Labs/Ubiquity/Commands In The Wild

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LEGAL NOTICE: Mozilla is providing links to these third-party Ubiquity commands as a courtesy, and makes no representations regarding the commands or any information related there to. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the commands must be directed to the appropriate developer or software vendor.

Commands in the Wild

Please note that the main way we'd like commands to be distributed and shared in the future is via The Ubiquity Herd. Right now there isn't any social functionality on the Herd, though, which is why we're using this page to allow for user-contributed commentary and discussion. At some point in the near future we'll be adding this kind of functionality to the Herd and will migrate the content on this page there.

There Be Dragons Here

Pioneering can be crazy fun, but also a bit dangerous. The commands referenced here have not been reviewed by Mozilla. They may contain malicious code, so use them only at your own risk. Until Ubiquity becomes more mature, we recommend only adding commands that come from people you trust, or if you've read the code and know that they are safe.

Beware that even if you review the code before subscribing, the code may be subject to change from the publisher, and your copy will automatically update on firefox restart. This problem will be remedied in later versions of Ubiquity.


Web Search

Site-specific Search

  • NCBI - Very preliminary attempt to access NCBI and other genomic resources - currently only Pubmed
  • OneLook Reverse Lookup
  • Scoopler, spezify, stinkyteddy and exalead commands - [1]
  • amazon-locale: Perform a 'Blended' search on Amazon Germany, UK, USA, Japan or deposit casino.
  • [2]: 2 commands:
    • shop - Executes a shopping search with visual similarity and shopping compariosn - [3]
    • picitup - Executes a visual search query agianst, Yahoo, Flikcr and Picasa image search engines [4]
  • multi-search: Searches Google, Yahoo, MSN Live and simultaneously, in different tabs.
  • Skreemr - Searches for downloading Mp3's
  • Lets you to search venues, Online Casino restaurants and events in some big european cities.
  • Check Slashdot
  • Slurrp a URL to
  • mooch - Search BookMooch for the term you provide.
  • greasemonkey: Searches for available Greasemonkey menu commands, and displays them to you in preview, and offers you the ability to execute them with an input string.
  • d20 - Searches
  • lyric: Lookup song lyrics from
  • qrz - Lookup amateur radio callsigns on the server.
  • Israeli sites search חיפוש באתרים ישראליים - several search commands dedicated to a variety of Israeli sites, like:, and more

Google Search

  • music is a command that use google hacks in order to find mp3 or ogg music.
  • video is a command that use google hacks in order to find video.
  • googlism shows what thinks of you, your friends or anything
  • gdefine Performs a google search with the prefix "define:" to find definitions for a word.
  • Google Image Search is a command that allows you to search images on google. You can also choose a color and google gives you only the images matching your color. It's not well programmed, so feel free to improve it. Be sure to give me some feedback.
  • QRCode Generator is a command that generates QR Codes with the Google Chart API. It will encode whatever text you pass it into the QR Code which then can be scanned by mobile devices and barcode readers that support QR Codes.
  • Wave allows you to search for waves using advanced modifiers or clickable shortcuts for the folders/criteria.
  • Let Me Google That For You: create a link to a (not so?) subtle suggestion for someone who asks you, via a computer, about something that Google might be able to answer. Courtesy of The old pre-0.5 version is deprecated.
  • google:quoted, google:site - a collection of customized google search commands (quoted search and current site search), derived from default one.

Google Feeling Lucky

  • Quicky not only runs your input through I'm Feeling Lucky, but lets you preview the page also. A quick, dirty splice up of 'go' and 'goto'.
  • Feeling-lucky is a simple command that looks up the first result and displays it on the preview, and upon hitting enter, it executes by opening that particular web-page.
  • Link-to-feeling-lucky is a command that is similar to link-to-wikipedia: upon execution it injects a link to google's first result on the rich text-editing field. Quite handy when linking to companies websites while blogging.

Griflet: I renamed these commands with their natural names. The old commands with their original names can still be found here

Torrent Search

  • HDBits: Search for torrents on HDBits.
  • Search isoHunt in the Ubiquity preview. Open results with accesskey or mouseclick.
  • torrent: Search for torrents on ALL the big trackers at once (uses Torrent Vortex and Torrent-Finder)
  • mininova: Search for torrents on Mininova. Refine your search using categories ("in") and sort types ("as"). Now version 0.5.4 compatible!
  • mininova: Performs a search for the selected text on Mininova. Optionally, a category can be defined, e.g. Books, Anime, etc.)
  • mininova-imdb: Performs a search on for a given IMDB code (with or without the 'tt'-prefix).
  • imdbt: Accurately search for movie torrents on mininova. Type movie keywords and specify desired movie with the "with" mod phrase using the movie's imdb code shown in the preview (start typing "with t" and choose from autocomplete suggestions). Search will be done using imdb code if available or keywords otherwise.
  • thePirateBay: Performs a search for (a) given word(s) on ThePirateBay. The result will be display directly on the ubiquity preview window, you can start downloading without opening a new tab.
  • piratebay: Search for a torrent on Pirate Bay, with the option of specifying a category (Audio/Video/Software/Games/Other) and/or a sort (Type/Name/Uploaded/Size/Seeds).
  • piratebay: Performs a search for the selected text on ThePirateBay. Optionally, a category can be defined, e.g. Audio, Video, etc.)
  • search-torrentz: Search for torrents on
  • torrent-search: Searches on PirateBay, Isohunt and Torrentz simultaneously, in different tabs.
  • tokyotosho: Searches and lists torrents. (Optionally, a category can be defined, e.g. Anime, Manga, Drama, Raws, etc.)
  • Demonoid: Searches for the predetermined set of keywords on Plain and simple.
  • Speckly: Searches for keywords on - Searches 10 torrent sites
  • btjunkie-search: Searches for torrents on BTJunkie
  • Searches for torrents on Mininova, IsoHunt and PirateBay. Opens in three new tabs

