L10n:B2G/Planning/Overall Status

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Feel free to contact Firefox OS localization team for more details.

Please note that these sign-offs are for Product side. These do not reflect status of other components such as Marketplace/Marketing/WebParts. Please reach out to Peiying for that info (pmo at mozilla dot com)

PASS: 100% translated, 100% tested, keyboards and autocorrection/wordsuggestion available

CONDITIONAL PASS (CP): l10n complete or almost complete (less than 300 missing strings). These locales are missing one of the above listed in PASS, but can still be considered for shipping. Details explained next to each language. Possible partner would have to accept status, and provide whatever is missing if they need it (such as testing, or keyboards/dictionaries)

FAIL: contact l10n team to know why this failed. Reasons are often: not enough translation, no testing, too many bugs, or not available.


For v1.4 we did a sign-off. Please find the detailed results below


[PASS] French: 100% translated, 100% tested, all issues fixed

[PASS] German: 100% translated, 100% tested, all issues fixed

[PASS] Greek: 100% translated, 100% tested, all issues fixed

[PASS] Spanish: only 2 missing strings, 100% tested, all issues fixed

[PASS] Italian: 100% translated, 100% tested, all issues fixed

[PASS] Polish: 100% translated, 100% tested, all issues fixed

[PASS] Russian: 100% translated, 100% tested, all issues fixed

[PASS] Serbian Latin: 100% translated, 100% tested, 0 open bug

[PASS] Turkish: 100% translated, 100% tested, all issues fixed

[PASS] Traditional Chinese: 100% translated, 100% tested, all issues fixed

[PASS] Simplified Chinese, 100% translated, 100% tested, no issues found

[PASS] Punjabi: 100% translated, 100% tested, 0 open bugs

[PASS] Xhosa: 100% translated, tested and corrected by Rubric


  • Needs more testing

[CP] Bengali from India (bn-IN): 100% translated but only 36% of l10n community testing completed

[CP] Hindi (hi-IN): 100% translated but only 3% of l10n community testing completed

  • Needs Auto-correction and Word Suggestion

[CP] Korean: 100% translated, 100% tested, 1 open bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=ko%20%2F%20Korean&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10340223 BUT 'Auto correction' and 'Word suggestion' are not working on the Korean keyboard:: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1004780

[CP] Japonese: 100% translated, 100% tested, 1 open bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=ja%20%2F%20Japanese&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10340029 BUT 'Auto correction' and 'Word suggestion' are not working with the Japanese keyboard: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1005407

  • Needs more bug fixing

[CP] Malay: 100% translated, 100% tested, 0 bugs fixed: 42 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=ms%20%2F%20Malay&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339535

[CP] Swedish: 100% coverage, 100% tested, 0 bugs fixed: 31 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=sv-SE%20%2F%20Swedish&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339660

[CP] Bengali from Bengal (bn-BD): 100% translated, 100% testing done, 5 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=bn-BD%20%2F%20Bengali&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339540

[CP] Catalan: 100% translated, 100% tested, 4 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=ca%20%2F%20Catalan&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339543

[CP] Czech: 100% translated, 100% tested, 1 open bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=cs%20%2F%20Czech&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339554

[CP] Hungarian: 100% translated, 100% tested, 3 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=hu%20%2F%20Hungarian&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339637

[CP] Macedonian: 100% translated, 100% tested, 4 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=mk%20%2F%20Macedonian&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339656

[CP] Dutch: 100% translated, 100% tested, 9 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=nl%20%2F%20Dutch&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339721

[CP] Brazilian Portuguese: 100% translated, 100% tested, 10 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=pt-BR%20%2F%20Portuguese%20%28Brazil%29&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339729

[CP] Romanian: 100% translated, 100% tested, 3 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=ro%20%2F%20Romanian&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339787

[CP] Slovak: 100% translated, 100% tested, 1 open bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=sk%20%2F%20Slovak&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339795

