L10n:9 Years of Firefox

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Priority P3
Owner Greg Jost
Project length (in # of strings and words) 900 words
Description of target audience 1/ Existing Firefox users

2/ Mozilla community, press

Project home (Where will your project live?) add-on
Target locales de, fr, es-ES, pl, ru, pt-BR, it
Locale expansion rate (What is your estimated rate of locale expansion per quarter?)
Available L10n resources campaign wireframes (add-on user flow)
Project life-cycle One-time
Release schedule https://docs.google.com/a/mozilla.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlpIp8aRb9-GdEtRX2ZSeUUwY0ZzQjZFWHJpWHVkanc&usp=drive_web#gid=0
Target date 2013/11/12

Talked to Pascal and here is a recap of our conversation:

> The project in a nutshell We are going to offer Firefox users a fun experience for the 9 years of Firefox. The idea is to tell the Firefox story in-product, using animated GIFs and a variation of Blake Winton's add-on Whimsy. The result is a visual experience served via an enhanced New Tab.

The content is going be a mix of static images and animated GIFs. We would like to share a mix of Firefox milestones (releases, features), community anecdotes (stunts, mascots, etc.) and campaigns (NYT ad, Download Day, Firefox Live...). Each story is meant to emphasize our role as an innovator, powered by community and driven by values.

In terms of message we want to communicate that for 9 years, Firefox and its incredible community has been innovating for users and defending the web passionately. To celebrate this special day, we are offering our supporters a customized Firefox experience in form of a visual restrospective.

> Localization needs

  • Story descriptions - approx 500-600 words

For each of the pictures/gifs, an overlay with a short description provides context (see attached pdf) --> delivered in thumbnail-gifs.txt file (e.g. see "definition 1, 2, 3" in https://github.com/bwinton/BirthdayFox/blob/gh-pages/thumbnail-gifs.txt)

  • Add-on UI elements (approx 125 words)

A headline, welcome and thank you messages --> delivered in en-US.properties file (e.g. see https://github.com/bwinton/BirthdayFox/blob/master/locale/en-US.properties)

  • AMO page description (approx 2 paragraphs)

A few sentences describing the experience and prompting users to activate. --> delivery form to be determined by l10n

  • AMO banner (approx 15-25 words)

Promotional banner on AMO and add-ons manager. --> to be confirmed, talking to Amy Tsay to see who would be in charge of localizing the banner

Locales: at a minimum, we would like to cover desktop's priority locales with: ru, pt-BR, es-ES, de, pl, fr, de

Note: Snippets, email and social media posts will be translated separately by user engagement.

> Timing

  • Project goes live on Nov 12
  • We're aiming for a handover of the files on Oct 17
  • Deadline: Oct 28

Note: after speaking with Blake who is building the add-on, it seems like the add-on will call a github page where localized strings are hosted. This should give us more flexbility in terms of deadline as adding locales will consist of updating Github, and can be done in parallel to add-on review process on AMO. With that.