Directory Search


English language tools

Website Lookup

  • whois: Performs a whois on selected or typed URL/IP.
  • ping: Pings the selected or typed URL/IP
  • lookup: Performs a lookup on selected or typed URL/IP.
  • tracert: Performs a tracert on selected or typed URL/IP.
  • just-ping: Pings the selected or typed URL/IP from 32 checkpoints worldwide.
  • isdown: Takes selected or typed URL and determines if it is working using the tool.
  • Whats-My-IP: Gets your IP address and displays it in the preview. Copies IP to clipboard on execute.
  • Traffic: Get Compete traffic charts for the given site.
  • Host: Checks the Web Host of the given site.
  • Gmane: Look up gmane group
  • Mac search for manifacturer with last octet of mac adress
  • Shorten and replace the selected URL with service. The shortened URL is also copied to the clipboard
  • Inlinks Find the number of external inlinks to a provided url ( only).
  • links Parses selected text and replaces any URLs found with HTML links. Recognises most common protocols, even creates mailto: links for email addresses. Now works with the new parser in 0.5

synonyms: links, parse links, urls, url

  • BuiltWith Find out what technologies the URL is using.
  • rss commander - A nice and quick way to browse RSS feeds by typing in a domain.
  • ping - Pings a host a certain amount of times and displays a notification for each success or failure.
  • Allows you to check the Google PageRank of the current or any other page. page-rank
  • resurrect - try to resurrect a dead page with internet archiving services such as Internet Wayback Machine on or some other.


  • osm: Search for a location and find the OpenStreetMap map of the area.
  • OSM: Search and preview locations on OpenStreetMap.
  • Streetview - See something google's streetview, directly.


  • Shoutcast Search for anything in Shoutcast, artist, song, genre. use it everytime you wanna hear that one great song!.

Bookmarks and Web History

  • Search your places history and bookmarks db with ubiquity:

[5] For ubiquity v0.5+ [6] For ubiquity versions before 0.5

  • [7]: Opens a bookmark by name
  • places: Places command for searching history & bookmarks
  • undo-closed-tabs: Reopens tabs you've closed recently.
  • get-all-links - Creates a (filtered) list of all links from webpages opened in tabs/windows
  • Places Tools - List visits for URIs or domains or all URLs in the history, search in bookmark descriptions, fast bookmarking, opens links from bookmark folders
  • open - Allows you to quickly open your favourite web sites.

Text manipulation

  • Word-counter: Word counter
  • flip: Flips text uʍop ǝpısdn
  • invert: Generate inverted (ʇɹəʌuı), reversed (ɘƨяɘvɘя), or small-capped text (sᴍᴀʟʟ ᴄᴀᴘs)
  • word-cloud generates a 'word cloud' from the selected text.
  • string-length: Displays the length of the provided string.
  • Binary Converter - Detects whether input is text or binary and converts accordingly.
  • Binary tools - Convert text to binary, and the other way around.
  • Lowercase/uppercase - convert text to lower or uppercase

Website manipulation

  • Doublespace: Doublespace the current page.
  • Turn down the lights: change the background colour of the page to dark grey
  • Read: View a website as nicely formatted plain text
  • Remove -hide an unwanted part of a webpage, by clicking on it.
  • Isolate - show only the wanted part of a webpage, by clicking the good part.
  • Table parser - convert an html table into semicolon-seperated values
  • Scrape - enter a jquery selector and get structured data

Temporary Email Address

Creates a temporary Jetable email address for a given life span (one hour, one day, one week, one month).

Opens the mailinator inbox of the typed name.

  • Creates a temporary email address for a given life span (half hour, hour, half day, day, week, month, half year, year).


Ubiquity 0.5 command Ubiquity 0.1.x command Opens a new tab with inbox of the wanted adress


see also swies's commands, below


  • flight search
  • fly-alaskaair. Shops for flights on Alaska Airlines and Horizon Airlines "fly-alaskaair (cmd)" where (cmd) can be free form text. Examples include:
    • fly-alaskaair sea lih 02/11/2009 return 02/25/2009
    • fly-alaskaair sea lax next thursday return sunday
    • fly-alaskaair sea sjd next wednesday one way
  • hotel search
  • package search (flight+hotel together)
  • car rental search

Wikipedia editing

  • Cite - create a well-formatted {{cite:web citation of the current page
  • Watchlist - quickly view your wikipedia watchlist


Computer Programming / development tools


Labs/Ubiquity/dial: Configure your Asterisk PBX to use the 'dial' command for Ubiquity.

Common Lisp


search-c++ Searches a term on


  1. jquery: Searches the jQuery documentation.
  2. Searches the jQuery documentation with result previews and keyword coloring screenshot


php Search & Preview PHP function specs, comments, examples, etc. example: php strstr examples

php search PHP function documentation example: php join()

phpd search PHP documentation example: phpd class

phpdoc Find information about a selected/entered php function example: phpdoc echo

php A mix of phpd and phpdoc here above, you get a shortlist and when you hit enter, you are taken to the next tabs open pointing to the most appropriate documenation. example: php str_repl


perldoc, cpan, monks: Three commands, one each to search perldocs, CPAN and


rails search rails documentation example: rails link_to


as3livedocs, as3desc, as3package: Three commands, one to open up livedocs page given a class, one to give the description of an actionscript class and another to give the package to which a class belongs to.


coldfusion: Search the Coldfusion 8 LiveDocs.