[CP] Serbian Cyrillic: 100% translated, 100% tested, 1 open bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=sr%20%2F%20Serbian&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339815

[CP] Danish: 100% translated, 100% tested, 3 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=da%20%2F%20Danish&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339941

[CP] Basque: 100% translated, 100% tested, 1 open bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=eu%20%2F%20Basque&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339985

[CP] Galician: 100% translated, 100% tested, 6 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=gl%20%2F%20Galician&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10340015

[CP] Lithuanian: 100% translated, 100% tested, 2 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=lt%20%2F%20Lithuanian&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10379479

[CP] Albanian : 100% translated, 100% tested,3 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=sq%20%2F%20Albanian&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10379526


[FAIL] Bulgarian: no update since 1.3

[FAIL] Croatian: no update since 1.3

[FAIL] Khmer: No fonts https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=815577

[FAIL] Nepali: 100% translated, 100% tested, 0 bugs fixed: 16 open bugs https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?action=wrap&status_whiteboard=LocRun1.4&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&component=ne-NP%20%2F%20Nepali%20%28Nepal%29&bug_status=NEW&list_id=10339518 This fail is due to Nepali missing keyboard: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=995521

[FAIL] Arabic: 4 missing strings, 100% tested BUT Fail due to RTL not in good enough state for shipping in 1.4

More details on http://mzl.la/1mFnKXx

Locale Health check, v2.0

v2.0 Sign-off


Afrikaans: PASS

Czech: PASS

German: PASS

Greek: PASS

Hungarian: PASS

Italian: PASS

Polish: PASS

Romanian: PASS

Russian: PASS

Serbian Latin: PASS

Serbian Cyrillic: PASS

Spanish: PASS

French: PASS

Fulah: PASS

Bulgarian (bg): PASS

Dutch (nl): PASS

Slovak (sk): PASS

Turkish (tr): PASS

Danish (da): PASS

Lithuanian (lt): PASS

Swedish (sv-SE): PASS

Catalan (ca): PASS

Afrikaans (af): PASS (also, marketplace and other components complete l10n-wise)

Conditional Pass

Swahili: 100% tested, uses English keyboard, but no auto-correction

Tamil: Missing Keyboard (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1022339) and missing Dictionary, so no auto-correction either

Brazilian Portuguese : CP - 892 missing strings at time of testing, so no testing done. Now 0 missing strings but needs testing

Bengali from India: Conditional Pass: No autocorrection/word suggestion (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=967732)

Hindi: CP No autocorrection/word suggestion

Zulu: CP No autocorrection/word suggestion (note: Marketplace and other components complete l10n-wise)

Xhosa: CP No autocorrection/word suggestion (note: Marketplace and other components complete l10n-wise)

Albanian (sq): CP no keyboard, no autocorrection/word suggestion

Korean (ko): CP No autocorrection/word suggestion

Malay (ms): CP No autocorrection/word suggestion

Basque (eu): CP No Keyboard, Not autocorrection/word suggestion

Galician (gl): CP No Keyboard, Not autocorrection/word suggestion

Bengali from India (bn-IN): CP some issues with Keyboard and no autocorrection/word suggestion

Traditional Chinese (zh-TW): CP No autocorrection/word suggestion

Simplified Chinese (zh-CN): CP No autocorrection/word suggestion


Any locale not listed above is considered as Fail for l10n sign-off, either because it was incomplete and/or not tested.

Locale Health check, v2.1

v2.1 Sign-off


(please note that locales that had more than 300 missing strings have not been tested by QAnalysts)

Bosnian (bs) - PASS

Portuguese from Portugal (pt-PT) - PASS

Albanian (sq) - PASS

Basque (eu) - PASS

Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) - PASS

Catalan (ca) - PASS

Czech (cz) - PASS

Galician (gl) - PASS

Greek (el) - PASS

Hungarian (hu) - PASS

Polish (pl) - PASS

Serbian  Cyrillic - PASS

Serbian Latin - PASS

Turkish    tr - PASS

Danish    da - PASS

Slovak    sk - PASS

Swedish    sv - PASS

Spanish  (es) - PASS

Bulgarian (bg) – PASS -

Dutch    nl – PASS

Russian ru - PASS

French fr - PASS

German de - PASS

Italian it - PASS

Simplified Chinese (zh-CN) – PASS.

