline Map/Set set perf P2 NEW
1800806 Maps and Sets are slower than native Objects or Arrays P2 UNCONFIRMED
1800853 Assertion failure: hasBytecode() coming from the Debugger API P2 NEW Ted Campbell [:tcampbell]
1802130 Intermittent awsy/ TestMemoryUsage.test_open_tabs | single tracking bug [retriggered] crash, intermittent-failure P2 NEW
1803577 Make MCharCodeAt infallible when the input is MLinearizeForCharAccess P2 NEW
1804104 43% regression on AWFY-Sunspider-access-nsieve on 30-Nov regression P2 NEW
1804759 Asserting in EmberJS-Debug-TodoMVC does a lot of work to build the error message P2 NEW
1804964 Experiment using CanGC allocations directly for JSDependentString::new_ [sp3] P2 NEW
1805045 Codepen demo ( is slower than Chrome P2 NEW
1809058 Codepen demo ( is slower in Nightly compared with Chrome P2 NEW
1810419 Truncated MMul is emitting an overflow check P2 NEW
1810954 Experiment with switching jemalloc arenas before collecting [sp3] P2 NEW
1811913 W-and-later-X mmap calls are not allowed on NetBSD P2 NEW
1812161 Experiment with prioritizing Ion off-thread compile tasks [sp3] P2 NEW
1812655 Try to remove 'substring' selfhosted code [sp3] P2 NEW
1813309 Investigate if avoiding ensureLinear call under CopyStringChars would improve performance [sp3] P2 NEW
1813706 Investigate if ExecuteRegExp could avoid flattening the rope in some cases [sp3] P2 NEW
1814520 Add support back for allocation tracking with GC types P2 NEW
1814957 [meta] Interop 2023 Modules meta P2 NEW
1814990 Structured clone reading spending too much time in telemetry code in this instance P2 NEW
1816900 Document how to measure cache behaviour P2 NEW
1817041 Make JSValidatorParent to send the data over in OnStopRequest rather than OnDataAvailable [orb:m2] P2 NEW Sean Feng [:sefeng]
1817284 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Reduce mprotect meta P2 NEW
1817368 Missing profiler category annotation for some GC code in workers P2 NEW
1817993 Unify field initialization code for decorators P2 NEW
1818337 Be more aggressive about JitScripts for off-thread parses [sp3] P2 NEW
1818905 [hazards] Add an annotation to say that a reference count will not drop to zero regression P2 NEW
1820627 A lot more time is spent in completeWork on matrix-react compared to Chrome [sp3] P2 NEW
1820839 Assertion failure: desired && OffsetFromAligned(desired, allocGranularity) == 0, gc/Memory.cpp:258 P2 NEW
1821107 WeakMap.get is 5x slower in SM than V8 [sp3] P2 NEW
1821108 EmberJS-TodoMVC spends a lot more time in removeListenerFrom doing array splicing than in V8 P2 NEW
1821293 JIT increases GC time in Speedometer3? [sp3] P2 REOPENED
1821582 `worker.postMessage` with a WebAssembly.Memory followed by 2 typed arrays doesn't work. P2 UNCONFIRMED Ben Visness [:bvisness]
1821813 Running Speedometer3 triggers ALLOC_TRIGGER slices too easily [sp3] P2 NEW
1822411 MajorGC pauses in WebWorker possibly due to lack of incremental GC P2 UNCONFIRMED
1822626 Worker is doing doubled GCs P2 NEW
1822727 random-hex.js is faster in V8 than SM [sp3] P2 NEW
1822734 JS demo ( appears to spend large-ish time in js:frontend P2 NEW
1822890 SM's array_splice_impl seems slower than V8's Builtin:ArrayPrototypeSplice [sp3] P2 NEW
1822897 SM spends more time parsing than V8 on shell-backbone-todoMVC [sp3] P2 NEW
1822965 Gecko failure at: JSObject::maybeUnwrapAs [reporter-external] [client-bounty-form] [verif?] reporter-external P2 NEW
1823758 Synthesize baseline interpreter trampolines when bailing out P2 NEW Denis Palmeiro [:denispal]
1823931 [...array] is slower than in V8 P2 NEW
1824203 Prepopulate Ion ICs based on active baseline stubs P2 NEW
1824250 Generate better masm for argument-copying loops P2 NEW
1825791 checkAndUpdateView is slower in SM than V8 [sp3] P2 NEW
1827268 shallowEqual from React is a lot slower in SM than V8 and JSC [sp3] P2 NEW
1827914 Eagerly baseline compile self-hosted code [sp3] P2 NEW Bryan Thrall [:bthrall]
1830195 Investigate optimization of constant variables [sp3] P2 NEW
1832245 Clean up error handling in custom structured clone mechanism P2 NEW
1832247 Remove `canTransfer` hook from custom serialization mechanism (structured clone) P2 NEW
1832248 Consider using or removing structured clone OwnTransferablePolicy::NoTransferables P2 NEW
1833628 X-only Memory: jmp *0x02(%rip) failures. P2 NEW
1834526 Large fetch in Web Worker in extension causes hang in Firefox extension process perf:resource-use, perf:responsiveness, regression, reproducible P2 NEW
1836679 Object.keys can be 3x slower in SM [sp3] P2 NEW
1837032 Reflect hazard analysis annotations in the callgraph P2 ASSIGNED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1837937 Investigate better scheduling for minorGC [sp3] P2 NEW sfink
1840423 Investigate Ion threshold tweaking heuristics P2 NEW