  • mysql: Search all of the MySQL documentation.
  • mysql5: Search the MySQL 5.0 reference manual.
  • mysql5.1: Search the MySQL 5.1 reference manual.
  • mysql6: Search the MySQL 6.0 reference manual.
  • mysql-admin: Search the MySQL administrator reference manual.
  • mysql-query-browser: Search the MySQL query browser reference manual
  • mysql-migration-toolkit: Search the MySQL migration toolkit reference manual.
  • mysql-workbench: Search the MySQL workbench reference manual.

select - select gives you read access to your MySQL databases right from Ubiquity, with smart suggestions of your table and column names.



  • postgres: Search all of the Postgress documentation.
  • postgres83: Search the Postgress 8.3 reference manual.
  • postgres82: Search the Postgress 8.2 reference manual.
  • postgres81: Search the Postgress 8.1 reference manual.
  • postgres80: Search the Postgress 8.0 reference manual.
  • postgres74: Search the Postgress 7.4 reference manual


Java API - Wraps a google search pointing to the java API

Java API Search - Another search of the Java API, with a detailed preview. Compatible with Ubiquity 0.5.


  • Beautify-JS - Let's you nicely reformat any selected javascript code. Handy for Ubiquity verb authors.
  • JSON formatter - makes JSON text prettier


  • W3Schools Search uses google to search W3Schools' documentation on HTML, javascript, CSS, and other web technologies.
  • Html editor - quickly view some selected html - a quick wysiwyg editor.

HTML Validation

W3C Validator Ubiquity Plugin Submits the current page to the W3C's markup validator. Enter the command "validate" on any publicly available web page and hit enter.


Wordpress Searches the terms in Documentation & Forums on

wpseek Lookup any WordPress function or Template Tag with

Gecko Development

  • xpc-interfaces: Queries a list of interfaces supported by a given XPCOM contract ID.


Drupal API

Drupal API Ubiquity Plugin Lookup functions, files, constants, etc. in Drupal's API. Enter the command "drupal" followed by what you wish to lookup. Hit enter to be taken to that item in the API.


Pydoc Lookup any Python terms via Enter "pydoc" followed by the search term.

  1. Searches the with result previews and keyword coloring screenshot

BSD Man Pages

bsdman Lookup BSD man pages with apropos support. Enter 'bsdman' followed by the search term. Updated for Ubiquity 0.5.


  • Shorten a URL using sm00sh. It uses Bad Behavior and SURBL and URIBL to reduce spam in the database. Simply navigate to sm00sh to install using firefox. Use the command "sm00sh"
  • u Shorten and replace the selected URL using the urlShort service at The shortened URL is also copied to the clipboard.
  • Shorten a URL using hurl. Simply navigate to to install using firefox. Use the command "hurl"
  • Use to convert any section of text into a URL so you can then send this link via IM, Twitter, email? Can send very large peices of text. Use the command "longreply". To install it
  • The all in one URL shortner: vunite's commands Usage: shorten [url] using [tinyurl|isgd|bitly|hurl|snipurl]
  • Inspired by 'tinyurl' and works in a similar way but uses Old API:

New API:

  • Lincr is a URL shortening service. The homepage also shows a list of recently Lincr'd URLs and a RSS feed of the same.

2 commands:

  • shorttext: Creates a shortText URL for any selected text
  • longtext: Select any shortText URL on any site and it will replace the URL with the actual content

  • bitly - Shortens the selected url using Pretty much the same as the built-in tinyurl.
  • Shorten URL and copy to clipboard using service:
  • Shorten and replace selected URL in a Rich Text Field or reverse an already shortened URL:
  • for 0.5 - Works with Ubiquity 0.5 Shortens and replaces a URL using and copies the shortened URL to the clipboard.


  • expand-short-url Uses the LongURL service to expand URLs shortened with any shortening service (,, etc.)
  • Uses the LongURL service to expand shortened URLs. Works with Ubiquity 0.5+ and has better preview (title+favicon of linked page)

trimurl Uses the service to shorten a URL and put it in your clipboard if successful

trim Inspired by 'tinyurl' and works in a similar way but uses

Other URL manipulation

  • URL Tool - Converts selected URLs to links or lets you choose which one to open in a new tab.
  • ToLink - Converts the selected text link in a real clickable link.
  • insert-link - Search for a link in your history and insert it.
  • Percent Encoding Tools Commands to percent encode as well as decode (aka "URI encoding") selected text. Provides preview and/or replaces selected text.
  • links - converts non-marked up text/html which contains urls and email addresses into proper anchor tags. Works within html pages, and in rich text editing fields (eg. rich text editing in GMAIL)
  • urlize - Scans a text for URLs and opens them in new tabs. A preview is available to open single URLs manually.


Web 2.0 (Social networks, blogs, recommenders, etc)

Add to Any

Parser 1.0: Share current page using any service. Script:

Parser 2.0: Source Script can be located from a Google Code project.


  1. backtype: Starts a search of BackType, which allows you to do a search for a person's comments on blogs and other sites.


A Global search of Moodle Based Courses, Forums, Wiki's, Blogs, Users, Posts, Authors, etc.


To use, just type cipher + the word you wish to search.

Add a page to your delicious bookmarks


To use, just type delicious + your tags.

Another Command:

Highlight some text on the page for notes, activate Ubiquity, enter command share-on-delicious. You can also enter your own notes, assign tags to the bookmark with the "tagged" modifier, and alter the bookmark default page title with the "entitled" modifier. Note that you must also already be logged in at to use this command.

Another Command:

Emulates the bookmarklet. Highlight some text on the page for notes, activate Ubiquity, enter command delicious. It will pop up a new window where you can select tags other people have used for the URL.

View a users delicious tags


Shows bookmarks from this user {username} tagged with {tagname} To use, type get-delicious {username} tag {tagname}

View the 10 most popular/recent bookmarks in delicious


Shows the 10 most popular/recent bookmarks. To use, type recent-delicious or popular-delicious.



Lets you update your status and go quickly to a friend's profile.

[script] with two commands:

  • 'facebook-status (your status)' - Updates your status, doesn't add "is"!
  • 'facebook-friend (your friend)' - Locate a friend. You have to type whole words, though (if searching for Amy Jones, you can't type Amy Jon; it must be one of: amy, jones, amy jones!)

Search Facebook with Preview

Updated September 4, 2011: Fixed functionality in newer versions of Firefox.

Updated December 12, 2009: Fixed functionality.

Duplicates the functionality of the Facebook search box in Ubiquity. Start typing the name of a friend, group, or application, and you'll see matching results right in the preview area. Pressing return will take you to the first matching profile, and control + alt + number will take you directly to any other match. If you're not logged in or there aren't any matches, pressing enter will take you to the search results on Facebook. You can even type in parts of a name. Typing 'Stan Brown' or even 'Brow Stan,' for example, will match Stanley Brown (just as they would in the actual Facebook search).

Note: In order to get a preview that shows matches, you must be logged into Facebook and have either of the following settings:

  • Third-party cookies enabled
  • added to the cookie white list

Works with Ubiquity 0.5.*


Share on Facebook

Shares the the page in the current tab on Facebook. I parsed the bookmarklet provided by Facebook so you get the nice little pop-up window rather than a whole new tab.


Search Facebook

Look anything up in Facebook, contacts, groups and it even works whether you are logged in or not.

script here

Ffffound it!

Adds images to the Ffffound! image repository site. You must have a Ffffound! account to be able to use. Simply navigate to to install using firefox. Use the command "ffffound it" on a page which has the image you want to save.




Looks up (On, how to pronounce a english word correctly.

Script: [9] Allows you to post to from Mozilla Ubiquity. To use, install from link, open Ubiquity and type "" followed by your status message.

The above script is no longer hosted at this URL, as the site is no longer available. If someone has a cached version of this code, please contact [Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs] who will host it on his site.

  • is an clone of the twitter command included by default in Ubiquity.
  • dent is a clone of the twitter command included by default in Ubiquity, but with an improved display message to reflect the status sent and the username used so that you can confirm it was correct.


LinkedIn Search: Searches LinkedIn for the specified person.
Name must be in 'FirstName <Middle Initials or Names> LastName' format.


  1. mixx: Mixx the typed/pasted url, or highlighted url, or otherwise the current page. Also get the mixx count of the url in the preview.


Script: myExperiment basic search command Basic search plugin for myExperiment, an online comunity for scientists.

Search social bookmarking websites using
Simply type 'pawst topic' i.e 'pawst funny pics'

by Shmuel Ahdut - licensed as MPL

Subscribe: (You'll get Ubiquity's subscribe popline)


  1. sphinn: Sphinns the typed url, or highlighted url, or otherwise the current page. Also get the sphinn count of the url in the preview.


Script: To add your username and api key use the command: jaiku-setuserandkey <username> api <apikey> -- you can get your api key on (inspired by to post: jaiku <you presence> at <location> : The location is optional, if you don't pass, the script will try to guess it using CmdUtils.getGeoLocation().


Idiquityallows updating and checking your timeline from Ubiquity. More functionality is to come; details are at the site. It is compatible with any based site (or any site with a Twitter compatible API).

News and Feed Readers

NYTimes recent Headlines: autosuggest recent headlines when you are typing; and if no matching, just hit enter, you will go to search page.

Simple news feed: Returns latest headlines from various vendors such as bbc, cnn and digg.

Planetaki Commands: Add the website you're visiting to your Planet

get-news: Enables you to search Google News for news titles.


Go to user profile

Type "nexopia" and the user's name and it will take you directly to that user's profile on


People Search

  • 123people: Let's you search people meta data from around the world via Ubiquity.
  • pipl: Searches for People's name on
  • Chickipedia: Searchs for Chickipedia, the world’s largest web-based, women-based, wiki-based database of hot chicks.


Serchilo in Ubiquity allows using Serchilo commands in Ubiquity.

Allows you to post messages via the service.


The first time it is used, you must provide it with your app key by typing "ping-set-key <your app key>" Once it has stored your app key, you do not need to provide it again, and can just type "ping <message>" Your app key can be found at


A password database site for general public. You can use this command to find passwords for free websites so you don't have to register to them.

For Ubiquity 0.1.x

For Ubiquity 0.5 (works in new parser)

Google Bookmarks

Adds the current page to your Google bookmarks with the title you give it. Still rather rough - not robust against invalid inputs.

Google bookmarks search. It works like the google search owning shortcut and label display.

Alternative: gbk and gbk-search: Search and add bookmarks to Google Bookmarks.

