Jetpack/Weekly Meeting/2014-04-22
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< Jetpack | Weekly Meeting
- High Priority Work
- Native Jetpack Support
- [Slaughterhouse] (needs public bug)
- what parts have landed, in which version, details?
- devs are asking questions on irc, and i can't investigate sec bugs. --zombie
- Devtools SDK
- Tabs and windows modules
- Blockers?
- Roundtable
- Mentoring bugs
- Conflicting meetings
- send me some low risk/priority r? requests, i want the practice. --zombie
- Matteo is famous
- Bug 995080 - Exceptions raised when a window without toolbars is opened with existing widgets
- Connor starting on May 12th
Triage Followups
No results.
0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);
Open Bugs
- Mossop
- Gabor
- Irakli
- Jeff
- Jordan
- Matteo
- Will
- zombie
High Priority Work
Native Jetpack Support
Nothing new.
Nothing new.
[Slaughterhouse] (needs public bug)
Questions in IRC about the details: zombie will talk to Gabor on IRC.
Devtools SDK
Landed changes to debugger to let actors self-describe.
- should we finish de-traitifying tabs and windows? Mossop: the code is very hard to work with and would be improved if we de-traitified. Irakli: there will need to be big changes anyway for e10s, would prefer to rewrite only once. Need to be careful making changes as these are very widely used APIs.
- bugs: is badly wanted by lots of people. Was this something that used to work and was broken by a change in Firefox?
- Mentoring bugs: Engineering has a goal to improve contributor retention (led by mhoye). At least 1 mentor bug fixed per engineer per release cycle. So everyone: look through bugs, find something suitable, offer to mentor (whiteboard tag it, mossop will paste tag into irc). Find both "first bugs" and "next bugs". Come up with a list for next week, and we'll blog about it.
- Conflicting meetings: this meeting quite often seems to conflict with Town Halls. We'll not move it (yet) but if this meeting conflicts with a TH that you want to attend, feel free to skip this meeting. Just tell mossop, so we don't wait for you.
- send zombie some low risk/priority r? requests
- Matteo is famous
- Connor (intern) is starting May 12. What will he work on? Not sure yet, asking him what he's interested in. Possibles: jpm, AOM, devtools SDK, memory tools. Mossop: memory usage sounds interesting.