1842135 MartyPC Player slower in Firefox P2 UNCONFIRMED
1843900 Crash in [@ OOM | large | xul.dll | <unknown in ucrtbase.dll> | xul.dll | AesRNGState_generate] crash P2 NEW
1844868 4.4x slower than Chrome on the single String.prototype.split call in Editor-CodeMirror [sp3] P2 NEW
1845840 1.4x slower than Safari on the "jsx" function in React [sp3] P2 NEW
1846297 Nursery string deduplication slows down some Speedometer 3 tests [sp3] P2 NEW
1846720 Investigate whether ModuleLoaderBase::ProcessDynamicImport needs to handle failures using a microtask P2 NEW
1848465 Invalidate the bytecode cache and restart the request when decode fail P2 ASSIGNED Tooru Fujisawa [:arai]
1848884 Store scrambled hash values in atoms [sp3] P2 ASSIGNED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1849759 Use hint for direct wasm calls whether callee can perform a tail calls P2 NEW
1849761 Optimize return_call where target is the same function in Ion P2 NEW
1850392 Optimize stack map storage P2 NEW
1852235 Store default locale as language-script-region triple P2 ASSIGNED André Bargull [:anba]
1852878 Use separate marker for OffThreadCompilationCompleteTask's pending time P2 NEW
1853482 Type1Font_flattenCharstring from JetStream2 pdfjs is 2x slower than in V8 because of Array.splice P2 NEW
1858310 Calling Math functions is slow in development builds of the Firefox profiler P2 NEW
1859381 Crash in [@ js::wasm::Instance::callExport] crash P2 NEW Ryan Hunt [:rhunt]
1860066 Wasm{Array,Struct}Object::obj_trace: don't pass nullptr to TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge P2 NEW Julian Seward [:jseward]
1862484 Add ClassField::accessorGetterNode and accessorSetterNode to dumpFields implementation P2 NEW
1863455 Consider using QueryPerformancyCounter directly for PRMJ_Now instead via GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime [sp3] P2 NEW
1865051 Consider to call js::NotifyAnimationActivity from nsRefreshDriver::Tick P2 NEW
1865078 Consider discarding JIT code per realm instead of zone [sp3] P2 ASSIGNED Jan de Mooij [:jandem]
1865900 Try optimizing string hash access on 32-bit by shifting the fat inline atom bit [sp3] P2 NEW
1867677 Crash in [@ js::wasm::CodeRange::kind] by profiler during lazy stub allocation crash P2 NEW
1868841 Implement DecoratorEmitter::emitDecorationState and emitUpdateDecorationState P2 NEW
1868857 Suppress deleted properties using low-bit tags instead of removal P2 NEW
1871148 Crash in [@ js::wasm::CodeRange::kind] crash P2 NEW
1873235 Leaking page repeatedly triggers GC without freeing any memory perf:resource-use P2 NEW
1874699 TypedArray.subarray is quite slow P2 NEW
1876147 [meta] JS String Builtins Proposal meta P2 NEW
1876153 Add UTF-8 support to js-string-builtins P2 NEW
1876154 Add inline code paths for js-string-builtins P2 NEW
1876279 [meta] Move js tests to Test262 meta P2 NEW
1876404 Assertion failure: desired && OffsetFromAligned(desired, allocGranularity) == 0, at gc/Memory.cpp:258 reporter-external, testcase P2 NEW
1876783 JS_Stringify's StringBuffer reallocation is responsible for 14% of the time of SessionWriter P2 REOPENED
1877083 Codepen demo ( is 50% slower in Nightly P2 NEW
1877258 Add fuse telemetry P2 NEW
1878989 Allow pinning the length of SharedArrayBuffers P2 ASSIGNED Steve Fink [:sfink] [:s:]
1879907 Investigate making parallel marking work on Android P2 NEW
1880044 Support allocating flattened rope characters in the nursery [sp3] P2 ASSIGNED Jan de Mooij [:jandem]
1880670 doesn't load correctly (with fixed OptimizeDeadResumePointOperands) [sp3] P2 NEW
1882571 Throw RuntimeError instead of TypeError for atomic wait instructions when used on main thread P2 NEW
1882955 Direct Wasm-to-IDL calls are slow (using P2 UNCONFIRMED
1883766 Simplify case statement in MacroAssembler::typedArrayElementSize P2 NEW
1884050 Explore further improvements to atom caches in zones P2 NEW Justin Link
1884148 Ship the Atomics.waitAsync proposal dev-doc-needed P2 NEW
1885483 Provide filename for JSON modules P2 NEW
1886062 Crash in [@ mozilla::Maybe<T>::operator* | js::unicode::CountUTF16CodeUnits] crash P2 NEW
1886280 LifoAlloc::releaseAll() optimization for StoreBuffer is now ineffective P2 NEW
1886557 [meta] Make JIT Spraying implausible meta P2 NEW
1886560 Add a preference to toggle JIT Spraying mitigations P2 NEW
1888010 Crash in [@ js_arena_malloc] crash P2 NEW
1888119 Try to share more of the EnterJit code P2 ASSIGNED Jan de Mooij [:jandem]
1889117 Consider exposing TrampolineNative frames and other internal JIT frames to the profiler P2 NEW
1892186 Test262 failures when running async-module-does-not-block-sibling-modules.js in browser builds P2 NEW
1892253 Use a shared string buffer type for JS and DOM strings [sp3] P2 NEW