Google Reader (shared items)

Adds the current selection to your Google Reader Shared Items page and allows you to add a note to it. share-on-reader command

Alternate Command: Note in Reader

View Google Reader Items

Gread previews your inbox, starred, or shared:

Previews unread items' title:, you should change the "YOURUSERIDGOESHERE" by yourself


  • Gmail Status Message Update your Google Talk status message in Gmail
  • Smiley Insert smileys into your email message (also works with other email or blog)
  • - Broken Link - GMail Edit Edit of an old Ubiquity script to work with latest version (.1.1). Opens Gmail in a new tab, as well as showing you the last couple of new messages in the preivew.
  • Sign It Now you can sign your message, blog post and other with HTML code.
  • Gmail unread messages shows up to 9 of your most recent unread messages. Press ALT+number to open a message in gmail. screenshot


Urdna's 'Reddit-This' command

Social Graph (FOAF/XFN etc)

DanBri's 'foaf' command (calls Google SGAPI)

Stickam - Watch someone's live Stickam stream without going to their profile

movieshare: Allows for simple posting to the social movie news website

soup - replicates the functionality of the bookmarklet for the tumblelogging service


2 commands:

  • shorttext: Creates a URL for any selected text
  • longtext: Select any shortText URL on any site and it will replace the URL with the actual content


  • Ben's tweet command: post to twitter (with URL shortener)
  • tweet post to twitter (this version actually works)
  • TweetViz: Twitter Visualiser: Allows display of text in the TweetViz visualiser.
  • twtuser opens any user's timeline and shows that user's avatar and some useful links in the preview. (0.5+)
  • twittersearch
  • twitterWith timeline and auto completion for contacts' names.
  • 2ii, based on matthias' work. Add current url replacement and shorten, hyperlink in the preview etc.
  • twtplus twtplus for Ubiq 0.5+. shortening all urls in a post, reply and dm with friend username autocompletion, and posting as specified user account. Check out this post for more explanation.
  • otw I can't type such a long username.
  • wtw Twitter viewer.
  • tweet-page post current page plus text to twitter.


  • ptm You can post to Tumblr. But please pay attention to L3 and L4 - email and password.


* Diigo Add a page to your Diigo bookmarks



* github-user Enhances github user page with repository sorting and additional repository
stats. blogs

  • gerdk searches for terms in blogs

Goosh Command Shell

Socialight Search


meme from Yahoo


  • dynastree searches for persons on,,,,,,,, and and shows a preview map of the name distribution in the country. Each command is localized [ DE EN FR ES NL PL ]


  • taste allows you to get music, movies, book and shows suggestions directly from website.

ESV bible

insert from ESV, search with ESV - Compatible with Ubiquity 0.5 Either insert text into the current selection from a passage in the ESV Bible, or search the ESV for a given passage or phrase.

WishAmazon - Allows adding any product page on the web to your Amazon Wish List. Similar functionality to the Amazon Universal Wish List bookmarklet.


buxfer-spend, buxfer-receive - Adds a transaction to using its remote API, spending or receiving a given amount. (Homepage here).

twixfer - Adds a transaction to, using the Twitter API (obsolete - use buxfer-spend and buxfer-receive instead) (Homepage here).

Google Voice

call - Calls any selected 10-digit number (or enter on command line)


gtdphp - gtdin adds an inbox item, and gtdref creates a reference to the current page, as a child of a specific project

Remember The Milk


gubb-* - Interface to Gubb, with adding items and inserting lists/contents functionality.

World of Warcraft bookmarklet

instapaper: Saves current page to read later on Instapaper. If you select some text from the page, it will be stored as the summary. This command will store your instapaper login and password in the browser password manager. Uses the new instapaper API.

later: an alternate implementation that mimics the bookmarklet (requires your bookmarklet hash key). Might be a dead link now??? Bookmarklet/RSS

laterloop-this: Mimics functionality of the laterloop bookmarklet.

laterloop: Shows items you have saved for later in your preview. Allows for paging and can open a specific item through use of an "open #" modifier.

laterloop-clear: Utility command to clear out preference values stored when initially setting up the laterloop and laterloop-this commands.

Other Web Applications

  • Woot Checker - Previews the current Woot item and takes you to the "Want One" page.
  • nozbe-* - commands to manage tasks in Nozbe.
  • mite-* - Track your working hours: add new time entries to your mite.account or start/stop a timer.
  • pause-TSO pause and resume music playback.
  • ROT13: Translate selected text using the ROT13 algorithm. Background here.
  • KeepVid: Download any YouTube Video straight from Ubiquity via KeepVid!

tw-* - Allows you to Create, Open, or Search for keywords within, Tiddlers from your TiddlyWiki

Web 3.0 (Web Of Data, Semantic Web, etc)

Commands allowing the access or manipulation Web 3.0 content, that is RDF-based datasets such as linked data.



Michael Hausenblas has put together a collection of WoD commands. Currently three commands are available:

Some more commands


Benjamin Nowack has written the cb command allowing to do CrunchBase lookups for companies, products or people.


add-to-twine: Brings up the dialog for posting the current page to Twine.

Linked Data Exploration

OpenLink Web Resource Description Commands - Commands for obtaining structured descriptions of Web Resources. Uses Openlink Virtuoso's in-built RDFization Middleware ("Sponger") and Linked Data Deployment technology.

Link lookup and insertion

  • summon command - look up a link representing the keywords or phrase you enter, and inserts it into the page. Good for quickly inserting links into emails, blog, blog comments, twitter, etc.
  • 'This' lets you explore the subject of your current page. If you're on, this command lets you flip over to its web identifier, using freebase and zemanta.


headup: Connect the artist / city / person / company / movie / book / etc - with relevant and personalized information, using the headup Firefox addon - Get headup.