Traditional Chinese (zh-TW) – Pass


Slovenian, CP 100% complete, but 0% testing done. No Keyboard But autocorrection/word suggestion OK

Welsh (needs more time for testing): 100% completed but 0% testing. No keyboard no autocorrection/word suggestion (might just use the English ones?Check)

Fulah – CP needs a bit more testing. Needs autocorrection/word suggestion

Songhay – CP 100% completed but 0% tested. Needs keyboard + autocorrection/word suggestion

Tamil – CP 100% completed but 0% tested. Needs autocorrection/word suggestion


All other locales that are not listed above are considered as a Fail for sign-off on 2.1, because they have not been tested and/or are incomplete

Locale Health check, v2.2

v2.2 Sign-off

Please note that locales that had more than 300 missing strings have not been tested. Also, this sign-off is for FxOS product side only. This does not reflect status of Marketplace, WebParts or Marketing material. We changed the conditions a bit for 2.2 l10n sign-off, accepting languages that have not been tested as a Conditional Pass if they are 100% complete translation- wise. This means that Mozilla and/or partners will have to test the language for it to be acceptable to ship.


Basque (eu)

Bulgarian (bg)

Czech (cs)

Dutch (nl)

French (fr)

German (de)

Greek (el)

Italian (it)

Portuguese from Brazil (pt-BR)

Portuguese from Portugal (pt-PT)

Russian (ru)

Spanish (es)

Serbian Cyrillic (sr-CYRL)

Serbian Latin (sr-Latn)


Arabic (ar): 100% completed, 100% tested, has keyboard BUT no dictionary

Bengali from India (bn-IN): 100% completed, 100% tested, has 2 keyboard layouts (bn-Avro and bn-Probhat) BUT no dictionary

Breton (br): 100% completed, 100% tested, "c'hwerty" keyboard layout available on marketplace BUT no dictionary

Esperanto (eo): 100% completed, 100% tested, has keyboard BUT no dictionary

Ukrainian (uk): 100% completed, 100% tested, has keyboard BUT no dictionary

Polish (pl): 186 missing strings, 100% tested, has keyboard and dictionary (ie too many missing strings to consider as "PASS")

Frisian (fy-NL): 100% completed, 100% tested, has dictionary BUT keyboard pending

Catalan (ca): 100% completed, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Welsh (cy): 100% completed, has keyboard, BUT no dictionary (WIP), not tested

Danish (da): 100% completed, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Gaelic (gd): 100% completed, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Hungarian (hu): 100% completed, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Indonesian (id): 100% completed, has keyboard (uses English) BUT no dictionary and not tested

Japanese (ja): 100% completed, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Korean (ko): 100% completed, has keyboard BUT no dictionary and not tested

Romanian (ro): 100% completed, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Slovak (sk): 100% completed, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Slovenian (sl): 100% completed, has dictionary BUT no keyboard and not tested

Songhay (son): 100% completed, BUT no keyboard, no dictionary and not tested

Swedish (sv-SE): 100% completed, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Traditional Chinese (zh-TW): 100% completed, has keyboard BUT no dictionary and not tested

Urdu (ur): only 5 missing strings, BUT no keyboard, no dictionary and not tested

Albanian (sq): only 14 missing strings, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Fulah (ff): 65 missing strings, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Irish (ga-IE): 81 missing strings, has keyboard and dictionary BUT not tested

Kannada (ka): 239 missing strings, BUT no keyboard, no dictionary and not tested


Any language not listed here should be considered as FAIL on l10n sign-off, either because they had too many missing strings (more than 300) or too many bugs. You may contact delphine at mozilla dot com for more info on status of specific languages