Krad Radio/Using

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On this page we will list all commands to control krad radio and their parameters. Parameters with a default value specified in the table can be omitted. However, you need to specify them if you need to change the value of a parameter following a default one. Most commands should be called like: krad_radio sysname command whereas sysname is a unique identifier of the instance of krad radio you are targeting. This ID (sysname) has to be between 4 and 32 lowercase characters and numbers and must start with a character.

Station management and general commands

v Prints the krad radio version number. Use without a sysname

krad_radio -v

launch Sets up a station by starting an instance of the krad_radio_daemon.

krad_radio sysname launch<

kill Tears down a station by quitting the corresponding instance of the krad_radio_daemon.

krad_radio sysname kill

setdir Sets output directory and starts logging to a file in that directory. Snapshots of compositor-output is also stored there. Path of directory to use for logfiles/snapshots

krad_radio sysname setdir ~/krad_dir

logname Returns the absolute path of the daemon's logfile or nothing if it doesn't do logging.

krad_radio sysname logname

uptime Shows how long the station has been running.

krad_radio sysname uptime

info Displays station state summary

krad_radio sysname info
And more..