L10n:Translation Quality/Meetings/052015-Utah

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14-15 May

Coding Campus

379 N University Ave #301

Provo, UT 84601

Google maps: http://bit.ly/1EXp4wZ


Thursday 14 May

Morning - 930AM
  • MQM & DFQ metrics defined for project.
    • Create decision tree.
    • Identify necessary Mozilla resources for these metrics.
    • Identify the differences between the old metric used in other projects and this new one with rationale for the changes.
    • Incorporate the new metric within each tool.
  • Bilingual FxOS (Firefox OS) diff assets ready for use in both tools.
    • Target language: Spanish
    • Target versions: FxOS 2.1-2.2
    • What format does each tool need that data to be in?
      • Pre-engineer diff into format(s) that is accepted by each tool.
    • Upload strings into each tool and verify the import was successful.

Friday 15 May

Morning - 930AM
  • New rater training created, reviewed, and finalized.
    • Review TAUS’s training and determine if it is public (or can be made public).
    • Watch the old training and identify where it needs to be updated.
    • Determine the best content, deliver, and length of time for new training video.
    • Determine how we verify with each rater that they have learned the necessary material from the training.
    • Determine the best delivery channel for this training and its verification.
  • Prep for additional project phases.
    • 20 raters recruited from the Mozilla community.
      • Contact previous raters.
      • Prepare snippet content and ask engagement team to run it in Beta.
    • 20 raters complete rater training.
      • Create messaging drafts to raters for training and other evaluation phase milestones.
    • Follow-up on yesterday morning's discussion.