1892374 `generateVMWrapper` doesn't ensure alignment of Value allocated on stack for the out parameter. P2 UNCONFIRMED
1892721 Track wasm ref types directly on MIR nodes P2 ASSIGNED Ben Visness [:bvisness]
1892764 Add alloc sites for DOM wrappers P2 NEW
1892982 Simplify jstests harness P2 NEW
1893002 Remove old JS Promise Integration API P2 NEW
1893643 Implement table64 P2 ASSIGNED Ben Visness [:bvisness]
1893775 Crash in [@ js::gc::MarkingTracerT<T>::onEdge] crash, regression P2 NEW
1894005 Investigate adding a per-script alloc site P2 ASSIGNED Jon Coppeard (:jonco)
1894123 Branch hinting improvements P2 NEW Julien Pages [:jpages]
1894759 Audit the inline assembly in CallImportOnMainThread P2 NEW
1894835 Crash in [@ js::gc::TenuringTracer::traverse] crash, stalled P2 NEW
1894937 Throw away optimized JIT code that references otherwise-dead GC things [sp3] P2 NEW
1895678 7.54 - 4.26% pdfpaint colorspace_atan.pdf / pdfpaint bug1650302_reduced.pdf + 6 more (Linux, OSX, Windows) regression on Thu April 25 2024 [sp3] perf, perf-alert, regression, talos-regression P2 ASSIGNED Alex Thayer [:alexical] (she/her)
1895925 Do not create Wasm structures for simple params/results in PI wrappers P2 NEW
1895948 Cache result size for calls to JSON.stringify P2 NEW
1896037 Idle GC slices are usually not interruptible P2 NEW
1897809 Enable JIT exit for JS PI P2 NEW
1897981 [meta] WebAssembly JS Promise Integration meta P2 NEW
1898031 Debugger breakpoints should switch back to main stack when on suspendable code P2 NEW
1898033 Add assertion that JS code is not running on suspendable stack P2 NEW
1898544 [meta] Defer Import Eval Proposal meta P2 NEW
1899090 Make incremental encoding compatible with shared Stencil cache P2 NEW
1899287 [meta] Redeclarable global eval-introduced vars meta P2 NEW
1899344 Module registry in shell module loader needs to be keyed by both module type and path P2 ASSIGNED Jonatan Klemets [:jon4t4n]
1899578 Attribute helper thread GC work in the profiler P2 NEW
1899637 [wasm-jspi] Only suspend wrapped imports that return Promises. P2 NEW
1901408 Assertion failure: slot < debugNumValueSlots(), at /root/src/js/src/jit/BaselineFrame.h:156 P2 UNCONFIRMED
1902200 JS demo ( is ~2x slower in Nightly P2 NEW
1902550 Crash in [@ JSClass::doFinalize] crash P2 NEW
1902835 Don't serialize modules compiled with builtins P2 ASSIGNED Ryan Hunt [:rhunt]
1902880 Crash in [@ JS::shadow::Zone::gcState] crash P2 NEW
1903322 Remove pref for duplicate named capture groups P2 NEW
1904333 Optimize structured cloning of strings with a StringBuffer P2 NEW
1905117 Allocate more JS strings with a StringBuffer instead of raw malloc leave-open P2 ASSIGNED Jan de Mooij [:jandem]

378 Total; 378 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

[js:p1] Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Keywords Priority Status Assigned to
957798 [jsdbg2] Debugger.Script and Debugger.Source objects should not pretend dynamically generated scripts have urls [js:p1] -- NEW
787879 Crashes while sweeping [js:p1][unactionable], qa-not-actionable crash, regression, stalled, topcrash, topcrash-mac, topcrash-win -- NEW

2 Total; 2 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

[js:p2] Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Keywords Priority Status Assigned to
750947 IonMonkey: Optimize Uint32 values [js:p2][games:p?][ion:t][shumway:p1] perf -- NEW
753734 Generating JS Warnings is very slow, profile shows js::mjit::ExpandInlineFrames and NS_ScriptErrorReporter [js:p2] -- NEW
760095 Move canonical standard class objects from slots on the global to members of the Realm [js:p2] -- NEW
787851 C-like corrections should help, not hurt [js:p2] -- NEW
789598 Too much time spent in analyzeBytecode in gmail onfocus handler. [js:p2] [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail] -- NEW
797401 Array concatenation 9 times slower in Firefox than in Chrome [js:p2] perf, regression -- NEW
977658 Windows PGO builds much slower than non-PGO builds on "cold" code [js:p2] perf -- NEW
978245 Consolidate property-defining code [js:p2] -- NEW
977403 Assertion failure: ToInteger(t) == t, at e:\dev\mozilla\central\js\src\jsdate.cpp:278 [js:p2] assertion -- NEW

9 Total; 9 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

JS Features

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Keywords Priority Status Assigned to
568953 [meta] ES6 modules [leave open] compat, dev-doc-needed, feature, meta -- NEW
962053 Implement ES Realms dev-doc-needed, feature -- NEW

2 Total; 2 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

JS Meta Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Keywords Priority Status Assigned to
557354 [meta] Improve JSON performance meta, perf -- NEW
568953 [meta] ES6 modules [leave open] compat, dev-doc-needed, feature, meta -- NEW
