Low Level Tools/2018/10/01

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Status updates for the week of 2018/10/01


  • I've triaged September 22nd's nightlies and filed far too many bugs: bug 1493590 - Crash in mozilla::layers::GPUVideoImage::GetAsSourceSurface, bug 1493591 - Crash in mozilla::dom::WorkerPrivate::~WorkerPrivate, bug 1493593 - Crash in avx::memset32, bug 1493607 - Crash in java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "/data/data/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/lib/libmozglue.so" not found at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java), bug 1493611 Crash in aom_lpf_vertical_4_neon, bug 1493630 Crash in std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook, bug 1493633 - Crash in mozilla::gfx::PVRGPUChild::SendStartVRService, bug 1493635 - Crash in libhwui.so@0x86de6, I've also added a signature to bug 1461267
  • I've added a signature to bug 1127855 and ended up investigating the bug, I ultimately traced it down to the fact that the lowercase version of a string might have a different number of characters than the original mixed-case - at least in some languages. I wrote a patch to fix it but...
  • My fix introduced a new one, bug 1494203. I've already prepared a fix but it's still undergoing review.
  • I've investigated the shutdown crash in bug 1488091 and I have the feeling that it's related to how we write out preferences during shutdown. Unfortunately it's not easy to be certain and it might not even be our fault.
  • While working on my observer refactoring I started getting an assertion when starting my nightly build, I ultimately traced it down to the preferences code using floating-point/string conversions in a locale-dependent way. I fixed the issue by making all the conversions locale-independent.
  • I finally landed bug 1490240 which removes all remaining warnings in the first-party crash reporting code and quite a few in mozglue too.
  • I've reviewed a patch in bug 1493227, a workaround for a horrible issue with the Oculus Mobile runtime.


A four day week due to a public holiday.

Firefox landings:

rustc landings:

rustc-perf landings: