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The scenario where a user has some degree of Motor Difficulties is matched to a Gnome environment that primarily uses the keyboard for navigation. This user cannot easily work with a standard keyboard and mouse, but is able to emulate mouse and key-combination operations by using a keyboard-only environment that provides mechanisms such as locking modifer keys, ignoring quick key-presses, and simulating mouse movement through the numpad.

About AccessX


AccessX, which ships in Solaris 2.4, is keyboard enhancements which provide basic X Window System accessibility to users with physical disabilities. AccessX allows the user to:

  • Perform complicated key sequences serially (e.g. Control-C)
  • Control the mouse pointer and buttons from the keyboar
  • Set the key repeat and acceptance rates

Specific functions provided in AccessX

  • StickyKeys
    Provides locking or latching of modifier keys (eg, Shift, Control) so that they can be used without simultaneously pressing the keys being modified. This allows single finger operation of multiple key combinations.
  • MouseKeys
    An alternative to the mouse which provides keyboard based explicit control of cursor movement and all mouse button press/release events.
  • RepeatKeys
    Delays the onset of key repeat, allowing users with limited coordination time to release keys before multiple characters are sent.
  • SlowKeys
    Requires a key to be held down for a set period before keypress acceptance. This allows users with limited coordination to accidentally press keys without sending keypress events.
  • ToggleKeys
    Indicates locking key state with a tone when pressed, e.g., Caps Lock.
  • BounceKeys
    Requires a delay between keystrokes before accepting the next keypress so users with tremors can prevent the system from accepting inadvertant keypresses.

Set up

Enable Keyboard Accessibility as follows:

  • 1. Launch main menu->Preference->Assistive Technology Preferences
  • 2. Check "Enable assistive technologies"
  • 3. Click "Close and log out" button
  • 4. Log in

Test Aim

Tester Notes