609924 [meta] JavaScript watchpoints should be improved for js::dbg2 meta -- NEW
616927 [meta] enable concurrent per-compartment GC in the background meta -- NEW
619423 [meta] Type inference optimizations meta -- NEW
619425 [meta] Type inference perf regressions meta -- NEW
622261 [meta] Error message/reporting bugs & enhancements meta -- NEW
636940 [meta] Improve testing levels in SpiderMonkey meta -- NEW
650063 [meta] Tracking bug for v8 benchmark wins meta -- NEW
650180 [meta] Build a new optimizing compiler meta -- NEW
652780 [meta] Tracking test262 issues meta -- NEW
661938 (JSBench) [meta] Source-level JavaScript record and replay meta -- NEW
673000 [meta] Understand JS performance on ARM meta -- NEW
674274 [meta] ARM JavaScript performance improvements meta, mobile, perf -- NEW
689284 [meta] Improve analysis/compilation performance for very large scripts meta, perf -- NEW
694100 [meta] Tracking bug for ECMAScript 6 in SpiderMonkey meta -- NEW
705294 [meta] IonMonkey performance optimizations meta, perf -- NEW
723783 [meta] JS heap and CC heap logging improvements meta -- NEW
745230 [meta] JS Test Harness Improvements meta -- NEW
777561 [meta] IonMonkey: Unregress SunSpider [ion:t][js:t] meta -- NEW
784288 [meta] Self-host JS builtins [js:t] meta -- NEW
806638 [meta] IonMonkey: Fix V8 Benchmark Performance meta -- NEW
807159 [meta] IonMonkey: Fix Octane benchmark performance meta -- NEW
807162 [meta] IonMonkey: Fix PdfJs performance (octane benchmark) [ion:p1] meta P3 NEW
807854 [meta] Profile JS shell benchmarks with the Gecko profiler. meta -- NEW
831510 [meta] Fix gbemu.js performance (octane benchmark) meta -- NEW
832718 [meta] IonMonkey: Use SIMD to optimize gaussian blur. meta P3 REOPENED
835306 [meta] IonMonkey: Improve property accesses. meta P3 NEW Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp]
837921 [meta] SpiderMonkey Embedding meta -- NEW
842258 [meta] Baseline compiler fuzz bugs meta -- NEW
845493 BaselineCompiler: Integrate Baseline and Ion [meta] meta -- NEW
858032 [meta] crashes in EnterBaseline / EnterJit [file separate bugs for specific reproducible cases][unactionable], ShutDownKill crash, meta, topcrash, topcrash-startup, topcrash-win P5 NEW
860923 [meta] "use asm" should not affect code speed meta -- NEW
889783 [meta] Performance on JSIL-compiled code [js:t] [js:perf] meta -- NEW
897962 [meta] 0.a.d. performance fixes meta -- NEW
898608 [meta] GC: Drive static analysis of unsafe references to zero meta -- NEW
900120 [meta] Float32 support in Spidermonkey [games] meta -- NEW
912928 The number of crash and assertion OOM bugs is too damn high [meta] meta, sec-want -- NEW
994253 [meta] Extend and improve JS crash diagnostics meta P3 NEW
996602 [meta] Centralize common interface of the MacroAssembler. meta P3 NEW
1000520 [meta] [jsdbg2] Debugger's performance impact should be less meta -- NEW
1003801 [meta] Recover all non-effectful instructions. leave-open, meta P5 NEW
1008333 [meta] GC tracking bug for performance issues meta, perf P3 NEW
1008337 [meta] GC memory efficiency tracking bug [MemShrink:meta] meta P2 NEW
1008341 [meta] GC Correctness & Stability meta P2 NEW
1028242 [meta] Improve octane score on windows meta -- NEW
1054841 [meta] Shared memory for web workers [games:p1] dev-doc-complete, meta P3 NEW
1057530 [meta] Reduce our GC max-pause [platform-rel-Games] meta P3 NEW
1103158 [Meta] Remove all non-standard JavaScript features dev-doc-needed, meta, site-compat -- NEW
1116674 [Meta] Evaluate OpenCV performance with asm.js (compiled by Emscripten) meta -- REOPENED
1122579 [meta] Implement compacting GC meta -- NEW
1130211 [meta] Simplify GC trigger mechanisms meta -- NEW
1139700 [meta] ES6 internal methods meta -- NEW
1144340 [meta] SpiderMonkey should store 1-based column numbers internally meta -- NEW
1147983 [meta] GC microbenchmark for detecting regressions/improvements meta -- NEW
1150618 [meta] Spidermonkey shell builds meta -- NEW
1152893 [meta] Investigate remaining performance regressions in promises due to async stacks meta, perf, regression -- NEW
1154987 [Meta] Move JS parsing off of main thread and enable incremental parsing [games:p3][platform-rel-Games] meta, perf -- NEW
1164973 [meta] Enhance GC telemetry reporting meta -- NEW
1172676 [meta] Hazard analysis improvements meta -- NEW
1187093 [meta] ARM64: Pass Ion Jit-Tests [arm64:m2] meta P3 NEW
1189360 [meta] Add Code Coverage for JavaScript code. meta P3 NEW
1190294 [meta] Simplify MacroAssembler interface meta P3 NEW
1192301 [meta] Bring Order to Chaos (in the GC) meta -- NEW
1218972 [meta] Integration of SpiderMonkey within the DOM meta P3 NEW
1229043 [meta] BacktrackingAllocator: Optimize memory accesses. meta, perf P5 NEW
1232802 [meta] Concurrent GC meta -- NEW
