Marketing/Developer/Meetups HOWTO/MeetupTypes/Rust

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Rust Meetup

Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety.

There are more than 50 existing Rust user groups around the world. If you start a Rust meetup, be sure to add it to the user group list and calendar on the Rust website.


Developers interested in using or helping to implement Rust.


Share technical information about Rust, experience with programming in Rust, etc.


Presentation followed by discussion is a typical format. However, if you don't have anyone who wants to give a presentation, you can ask attendees to discuss how they're using Rust, or what they're interested in using it for.

  • The Rust Paris meetup follows an Open Spaces meeting format: We start with the lightning talks (if any). Then the participants collectively decides (via anonymous nomination followed by vote) on a set of topic areas to investigate, and splits up into targeted group discussions on those topic areas.
  • Study Groups: calling a group of people who are really new to Rust, and reading The Rust Programming Language together -- have someone in the group prepare before the meetup and guiding everyone though a chapter or two, leading the discussion, and choose another one be the next guider. You can create a Facebook or Meetup group for the folks and share information to each other.


  • pnkfelix thinks it is good to have >= 1 expert present who is prepared to run an impromptu Rust tutorial (not necessarily targeted at the whole audience), at least if you follow the Open Spaces model of dividing into focused subgroups. There are a couple different sets of slideshow presentations floating around for this purpose.
