Team website:dare2inanup.blogspot.com
Active team members
Name | Role | Hg Access? | SVN Access? | |
Anup Kumar Mishra | anupkumarmishra29@gmail.com | Toolkit/Browser Owner | YES; Level 1 L10n (Add link to bug) | YES (Add link to bug) |
Vinayak Sinha | dr.vk123@rediffmail.com | Localizer | NO | NO |
Shesh Narayan | raj.lucky61@gmail.com | Localizer | NO | NO |
Kumar Shubham | shubham.frend@gmail.com | Localizer | NO | NO
Localizers in training
Name | Project assignment | |
Your Name | yourname@example.com | SUMO localization |
row 2, cell 1 | row 2, cell 2 | row 2, cell 3 |
Active projects
Which mozilla projects is your community actively localizing? Please add links to dashboards for these projects.
L10n kit
Please list here the tools your team uses, as well as links to your L10n assets (e.g., translation memories, termbases, style guides, etc.).
- Tools
- Translation Memory
- Glossary
- Style Guide
How to join this l10n team
Five steps for newcomers to learn how to join your l10n team
Localizing SUpport.MOzilla.org (SUMO)
If you want to start localizing http://support.mozilla.org/ into Bhojpuri, please do the following:
- Read our universal l10n documentation here.
- Create a SUMO account.
- Get in touch with MichaĆ / vesper.
- Visit our forums and introduce yourself to the community.
Team communication
Please add mailing lists, community websites, etc.