1241091 [meta] Poor performance on JS frameworks benchmark ,DevAdvocacy, DevAdvocacy-React, DevAdvocacy-Angular [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS][platform-rel-ReactJS] meta, perf -- NEW
1243700 [META] function.sent metaproperty proposal [DocArea=JS] dev-doc-needed, meta -- NEW
1245279 [meta] Various tests in Speedometer seem to spend quite a bit time in jS [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS] meta, perf -- NEW
1245974 [meta] Proxy/Wrapper performance meta -- NEW
1259927 [meta] CacheIR tracking bug meta, perf P3 NEW
1274354 [meta] Date.parse, amirite [webcompat] DevAdvocacy, meta P3 NEW
1280654 [meta] Expose a set of CLDR data via custom APIs for date/time format UI [gecko-l20n][milestone5] meta P3 NEW
1282939 [meta] Improve in-repo react benchmark performance [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-Facebook][platform-rel-ReactJS] meta P3 NEW
1284975 [meta] Make SpiderMonkey clean on UBSan meta P2 NEW
1291857 [meta] ES6 TypedArray and ArrayBuffer compliance meta P3 NEW
1299643 [meta] Google Docs performance issues due to javascript execution [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs] meta, perf P2 NEW
1307062 [meta] JS performance meta, perf, triage-deferred P3 NEW
1307395 [meta] Optimize ECMAScript 6 performance meta P3 NEW
1308157 [meta] Wasm optimizations to explore meta P3 NEW
1317626 [meta] SharedArrayBuffer + Atomics performance work meta P3 NEW
1339557 [Meta] Quantum Release Criteria: Figure out why we are so slow on Speedometer v2 meta, perf P2 NEW
1342037 [meta] Optimize Promise implementation meta P3 NEW
1343588 [Meta] Make Facebook benchmark fast [platform-rel-Facebook] meta, perf, triage-deferred P3 NEW
1345706 [meta] Improve lazy parsing meta, perf P3 NEW
1347720 [meta] Improve Time to Interactive (TTI) and Display Done (DD) milestone times in FB feed workload meta, perf P3 NEW
1347824 [Meta] Make JS Parsing faster meta, perf P3 NEW
1351769 [meta] Meta: Quantum Flow JS Changes Meta-Bug meta, perf P3 NEW
1352486 [meta] Improve performance on EmberPerf benchmark [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS] meta, perf P3 NEW
1352524 [meta] Improve GC scheduling meta, perf P3 NEW
1365361 [meta] Baseline: Optimize intrinsics used in self-hosted functions meta, perf P3 NEW
1367103 [meta] Fix TSAN issues in the GC meta, triage-deferred P3 NEW
1371162 [meta] Clean up GC tunables. meta P3 NEW
1376904 [meta] Stop doing full GCs meta P2 NEW
1380129 [meta] Support AArch64 in ion meta P2 NEW
1400237 [meta] GC crashes meta P2 NEW
1402534 Bugs found with stackTest (stack exhaustion / out of stack memory) [meta] meta, sec-want P5 NEW
1403311 [meta] Results from JS fuzzing coverage analysis [meta] meta, sec-want P5 NEW
1430049 [Meta] Spectre JIT mitigations meta P3 NEW
1430051 [Meta] Spectre bounds check mitigations meta P3 NEW
1431831 [Meta] Spectre mitigations for C++ bounds checks reachable from JS meta P2 NEW
1432207 [Meta] Spectre mitigations for Value type checks meta P3 NEW
1435795 [meta] ECMAScript stage 4 proposals meta P3 NEW
1435811 [meta] ECMAScript stage 3 proposals meta P3 NEW
1435830 [meta] ECMAScript stage 2 proposals meta P3 NEW
1435869 [META] Decorators proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW Dan Minor [:dminor]
1435997 [meta] Turn the helper threads system into a real scheduler meta P3 NEW
1437103 [Meta] Spectre mitigations for object type checks meta P3 NEW
1443170 [meta] ARM64 architecture version support meta P3 NEW
1445162 [meta] Improve ARM64 Simulator [arm64:m4] meta P3 NEW
1446898 [meta] ARM64 JS baseline failures [geckoview:fxr:p2] meta P3 NEW
1449600 [meta] Investigate reducing minimum GC memory [overhead:2MB] meta P3 NEW
1451800 [meta] Record Execution Traces meta P5 NEW
1454917 [meta] SpiderMonkey bytecode abstraction meta P2 NEW
1470909 [meta] Remove all use of C-style varargs from SpiderMonkey (except in SpiderMonkey developer C++ debugging functions, e.g. for dumping stuff to stderr) meta P3 NEW
1471438 [meta] Provide more performance info to the gecko profiler meta P2 NEW
1472062 [meta] OOM while evicting the nursery [MemShrink:P2][tbird crash][qa-not-actionable] crash, meta, top50, topcrash P3 NEW
1478034 [meta] Add an interface to bytecode meta P3 NEW
1481434 [meta] Wasm tests in WPT meta P3 NEW
1488322 [meta] Heap profiling meta P5 NEW
1490847 [meta] Long-standing Ion Compilation Time Issues meta P2 NEW
1501438 [meta] Use XPCOM thread pools for Spidermonkey meta P2 NEW
1503319 [meta] (Legacy) JavaScript Streams meta P2 NEW
1507440 [meta] Incrementalise more of the GC to reduce budget overruns meta P3 NEW
1507445 [meta] Improve generational GC meta P3 NEW
1507448 [meta] Parallelise more parts of the GC meta P3 NEW
1509069 [meta] Improve SpiderMonkey internal documentation. meta P3 NEW
1515380 [meta] Shrink GC nursery on background tabs [overhead:800k] meta P2 NEW
1519163 [META] ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer() proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1519482 [META] Function implementation hiding proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1522189 [meta] Separate out string and object pretenuring decisions meta P3 NEW
1524305 [meta] JavaScript related bugs found while dogfooding arm64 windows nightlies meta P3 NEW
1526993 [meta] ARM64: Post ARM64 Ion Support - Issues/Failures to address meta P2 NEW
1526995 [meta] ARM64: Post ARM64 Ion Support - Windows-on-ARM Test Failures meta P2 NEW
1529669 [meta] Fuzz bugs specific to ARM64 JavaScript meta P3 NEW
1532556 [meta] Optimize boxing of JS values for anyref meta P3 NEW
1533449 [meta] Firefox memory use grows unreasonably high in some cases [MemShrink:meta] meta P3 NEW
1537638 [meta] GC OOM behaviour meta P3 NEW
1539848 [Meta] Investigate JetStream 2 performance meta, perf P3 NEW
1540312 [META] Collection normalization proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1557720 [META] Array.isTemplateObject proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1561074 [meta] Implement the WeakRefs proposal dev-doc-complete, meta P3 NEW
1564163 [jsdbg2] Debugger implementation cleanup [meta] meta P3 NEW
1566145 [meta] Implement the ShadowRealms proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1566147 [META] Throw Expressions proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1568906 [META] Implement the Iterator Helpers proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1569081 [META] Explicit Resource Management proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1571996 [meta] Implement WebAssembly tail calls proposal meta P3 NEW
1573900 [meta] Parser Performance Measurment meta P3 NEW
1586089 [META] Map.prototype.upsert proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1590305 [meta] WebAssembly quality on mobile systems meta, mobile P3 NEW
1599723 [meta] Update WebAssembly ABI for multi-value return, tail calls, optimized call_indirect meta P3 NEW
1600159 [Meta] Clean Up the FunctionBox initialization Story meta P3 NEW
1601332 [meta] Stencil format for JS Parser output meta P3 NEW
1609486 [meta] Stencil Performance meta P3 NEW
1611412 [meta] Lots of one-off crashes during testing on MacOS meta P3 NEW
1613592 [meta] Replace IonBuilder with a new MIR builder (WarpBuilder) meta P3 NEW
1616464 [meta] Firefox’s score is lower than Safari on WASM benchmark in JetStream 2 meta, parity-safari, perf P3 NEW
1619282 [meta] SmooshMonkey meta P3 NEW
1620583 [meta] Improve error reporting code meta P3 NEW
1620996 [meta] CacheIR and IC changes for WarpBuilder meta P3 NEW
1621641 [meta] Investigate Wasm spec-test failures meta P3 NEW Ryan Hunt [:rhunt]
1621642 [meta] Fix failing 'spec' spec-tests meta P3 NEW
1625130 [meta] WebAssembly SIMD meta P3 NEW
1628222 [meta] WarpBuilder: CacheIR to MIR compilation meta P3 NEW
1639895 [meta] MIPS support in SpiderMonkey meta P5 NEW
1640284 [meta] Create a tool for easily discovering and diagnosing costly CacheIR stubs leave-open, meta P3 NEW
1646039 [Meta] Warp Fuzzing meta P2 NEW
1646494 [meta] Integrate JS Stencil work with scheduler meta P3 NEW
1648827 [meta] Support AArch64 macOS in JIT and WebAssembly meta P3 NEW
1654001 [meta] ECMAScript normative changes meta P3 NEW
1655177 [meta] JS Debugger meta P5 NEW
1655626 [meta] Implement function-references proposal meta P3 NEW
1658309 [meta] Record and Tuple proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1658310 [META] JSON.parse source text access proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1658311 [META] cleanupSome proposal meta P3 NEW
1662110 [meta] Support progressive compilation of CompilationStencil meta P2 ASSIGNED Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp]
1662114 [meta] Stencil Backlog Tasks meta P3 NEW
1662149 [meta] Use stencil for selfhosted.js meta P2 NEW
1662156 [meta] Support instantiating JS stencil without allocating inner-inner JSFunctions meta P3 NEW
1663955 [meta] Stencil Phase 2 Capabilities meta P2 NEW
1663956 [meta] Stencil Phase 2 Use-Cases meta P2 NEW
1670026 [META] Resizable and growable ArrayBuffers [DocArea=JS] dev-doc-needed, meta, parity-chrome, parity-safari P3 NEW
1670176 [meta] JSON modules proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW Jonatan Klemets [:jon4t4n]
1670403 [meta] Cache Stencils across Documents meta P1 NEW
1677201 [meta] Handle OOM's in WebAssembly better meta P3 NEW
1677586 [meta] Implement Memory64 proposal meta P3 NEW
1683140 [meta] Memory leaks meta P2 NEW
1685127 [meta] Warp: Performance regressions meta P2 NEW
1687351 [meta] Experiments in Restricting subclassing support in built-in methods meta P3 NEW
