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This page is intended for MCS users who need RTL support, such as Hebrew, Arabic and Farsi users.

Work done mostly by Tomer, you are welcome to share with me your thoughts in this subject.

Known issues

  • The search icon in the upper bar should be mirrored. Sadly, it is almost impossible (in fact possible with CSS rule 'content:', but not all browsers are supporting it just yet. I wish we will replace that text with an image, which will allow us flipping it.
  • The poll auto generated image files are not RTL'ed; Gandalf said he will take care of it. It might not be complicated task, but lack of documentation in the PHP file make it hard to hack.
  • The poll area is not RTL'ed currently. This should be fixed.
  • Footer copyrights - I'm not sure it that content should be translated. If you plan to translate it, remove the #copyright part from the rtl.css stylesheet.
  • We need some QA on the RTL parts, mainly with non-gecko browsers. :)

Installation and usage

Plain HTML theme and PHP-based theme

You need to include the RTL stylesheet in your documents header.

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/rtl.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />


RTL support is built in. You'll need to use locale-specific Wordpress installation, such as Hebrew, arabic or Farsi, and the theme will automatically load the RTL stylesheet.

This have been done by querying Wordpress for the document direction, and adding the rtl.css file when the document is declared as RTL.