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Meeting Details
- 9:00am Pacific, 12:00pm Eastern
- 650-903-0800 x91 Conf# 206 (US/INTL)
- irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for backchannel
- (notetaker: sethb)
- pike
- mic
- pascalc
- chofmann
- clouserw
- sethb
Community Development (sethb and pascal)
- Community Pack: populating Gandalf's wiki
- Chofmann and sethb to meet
- Romanian community: Alexandru and Adina, will also help with Catalan community
- Greek Community: New Greek localizer to replaces Costas; also working with George. Also, 8 volunteers to build Greek community.
- Pascalc will be in Barcelona and Madrid to party!! (Only where there is good food...and wine...)
- Blog more about localizers' effort over the past weeks. Axel and Mic are going to do that
- Persian...on Mic's to-do, get to a launch
Firefox (axel, mic)
- Downloads per locale
- If people ask us, we can give download numbers for what we know... what kind of impact will you get if you give this information?
- We might be able to show trends, Geo-IP data, total downloads...good point to start the conversation to inspire community building
Firefox 3.1 and 3.0.1, additional locales (axel and mic)
- 3.1 still a little blurry in Axel's head. Timing and what we need will come up or will we have to work around? Still seems pretty unclear.
- 3.0.1 going to be a bunch of updates for bug fixes that we didn't fix in 3.0...
- approval flag is there, but we need Beltzner to start approving stuff
- numerous locales in incubator have asked if they can go in 3.0.1
- Surprising since they haven't done much to update from FF2 to FF3
- Branch will remain in its state
- Could be difficult, given work that needs to be done
- Number of sessions proposed
- http://wiki.mozilla.org/Summit2008/Sessions/Proposals#L10n_Related
- Have sessions been moved from proposal stage to a schedule?
- Chofmann: not yet. He spoke with Asa and it's not in place yet.
- We'll meet sometime this week to coordinate
- Lots of crossover among various sessions, so let's use this week to work on presentations and get together
- Seth will ask Asa how schedule is managed
- Do we want to do a block of time or have talks smattered over a few days
- Example: FF3 post mortem, interesting to l10n community, but should also be close to other post mortems
- Schedule it so localizers can participate in other interesting things as well.
- But we want main coders to participate in l10n stuff, like post mortem...
- Might make sense to spread out the presentations
- Chofmann: we need a detailed outline of what topics need to be covered in each session
- How widespread will the appeal be? What is the audience?
- Timing will then fall in line
- General call for Thursday, June 19 about features and what will go on in the demo
- Yay for FF3!! Stories from Download Day...