1687630 [meta] Instruction selection / codegen improvements for Ion and stubs for wasm on ARM64 meta P3 NEW
1688750 [META] Module Expressions [DocArea=JS] dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1690460 [meta] SIMD instruction selection optimizations meta P3 NEW
1695715 [meta] WebAssembly Exception Handling meta P3 NEW
1700291 [meta] Pretenure long-lived allocations meta P2 NEW Jon Coppeard (:jonco)
1700381 [meta] Improve Scalar Replacement meta P3 NEW
1701164 [meta] Redundant MoveGroups and other Move badness meta P3 NEW
1701197 [meta] wasi port meta P2 NEW
1706922 [meta] WebAssembly relaxed SIMD meta P3 NEW
1707066 [meta] Improve performance on ReactDOM meta P1 NEW
1707723 [meta] Investigate CacheIR opportunities in ReactDOM meta P3 NEW
1708400 [meta] Clean-up jsapi header meta P5 NEW
1710433 [META] Symbols as WeakMap property keys [DocArea=JS] dev-doc-needed, meta, parity-chrome, parity-safari P3 NEW
1712291 [meta] Optimize i64 arithmetic on x64, arm64 meta P3 NEW
1712872 [meta] Add ICU4X support to irregexp meta P3 NEW Iain Ireland [:iain]
1712893 [meta] Wasm code size improvements meta P3 NEW
1713657 [META] RegExp set notation + properties of strings proposal dev-doc-needed, meta, parity-chrome, parity-safari P3 NEW
1713658 [META] Dynamic Import Host Adjustment proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1715274 [meta] Add support for Type Reflections in the WASM JS-API (js-types) meta P3 NEW
1727034 [meta] Wasm debugging and tooling meta P3 NEW
1728518 [meta] Wasm JIT-bugs meta P3 NEW
1729502 [meta] SpiderMonkey Site Issues meta P1 NEW
1729503 [meta] SpiderMonkey Intermittents meta P1 NEW
1729504 [meta] SpiderMonkey Crashes meta P1 NEW
1729506 [meta] SpiderMonkey Frontend meta P1 NEW
1729507 [meta] Assemblers / MacroAssemblers / Trampolines meta P1 NEW
1729508 [meta] Garbage Collection meta P1 NEW
1729509 [meta] Optimizing Compiler meta P1 NEW
1729511 [meta] JavaScript Language meta P1 NEW
1729512 [meta] WebAssembly Language meta P3 NEW
1729513 [meta] SpiderMonkey Fuzzing & Instrumentation & Security meta P1 NEW
1729514 [meta] SpiderMonkey Runtime meta P1 NEW
1729515 [meta] SpiderMonkey Defects meta P1 NEW
1729516 [meta] Just-In-Time Compilers meta P1 NEW
1729518 [meta] SpiderMonkey meta P1 NEW
1736059 [meta] Import Attributes proposal (f.k.a. Import Assertions) meta dev-doc-needed, meta, parity-chrome, parity-safari P3 NEW
1736079 [meta] Additional static analyses using the GC rooting hazard analysis framework meta P3 NEW
1736620 [meta] SpiderMonkey: GDB Instrumentation meta P3 NEW
1741457 [meta] Improve SpiderMonkey Error Messages meta P5 NEW
1742930 [meta] Optimize call_indirect meta P3 NEW
1744984 [meta] Optimize stub allocation for time and space meta P3 NEW
1745166 [META] Destructuring Private Fields proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1749986 [meta] Wasm problems on large web properties, and related work meta P3 NEW
1750942 [meta] Optimize certain object operations better (Watchtower) meta P3 NEW
1753924 [meta] HTTP caching of compiled code meta P3 NEW
1755624 [meta] Wasm benchmarking meta P3 NEW
1757272 [meta] LoongArch64 support in SpiderMonkey meta P5 NEW
1758541 [meta] Lukas JavaScript engine Fuzzing meta P3 NEW
1759825 [meta] Improve matrix-react benchmark meta, perf P3 NEW
1760153 [meta] Performance issues in structured clone (aka structured serialize/deserialize) meta P3 NEW
1763378 [meta] Register allocation meta P5 NEW
1769847 [meta] Improve ShadowRealm error messages meta P3 NEW
1770763 [meta] Investigate balancing GC heap sizes using compositional limit rule meta P2 NEW
1771946 [meta] SpiderMonkey: JavaScript-C interoperability. meta P5 NEW
1773054 [META] String.dedent [DocArea=JS] dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1773135 [META] Duplicate named capture groups [DocArea=JS] dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1774824 [meta] Improve support for managed languages meta P3 NEW
1774825 [meta] Implement the GC proposal meta P3 NEW
1781203 [META] Source Phase Imports (f.k.a Import Reflection) [DocArea=JS] dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1783130 [meta] Add dump method to all C++ classes meta P3 NEW
1793648 [meta] SpiderMonkey failures induced by faulty Hardware. meta P5 NEW
1795640 [meta] Investigate parallel marking meta P3 NEW Jon Coppeard (:jonco)
1801188 [meta] JS Perf Experiments meta P3 NEW
1801189 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - JITs and CacheIR meta P3 NEW
1801191 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - GC Marking and Nursery meta P3 NEW
1801192 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Parsing meta P3 NEW
1801194 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Benchmark Review meta P3 NEW
