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We'd like to get a rough idea on how the particular locales can do QA, which resources they have, how fast, how many eyeballs, etc. Please just add a === ab-CD == beneath, and explain how long it takes you to do which kind of QA on which platforms. We'd like to know which platforms are tested within the l10n team, and which are covered by community QA as well.


The l10n owner does the QA. He uses localized Firefox and Thunderbird on Linux daily. Builts for Windows are sometimes tested. MacOSX is not available and there is no testing at all for this platform.

Thunderbird l10n is done by peer. It needs some more QA testing and fixing.

There were some sporadic mails by people that tried localized Firefox and have something to report. No report for Thunderbird.


We are using the locale-inspector tool and compare-locales.pl scripts.

QA made by members of the l10n team. We use public mailing list (http://www.softcatala.org/llistes/) for testing localised builds. We usually announce them in our blogs as well. There are active testers (for Windows and Linux platform, and for Mac OS X as well).


QA made by members of the l10n team. We use public mailing list for testing localised builds. There are active testers (for Windows and Linux platform, basic test on Mac too) and they test every release (alpha, beta, RC) - some of them use l10n nightly builds. We have own support forum (community feedback) and Bugzilla too.

Before 1.5 RC2 release we checked every part of the UI (Firefox and Thunderbird) looking for grammatical and stylistic issues.


We are using the locale-inspector tool and compare-locales.pl scripts.

Thunderbird QA: Is done by mail owner using latest branch builds (or rc candidates) for daily usage (win32; POP, IMAP, RSS, Newsgroups) and running these smoke tests for win32 (Win XP Pro) and linux (OpenSUSE 10.0). OS X QA is done by Martin Creutziger and a second team member. Furthermore all Thunderbird Mail DE team members (9+) are testing branch builds and we have feedback in german forums and in BugZilla de-AT component. The smoke tests (win32 and linux) could normally be done in less than 24 hours.

Firefox QA: Is done by browser owner using latest branch builds (or rc candidates) for daily usage and running appropiate parts of these smoke tests for win32 (Win XP Pro) and linux (Ubuntu 5.10). OS X QA is done by Martin Creutziger. Furthermore our large userbase is testing branch builds on a daily basis and we have feedback in german forums and in BugZilla de-AT component. The smoke tests (win32 and linux) could normally be done in less than 24 hours.


QA by localization owner and the members of the l10n Greek mailing list. RC builds are tested through smoketest (Mac tests are almost non existent.) Useful comments from various people since the 1.0 release improved the overall quality of the translation


QA made by five members of the l10n team. Some community feedback is received, but there's no community group testing. Testing is done as soon as needed. Less comprehensive testing is made when changes are made to the CVS. We do thorought testing on Windows Platforms (9x and XP), some of us use nightlies in daily work to test them in the wild. We do limited testing on Linux Platforms, as we don't have enough linux boxes in the team. We don't test Mac builds, as we don't have access to any Mac. Community QA is almost entirely done on Windows.


We do use the locale-inspector tool and compare-locales.pl scripts.

FF and TB QA. In our l10n group (20 members) we have at least one person per platform in charge of the QA.

For each beta/rc version we have some community feedback in a forum.


We use two mailing lists, one for feedback and discussion, and one to submit patches if necessary. As the feedback was not as high as expected these days, we opened a blog where we get much more useful comments from the community.

Additionaly, many of our team members are "eating their own dogfood" by taking nightlies for daily usage on Windows and Linux. Mac testing is more difficult to do regularly, and mac builds are only tested a few days before each release.

To increase the overal quality of our translation, we also make use of comparison scripts, and sometimes do get "professional" feedback from the Sun QA team.


2 Mailing Lists:
- 1 private used mostly by translators.
- 1 public for mostly users (http://gaeilge.mozdev.org/list.html)
For Beta and Full releases, we have at least 2 testers on each of the major platforms (Linux, Mac, Windows). Tested is heavy and comprehensive, mainly comprised of users using it as their default browser/mail and trying as much functionality as possible.


Hungarian l10n team consist of one active member (project owner). A few other people helped him with the translation, but not actively participated in the QA process in the past few weeks. The locale-inspector tool and compare-locales.pl scripts are used. Some feedback (useful comments) have been received from the users' community.

Firefox QA: Full L10N QA including accesskey checks and check for truncations was performed by a community member on Linux, Mac and Win. The project owner and a few other people he knows use Firefox 1.5 nightlies, betas and/or RCs on a daily basis as their primary browser.

Thunderbird QA: Thunderbird QA was done by the project owner. RC1 was tested on Windows platform (have been used as the primary mail application for a while). Linux and Mac have not been tested.


The Italian l10n team is working on QA from beta 1 release with the dedicated mailing list and forum. The Linux version has the deepest QA (accesskeys functionality and phrase truncations) but each release is tested and verified from various members covering Windows and OSX platforms. From beta 2 we did not receive any new error alert, despite the big number of Italian users that are using RC1, so the quality of translation should be good.


