Jetpack/Weekly Meeting/2012-09-18
From MozillaWiki
< Jetpack | Weekly Meeting
- Builder
- 1.10 ships today!
- 1.11 merges today! (SOON)
- Roundtable
- Matteo's Awesomeness: attachTo's blog post
- Findbar Package
- Module Metadata
- CFX integration
Awesomeness Schedule
9/25 | Wes |
10/2 | Will |
10/9 | Alex |
10/16 | Dave |
10/23 | Eddy |
10/30 | Erik |
11/6 | Gabor |
11/13 | Irakli |
11/20 | Jeff |
11/27 | Matteo |
Triage Followups
No results.
0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);
Open Bugs
- Wes
- Irakli
- Dave
- Matteo
- Eddy
- Jorge
- Alex
- Erik
- Gabor
- Will
- Everything is on track for release today. Wes will merge to stabilization later today so get all your 1.11 patches in before then.
- Alex would like to get content script freezing bug landed for 1.11, erik to review and has made some comments so it is basically ready to go
- Going to cycle round everyone for at least one piece of awesomeness a week, Matteo to start then going in alphabetical order
- Matteo has done a great blog post on attachTo
- Erik did a blog post on localizing simple-prefs
- Erik made a findbar module that adds suggestions of things to search for in the find bar
- Matteo wants to understand whether we want to keep application/platform support information in he module metadata or not. He will set up a meeting for him and Irakli, anyone interested should contact him to join in.