1803803 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Atoms and Strings meta P1 NEW
1804307 [meta] Implement the WebAssembly memory control proposal meta P3 NEW
1805038 [meta] New Set methods meta, parity-safari P3 NEW
1808325 [meta] JS Codepen demos that are slower in Firefox than in Chrome meta P3 NEW
1808579 [meta] Quality of life improvements for spidermonkey performance work meta P3 NEW
1809948 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Telemetry meta P3 NEW
1810243 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Megamorphic Property Access in Speedometer meta P1 NEW
1811054 [meta] Change Array By Copy proposal meta P3 NEW
1811467 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Immutable Objects meta P1 NEW
1812057 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Objects and Properties meta P3 NEW
1812157 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Ion Compile Latency meta P1 NEW Justin Link
1812316 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Bound functions meta P1 NEW
1814471 [META] Symbol Predicates Proposal [DocArea=JS] dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1814473 [META] Intl Era and MonthCode Proposal [DocArea=JS] dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1814957 [meta] Interop 2023 Modules meta P2 NEW
1815411 [meta] Tune parallel marking for more than two threads meta P3 NEW Jon Coppeard (:jonco)
1815487 [meta] Improve Profiler instrumentation of JIT code meta P3 NEW
1817284 [meta] JS Perf Experiments - Reduce mprotect meta P2 NEW
1818511 [meta] Wasm GC support for Kotlin meta P3 NEW
1826840 [meta] Optimize scripted proxies in CacheIR meta P3 NEW
1833646 [META] Float16Array proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1839673 [META] Temporal proposal meta, parity-chrome, parity-safari P3 NEW
1839676 [meta] Improve error messages for Temporal meta P3 NEW
1839694 [meta] Add Intl support for Temporal meta, parity-chrome, parity-safari P3 NEW
1840643 [META] Implement the Async Iterator Helpers proposal dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1847830 [meta] Experiment with OOM Handling Behaviour meta P3 NEW
1859006 [meta] Audit core GC types for wasted memory meta P3 NEW
1860022 [META] Iterator.range dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1861740 [meta] Improve debugging experience around Promise and async function meta P3 NEW
1862213 [Meta] Time zone canonicalization meta P3 NEW
1862220 [META] Uint8Array to/from base64 and hex dev-doc-needed, meta P3 NEW
1865164 [meta] Flexible Vectors Wasm proposal meta P3 NEW
1870723 [meta] Fuse Based Optimization meta P3 NEW
1871158 [meta] Regressions from not having tier up opportunities on loop-edges (OSR) meta P5 NEW
1875862 [meta] Experiment with changing module compilation pipeline meta P1 NEW
1876147 [meta] JS String Builtins Proposal meta P2 NEW
1876279 [meta] Move js tests to Test262 meta P2 NEW
1882423 [meta] Crash in [@ js::IsProxy] from various code paths crash, meta P3 NEW
1885342 [meta] WebAssembly performance gaps meta P3 NEW
1886557 [meta] Make JIT Spraying implausible meta P2 NEW
1886562 [meta] Move JIT constants to a data-section which is not executable meta P3 ASSIGNED Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp]
1886563 [meta] Make the location of immediate constants uncertain meta P3 NEW
1886567 [meta] Make code position independent of its entry and exit locations. meta P3 NEW
1888482 [meta] Implement the custom-page-sizes proposal meta P3 NEW
1890610 [meta] Gary JavaScript engine Fuzzing meta, reporter-external, sec-other P3 NEW
1892984 [meta] SpiderMonkey Third Party Dependencies meta P1 NEW
1892985 [meta] SpiderMonkey ICU Dependency meta P1 NEW
1892986 [meta] Irregexp meta P1 NEW
1892987 [meta] Zydis meta P1 NEW
1892988 [meta] SpiderMonkey Shell meta P1 NEW
1892990 [meta] SpiderMonkey Build System meta P1 NEW
1892993 [meta] SpiderMonkey Testing & Test Infrastructure meta P1 NEW
1892998 [meta] SpiderMonkey APIs (Public, Private, API Design) meta P1 NEW
1893511 [meta] GC Ease of Use meta P3 NEW
1894274 [meta] Out Of Memory Handling meta P1 NEW
1894275 [meta] Bugs made worse by small-OOM recovery meta P1 NEW
1897981 [meta] WebAssembly JS Promise Integration meta P2 NEW
1898544 [meta] Defer Import Eval Proposal meta P2 NEW
1899287 [meta] Redeclarable global eval-introduced vars meta P2 NEW
1899802 [meta] Regular Expression Pattern Modifiers meta P3 NEW
1899830 [meta] Remove JIT usage from the parent process meta P3 NEW
1902244 [meta] Make the JIT compatible with CET Shadow Stacks meta P3 NEW
1903968 [meta] Nils JavaScript engine Fuzzing meta P3 NEW
1905227 [META] Async Explicit Resource Management meta P3 NEW
1905241 [Meta] Promise.try meta P3 NEW

323 Total; 323 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);