MDN/Archives/Get involved/Doc Sprints/2013November
This is a virtual sprint, with no central gathering. However, local meet-ups are encouraged.
- Coordination via #devmo on
You are welcome to start earlier or continue later, but this time frame is when you are likely to find other people online working on MDN. Obviously, you do not have to participate the entire time; drop in when it's convenient, and sleep when you need to.
Quick coordination etherpad used during the sprint [ ]. Feel free to use it!
Here is a schedule for meetings in IRC during the sprint:
UTC | CET | US Pacific | What |
Fri 16:00 | Fri 17:00 | Fri 8:00 am | Kick-off |
Fri 21:00 | Fri 22:00 | Fri 1:00 pm | status check |
Sat 02:00 | Sat 03:00 | Fri 6:00 pm | status check |
Sat 08:00 | Sat 10:00 | Sat 12:00 am | status check |
Sat 14:00 | Sat 15:00 | Sat 6:00 am | status check |
Sat 19:00 | Sat 20:00 | Sat 11:00 am | status check |
Sat 23:59 | Sun 01:00 | Sat 4:00 pm | final status and wrap-up |
Adding {{HTMLRef}} at the bottom of each HTML element page, and removing the macro {{HTML:Element_Navigation}} if used. An example page where this has been done is map. List of pages to update (so you can strike them when done): a, abbr, acronym, address, applet, area, article, aside, audio, b, base, basefont, bdi, bdo, bgsound, big, blink, blockquote, body, br, button, canvas, caption, center, cite, code, col, colgroup,content,data, datalist, dd, del, details, dfn, dir, div, dl, dt, embed, figcaption, figure, font, footer, form, frame, frameset, header, hgroup, hr, html, i, iframe, img, input, ins, isindex, keygen, label, legend, li, link, listing, main, map, mark, marquee, menu, menuitem, meta, meter, nav, nobr, noframes, noscript, output, p, param, plaintext, pre, progress, rp, rt, ruby, section, select,shadow,small, source, spacer, span, strike, strong, style, sub, summary, sup,template,textarea, tfoot, th, thead, time, title, tr, track, tt, video, wbr, xmp, Heading_Elements, em, s, optgroup, kbd, fieldset, q, ul, var, u, option, command, script, head, samp, object, ol -
Adding the quick links tags for HTML: see quick links tags -
The macros {{gecko_callout_header}} is deprecated. It should be replaced. Instructions and the list of about 150 pages to fix are available there: Remove_Gecko_callout_header - Converting static code samples to be "live samples". Look for the tag NeedsLiveSample.
Adding tags to CSS Reference pages and all other CSS pages per Content_tagging#CSS -
Adding tags to HTML element, attribute, and developer guide pages per Content_tagging#HTML
Here are some other suggestions of things to work on.
- Firefox issues with doc impacts
- Add browser compatibility tables to CSS, DOM, and JavaScript reference pages.
- Fill out browser compatibility tables on reference pages where they exist, based on info from and
- Pages that need technical review.
Pages that need editorial review. - Pages tagged as needing updates.
- David Bruant's TODO list (mostly JS-related stuffs)
- Make videos showing how to get and build Firefox code. See also
- Integrate Mozilla blog posts into documentation.
Suggest a topic, either that you want to work on, or that you'd like to see done by someone.
If you're an engineer/developer, please consider joining us! Even if you don't write, it'd be great if you popped into #devmo. There are lots of ways you can help:
- Just be in IRC to answer questions from the writing team.
- Join #devmo
- Announce that you're a developer who knows about <X> and that you're willing and able to answer questions.
- Bask in the warm glow of the writing team's love and respect.
- Do some technical reviews!
- How to do reviews
- List of Web API articles needing reviews
- All articles needing tech review
- If you find errors in a page, feel free to fix them, ask a writer in #devmo to help with it, or file a bug.
- Prioritize Web-facing or app-facing articles over content for certified or privileged apps.
Helpful information
- Our list of subject-matter experts.
- Our list of topic drivers. These are people that organize specific areas of our documentation.
You can use our new advanced search mechanism (just added!) to search for uses of specific macros, CSS classes, HTML attributes, and so on.
Let us know if you're planning to participate!
You can also add your name to the table below:
Name | IRC nick | MDN ID | Topic(s) |
Janet | jms | jswisher | copyediting, cleanup |
Jeremie | Jeremie | Jeremie | Working on introductory material for the App doc |
Jonathan | jlin | jlin | Grammar and punctuation nerd. Git for beginners (with a slight focus on gaia/b2g dev) |
Karen | SnappyK | kscarfone | Tagging, macro name replacement, and whatever else is needed (just ask me!) |
Sheppy | sheppy | Sheppy | Content cleanup, documenting new processes and layouts, and answering questions that come up |