  • Westport lets you query freebase in natural language - "david bowie's birthday", or "female snowboarders"
  • Link - quickly create an html link - type 'george galloway' and get all of his relevant links, wikipedia, imdb, twitter etc...
  • Image - create a html image about anything - 'terry fox', or 'capital of syria' etc
  • Freebase translate - translate specific things using wikipedia's inter-language links
  • Garden - select text, import a wikipedia category, or a website's links, then edit this data in freebase
  • Image - quickly grab an image of something, insert the html img
  • Pivot - augment a website using freebase
  • Make this - create a freebase topic from your current website
  • Meadow - natural language mapping interface - query 'universities in vancouver' etc



RDFa commands: RDFa WG bookmarklets as Ubiquity commands

Country specific Commands


  • Google Argentina: Searches only in Google Argentina ( for your words and sets the search to "páginas de Argentina".



  • .BG search - you can use this command to search some of bulgarian portals such as Dnevnik, and gbg (more comming soon). Just install and try "търси" command.There is Ajax function inside for handling different encodings (utf8 and windows-1251)
  • - you can use short url service from your ubiquity app. Just wtite 'smali' or 'смали' and see the result.





  • jiwai: Command for posting to, a microblogging service in China. For information check here.
  • ubidu: Search, the No.1 search engine in China.
  • Fanfou Command - post to (??)
  • Translate word with Youdao Dict - Translate english to chinese and vice versa through service. Support eng2chn and chn2eng. Support Long text translate.
  • Translate word with - Translate word with, both English to Chinese or Chinese to English. (Please re-insatll it for supporting of new API.)
  • Search in douban - Search douban items for movie/music/book/generic. With live preview of search results. See a screen shot here.
  • Translate word with iciba - Get a word’s pronounce and example sentences from, supports English-Chinese and Chinese-English translations. See a screen shot here.
  • Translate word with Jukuu - Get a word’s pronounce and example sentences from, supports English-Chinese and Chinese-English translations. See a screen shot here.
  • Recite word everyday on - Get 5 words from the every day recite word lists from None input for today’s word, input date string like “2009-1-19″ to retrieve previous day. See a screen shot here.
  • Show Chinese Stock - Show the current price and chart of Chinese Stock, usage: "cnstock jlad in daily" or "cnstock 000623"


  • idos: Search Czech public transport connections



  • mitkbh: search locations and reviews in Copenhagen
  • tv: Danish tv guide



  • drae: Serach a word in the dictionary of the "Real Academia Española"


  • eat: twelve city specific (e.g. eat-helsinki) finnish restaurant searches from
  • vapaa-aikavirasto: fi-nationwide restaurant/bar search from
  • viini: wine review search from
  • suomencup: search material related to finnish cup football from wiki
  • veikkausliiga: rss news feeds from veikkausliiga football teams



  • me2day - Enables ubiquity to send posts to me2DAY( a Korean microblogging site. setme2daykey command sets the username and userkey that is required for posting.
  • korean - Romanization of Korean language (Hangul)


  • ryanair - look for a cheap flight on



  • meaning_in_hindi- give the meaning of enlish word in hindi
  • show_lyrics - show the lyrics of a hindi song
  • map_directions- show the diretions between two places in India
  • tv_guide show you the timing of a serial
  • university_search let you search about university for a particular course
  • nse - provides NSE stock exchange quotes,index information,gainers,losers. Also provide company search.
  • TrainRunStat - Finds Train Running Status for Today, using the Train number.
  • TrainsList - Gets the train list for a given station pair any where in India, also displays weekly schedule.


  • treni-from - Searches for the next available train on the selected route on the Trenitalia network (NOT Found)
  • trenitalia - Searches for trains "from" some place "to" some other "on" some date (dd/mm/yyyy) using as wellan additional time parameter.
  • Atac Roma - 3 commands: (atac - searches for routes "from" some place "to" some other; atac-linea - searches for info about a specific bus provided; atac-attesa-bus - redirects to the mobile page about time you have to wait a provided bus .
  • - Italian <=> English and Italian <=> French Dictionary, Italian Dictionary, Italian/English/French Verb Conjugator
  • televideo - Script for quick access to Italian public teletext



  • MozMX - Command to browse on Mozilla México Community Website.




  • trademe: Searches for whatever item you are looking for.





  • lingvo - Looks up a word in the Lingvo dictionary
  • yandex - Search in yandex



  • cevir - Turkish - English translation command.
  • seslisozluk - Integration with for quick enlish/german/turkish translations

  • akademik google akademik de makale arar.
  • altyazı divxplanet den altyazı arar sonucu getirir.
  • galtyazı googlela divxplanet den altyazı ara sonucu getirir.
  • türkçe altyazı sitesinden altyazı arar.
  • word word 2010 programını açar ancak Office 2010 a göre ayarladım.
  • excel excel 2010 programını açar ancak Office 2010 a göre ayarladım.
  • notepad++ notepad++ programını açar
  • avax da arama yapar
  • gigapedia veya eski adı gigapedia yeni library .nu da kitap arar sonuçları getirir.
  • eksi eksi sözlükte arama yapar sonucu getirir. "eksi araba" araba hakkında yazılmış yalan yanlış şeyler.
  • ktunnel veya proksi veya proxy devamında yazacağınız adrese proksi üzerinden ulaşırsınız.
  • tureng tureng sözlükte arama yapar. "tureng car" mesela.
  • ara google tr de arar.
  • vikipedia Türkçe vikipedia da arar.
  • dailymotion dailymotion arar.
  • science da arar.
  • pirate veya torrent veya piratebay thepiratebay.orgsitesinde arar.
  • yükleresim veya uploadimage sitesine devamındaki resim konumunu yükler.
  • komut listesi ubiquity komut listesini açar.
  • komut editörü ubiquity komut editörünü açar.
  • ayarlar ubiquity ayarları açar.

