
Spanish, international (es)

If you have an image, be sure to add one here and align it to the right.

Team website:

Active team members

Name Email Country Role Desktop OS Tablet OS Mobile OS Hg Access? SVN Access?
Mauricio Navarro gmautematico[AT]gmail[DOT]com Mexico Firefox desktop and Web leader, in charge of International Spanish (es) L10n Trisquel GNU/Linux NA Firefox OS YES YES
Daniel Añez Scott dscott[AT]mozilla-hispano[DOT]org Venezuela Verbatim (MDN, AMO, SUMO...) L10n Owner, "Firefox + You" newsletter L10n Peer, "Apps&Hacks" newsletter L10n Peer, Social media L10n Peer Windows 10/Kubuntu - Android 5.1 Not yet Not yet
Isabel González (Zupe) zupeiza[AT]gmail[DOT]com Spain Gaia L10n Owner, Verbatim L10n Peer, SUMO content L10n Peer, Social media L10n Peer Linux Mint/Windows 7 Android Android Not yet Not yet
Ángela Velo avelper[AT]mozilla-hispano[DOT]org Spain Verbatim (MDN, AMO, SUMO...) L10n Peer, SUMO content L10n Peer, "Firefox + You" newsletter L10n Peer Not yet Not yet
Ricardo Palomares rpmdisguise-nave[AT]yahoo[DOT]es Spain Pontoon L10n Peer Linux Mint 18 Android Android YES; Level 1 L10n YES
Guillermo López willyaranda[AT]mozilla-hispano[DOT]org Spain Gaia Owner Mac OS X (TBD) Firefox OS YES; Level 1 L10n YES
Elisa Xitlali E ee[dot]sf2000[at]gmail.com USA (originally from Mexico) Marketing, mozilla.org

Localizers in training

Name Email Country Project assignment Desktop OS Tablet OS Mobile OS
qu yz quyz@hotmail.com argentina sumo translation windows 7 - ios8

Active projects

Which mozilla projects is your community actively localizing? Please add links to dashboards for these projects.

Localizing SUpport.MOzilla.org (SUMO)

If you want to help localize http://support.mozilla.org/es into your language, please do the following:

  1. create a SUMO account
  2. If you can, get in touch with the Group Leader(s) listed here via a Private Message. If there is nobody listed there, please get in touch with Michał / vesper.
  3. Read our universal l10n documentation here. For language-specific documentation, please get in touch with your Group Leader(s).
  4. Visit our forums and introduce yourself to the community. We don’t bite, unless you’re made of cake ;-)
  5. You're ready to go! If you have any questions, ask them on the forums.

L10n kit

Transifex (used for Firefox + You, Firefox OS and Apps & Hacks Newsletters), and Pontoon (used for web content, snippets, and product localization - Firefox for iOS and Firefox OS.)
Translation Memory
Transvision, our Bible, in addition to the different translation memories created by our Transifex projects.
Here's a list of glossaries used for the International Spanish L10n at Mozilla Hispano.
Style Guide
Our SUMO, and Firefox + You Style Guides.

How to join this l10n team

Five steps for newcomers to learn how to join our l10n team

  1. Go to https://foro.mozilla-hispano.org/, and create an account.
  2. Scroll down, and click the "Localización y traducción" link.
  3. Introduce yourself, say a few words about who you are and why you'd like to contribute to Mozilla.
  4. Navigate through the localization projects, and let us know what project you started contributing to. We'll be more than happy to guide you through!
  5. Now take a bow and press onward!

Team communication

Please don't be shy, and join our Localization Forum—You only need your Persona account to log in! If you have any International Spanish [es] L10n requests, please feel free to post them there!