The Korean community has own forum and volunteers(10~20) to help QA. And there re two l10n committers and two tree committers. Maybe 20 people can help QA for korean version. About 5 people have macintosh and 3 people have linux system. Also Channy, a module owner of ko locale have all system of window, mac and linux.


Forum for public discussions, and internal mailing lists. Rough estimate 20-30 visitors in forum each day. No fixed way of doing QA -- module owner is fully responsible for integrity of check-ins. Core team does testing on Windows and Linux; 2 random external users do mac release testing. Some feedback has been received on nightlies; we have gotten around 5-10 feedbacks on translation last month, which we interpret to that there is a error-reporting base of some size. Owner makes most of the testing in front of releases, primarily on Windows, which averages around 30 minutes of "use".


Most of the testing is done inside the l10n team. Most people have access to Windows machines, but some test on Linux too. We have at least one persons which does Mac-testing for us. When testing we test if everything is working properly, something like a smoke test. Most of the testing is using the build for daily browsing. For detecting errors locale-inspector is used. There also is an active Dutch Mozilla forum and a mailinglist where we can ask for help and suggestions.


Firefox: Bonsai, tinderbox and compare-locales.pl are used to keep locales in sync with en-US. QA done by browser owner (Marek Stepien) using latest Linux branch builds (including rc2-candidates) for daily usage, and running smoketests a few times a month; Occasionally browser owner also tests Windows and Mac builds. Other AviaryPL team members use nightly builds on Windows and Linux for daily usage; Camino l10n owner also tests Firefox on the Mac from time to time.

The smoke tests (Linux and win32) can normally be done in less than 24 hours.

Some community members are also using nightlies and reporting problems in our forums, our bugzilla or the alt.pl.mozilla Usenet newsgroup. This includes translation feedback.

Before each release (with 1.5 it was a few days before the lockdown) Wojciech Kapusta checks every part of the UI looking for grammatical, stylistic and comprehensibility issues.

Thunderbird: Bonsai is used to track changes in en-US and pl, tinderbox is used to make sure everything is OK. Mail owner (Piotr Komoda) is doing global in-use application and translation testing one or two times per month using newest Windows nightly build. Occasionally mail owner also tests Linux builds. Mac builds testing is done by our MacOS specialist (Piotr Chylinski, Camino l10n owner). Before each release translation is massively tested in three ways:
1) Couple of our in and outside team QA testers are checking language files
2) Our head QA (Wojciech Kapusta) is testing translation by checking (literally) every part of UI looking for grammatical, stylistic and comprehensibility issues.
3) Information is posted in our forums calling for community testing.


Russian l10n team consists of one active member (project owner). Project owner is maintaining l10n himself. Some people are helping with translation of Firefox help. Sometimes project owner asks NVU localizer to help with l10n of CSS and DOM stuff. For picking bugs in l10n he's using locale-inspector tool. He's watching changes in l10n with reading of CVS logs and Bonsai quiries. For picking up changes in Firefox help diff is used. He's reading Bugzilla bugs (in which there were changes in l10n) in case if some changes in l10n are not clear for him. We have pretty good forum. Some time ago threads, discussing l10n, had been made, so forum members can propose changes or improvements in localization of Firefox and Thunderbird. A lot of changes has been made. Sometimes we've got some feedback by mail.

Firefox and Thunderbird QA: L10N QA were performed by project owner on Windows (XP SP2) and Linux (Fedora Core 4). We are usually asking on forum someone to make some tests on Mac. The project owner uses Firefox 1.5 and Thunderbird 1.5 nightlies, betas and RCs on a daily basis as his browser and mail application (on Windows platform).


Several people seem to be posting comments to our mailing list about both nightly (trunk) and release candidate/beta builds whenever issues are found. I am not aware of anyone testing such builds using MacOS X, though we have had some comments from a few Mac users after the release of 1.0 (and these minor issues have been fixed now).

Generally we test the translation rather than browser/mail client functionality per se; this is to say, we want to ensure that all text fits and that there are no XUL errors, rather than perform the classic QA such as CSS tests &c. Testing is therefore generally done as simply using, as normally, the browser/mail client for a few hours, though perhaps, in many cases, endeavouring to use as many features as possible.


We use compare-locales.pl script and keep eyes on Tinderbox. QA made by 4 members of the l10n team and by a few more people from community. Nightlies are used to test on Windows, Linux and even on Mac. Most of smoke tests done during daily usage. We want to ensure that all text fits and that there are no XUL errors.


We are using the tinderbox and local-inspector tool,compare-locales.pl script to check our locale files.and using bonsai to check what's checked in in English and then sync with english for those files.

Firefox/thunderbird QA. We have a L10n news group (more than 100 members) and commulity feedback from a forum for each nightly,beta and rc version. for Windows and Linux platform we have several active members for the QA and fixed several bugs from their reports. but for mac platform we cannot do the QA because the lack of hardware.