///Ayarlar kısmından Türkçe parser ı seçerseniz map yerine harita weather yerine hava durumu, translate yerine çevir gibi komutları kullanabilirsiniz.

Türkçe parser üzerinde daha çalışmak gerek.--Ayhan515 05:33, 28 July 2011 (PDT)


  • ydic: Translate English word to Tratitional Chinese
  • tw-stock: Quote a stock symbol from Taiwan Stock Exchange


  • yell: Search for businesses in the UK
  • amazonuk: Search for any item. A version of amazon-search-all customised for the UK version of the Amazon site.
  • journey: Searches the TfL journeyplanner for a destination. Currently has hardcoded start point and walking speed.
  • tfl-directions: Improved TfL journeyplanner based on the above. Start point is not hard coded. (Requires ubiquity 0.5)
  • pubfinder: Looks for pubs in the specified place or postcode.
  • trainuk: Simple interface to search for train times in the UK.
  • BBC iPlayer: Watch or listen to recent programmes on BBC iPlayer
  • Hip Hop Beats: Listen and download instrumental music for musical and multimedia projects.


  • legal-cite: Executes search of AltLaw for U.S. Code (federal statutes) and some federal case law (i.e., Supreme Court Opinions and federal appeals court opinions that were reported by West)
  • Hip Hop News: Search for Hip Hop news, videos and music from all around the world.

Random tools

  • Draw - open google draw, in docs
  • Combinery: Shopping engine for color combination
  • [15] - Toggles Private Browsing in Firefox.
  • Unicode search verb - Searches for Unicode characters and inserts them into the page or an input box.
  • BBFlickr - Quickly translates Flickr's generated HTML links to BBCode in your clipboard.
  • open-in-tab -
  • Twurl shorten URL -
  • xkcd (shows latest xkcd comic in preview pane, and allows selecting prior comics by number or going back in history with negative numbers) -
  • flags of the world -
  • forecast -
  • images (shows only the images on a page) -
  • comicstrip: Allows you to view a comicstrip and drop the image into an area selected (such as a gmail email). So far the command supports bc, bornloser, dilbert, garfield, getfuzzy, herman, monty, peanuts, penny-arcade, offthemark, opus, userfriendly, workingitout, and xkcd.
  • lolcats: Retrieves the latest LOLCAT in the preview, jumps to page on execute - by Brett Dalton
  • roll: Dice rolling verb, rolls single, multiple dice of any size with option for variable dificulty exploding dice pool (as per World of Darkness) - by Brett Dalton
  • roll: Simple die rolling similar to the /roll command found in many MMORPG games. "roll x" will roll a x-sided die.
  • lorem: Allows you to copy any given number of words or paragraphs of the "Lorem Ipsum" placeholder text onto your Clipboard, useful if you want to paste it in some other application afterward. Use: lorem [num] nice [words||paragraphs]
  • nofollow - Preview counts no-follow links and execute highlights them. [Install Page], [Script:], [Preview]
  • Rhyme a word
  • sharebee-download Sharebee
  • xbl - displays your xbox live friends list in the preview window
  • qrcode - generate QR codes for the current page url or any desired text.
  • websource - Compares the popularity on the internet of two (or more) terms using Websource.It
  • UbiquityRoll - get your roll on demand, currently supports rickroll duckroll and hoodroll
  • rscheck - check selected links on link checker.
  • open-all-bookmarks-in-tabs - opens all bookmarks filed under the given folder in new tabs. It is also possible to open bookmarks with a specific tag.
  • reverse-telephone - reverse lookup on a german telephone number via
  • screengrab - takes a screen grab of the current page.
  • printwyl - opens current page in so you can create a better print out of the information you need.
  • qr_code - Generates QR Code images.
  • notepad - Opens Notepad on Windows
  • paint - Opens MS Paint on Windows
  • magnifier - Opens magnifier on Windows
  • note - The purpose of this command is to quickly save the inputted text (can be selected text or your own text) to a file on your disk without having to launch a text editor.
  • fx update scanner - Update checks for restricted user accounts
  • google docs upload - Uploads a document to Google Docs via URL
  • vacuum - Executes the VACUUM statement on SQLite databases
  • muni: Grab San Francisco, CA muni bus arrival information from example: muni 24 at Divis and Fulton
  • sqliteutils: Treats firefox's builtin sqlite.
  • newtab: Open new tab as...
  • copy: Copy to clipboard with some format. (like CopyURL+)
  • uaswitch: Switch useragent and open current page again.
  • xbox360card: Copy the gamer card of an Xbox Live user.
  • fail image grabber from
  • engrish funny image grabber from
  • hotdog image grabber from
  • track-package: Tracks packages via Fedex, UPS, USPS, DHL sites.
  • colours is an easy way to compare colors side by side. Uses hex-colors.
  • shotit publishes the snapshot of the current browser's page right on the web and gives you back an url to the captured image (based on ScreenShootMe).
  • pick-color: easily pick and copy color to your clipboard in RGB or HEX format.
  • invoke menu item (0.5+): Easily access any Firefox menu item using keyboard (mostly useful for Mac OS X, where focusing the menu is a royal pain.)
  • Insert user agent (0.5+): insert the browser's user agent into currently focussed text area. Useful for browser-related bug reports.

Command collections

MySpace command collection: MySpace Command Collection

StumbleUpon Command Set adds Stumble functionality to Ubiquity. Has three commands: stumble, want ("Thumbs-Up"), and does-not-want ("Thumbs-Down").

Insert words using a keyword: insert and learn-to-insert

Screen Resolution commands: size and resize

liketribe: chat with an intelligent assistant bot to get recommendations, directions, weather, connect with friends, or just ramble on aimlessly.

Tonight: searches for venues, restaurants and events in your city, near a specific location.

news command: simple news command.

rakudave's commands: firefox add-ons, ubuntu brainstorm, just-ping, rhyme Search for images at Search for products and compare prices at

Ubiquity Commands by Mika: Random commands including and referenced above.

issi_noho's (and others) commands: and more soon. Submit your command here.

CyberPrime's Commands: SearchMe.Com, demonoid, about:commands and much more to come

enobrev's commands: php and html (with auto-completion)

swies's commands: dog, clock, msdn

Abi's commands

Erik Vold's Commands: backtype, charlierose, coldfusion, comicstrip, dictionary, greasemonkey, inlinks-yahoo, jquery, mixx, mysql, quarkbase, sphinn.

Dietrich's commands

Gilbert's commands: date, time-12, time-24

Brandon's Commands: FriendFeed

Fuzzhead's Commands: What's My IP?

Improved IP address retrieval Should work for ipv6 too.

Whatthechuck's commands: validate (W3C markup validator), vimeo

Nickworks's commands: Seeqpod,

aufrank's commands: gfl, urej

calhoun_ftw's commands: Embiggen TinyURL replacer adaption, newegg, pirate bay, many more, releasing new always. commands: remove/replace selection, detach tab to new window, open chromeless window

FreakCERS's commands: latex

satf commands: <blink>, jaen, fix-all-problems,

Yaz's Commands: rot13

hoffstein's commands: stock-quote, stock-chart

Bayard's commands: WoWhead, WoW Armoury, BBCode

Grant's commands: Facebook, Lorem Ipsum generator, MD5/Sha1 hashes, Penis flood, artist/torrent search, UPS/USPS/FedEx tracking

Setsuna666's commands: Amazon Canada

Onur Yalaz?'s commands: kissalt, bugmenot

vunite's commands: goto, shorten, craigslist

Timofei Shatrov's commands: clhs, myip, urban-dictionary-search, sharebee-download

Jim's commands: add-to-reader Add marked text to your blog whatismyip

Mini-Geek's commands: homestar-runner-wiki, starcraft-wiki, tniv-bible-passage, tniv-bible-word, webster-dictionary, webster-thesaurus, open-url, ign, and fileshack

Geero's commands: track search, Bible Gateway ESV URL builder

amazon-search-all: Search all items on

Mike's commands: mail (uses mailto: urls) ticker (preview or paste a stock quote and its change); bling (currency conversion in google syntax)

[16]:, Instapaper,, Google Reader subscribe, Twitter Search, Yep, zap CSS

kollektive: links - converts non-marked up text/html which contains urls and email addresses into proper anchor tags. Works within html pages, and in rich text editing fields (eg. rich text editing in GMAIL)

Xatan's ubiquity commands: google scholar, xunlei(??), baidu(??), douban(??), verycd, google news,, mininova, (detailed english explanation)

TV Globo Video Search: searches for TV Globo and GloboSat videos (Brazil).

sr-map: Searches for street names and shows them on a map. Works for couple of cities in Serbia.

Skyhopper88's Commands Several Search Commands, edit of Gmail script below for .1.1

Alex's fanfou command: post to fanfou (??)

Samps's command collection: eBay-Au, Ubuntu-WiKi, Skweezer, Wapedia, PHP function search

Evilavatar: Search Evilavatar for new posts containing your search term

I.C.E.C.R.E.A.M COMMANDS: directions, reverse-lookup, googlism

Sieglinde's commands: babylon,leo,reverse-telephone,open-thesaurus

objectforward's commands: dictionary - simple command to use for word look up. thesaurus - uses for similar word look up. I just like this better than the default 'define' command. Enjoy!

VersionOne: A command set for users of the VersionOne agile project management suite.

find commands: Commands to control the firefox search (ctrl+f)

pentarious's command collection: urlize, scholar-search, torrent-search, music-search

Keith's Ubiquity Feeds for Economists (and others): econpapers, econpapers-author, econpapers-title, umdlib, stata, statalist, scholar, lorem ipsum

Spencer's command collection: Freebase lookup tools, 'greasemonkey-like' website manipulation

Pre 0.1 Style Commands (Now Broken)

  1. Quote text for BB-style forums. Quotebb.js
  2. Quotes HTML entities in your selection. quotehtml.js
  3. Opens Gmail in a new tab, as well as showing you the last couple of new messages in the preivew. Gmail.js
  4. Let's you Twitter from anywhere. This command has been moved into Ubiquity core. Twitter.js
  5. Another micro-blogging service like Twitter/Pounce/etc., but open source Essentially identical code to Twitter+Ubiquity above, except for renaming of constants and web addresses identica(2).js
  6. DiggThis.js
  7. Converts your selection to lower case. tolower.js