Media/WebRTC/Status Post IETF-84

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Many thanks to EKR for providing the initial draft of this writeup!

Note: This plan does not include mozGetUserMedia(), which has already landed in mozilla-central and is being tested. We can't ship mozGetUserMedia() or WebRTC until we have UX to go along with mozGetUserMedia(), but I (Maire ) am hoping we will have UX completed in time for Firefox 18.


We have basic calling functionality working in a standalone mode within one browser, and it's probably a day or two of effort away from working between browsers. This includes support for:

  • JSEP signaling
  • Audio and video
  • ICE/STUN (but not TURN)
  • DTLS-SRTP at the transport layer (but not yet signaling)
  • Prototype identity integration
  • DataChannels

Our objective is to have a compliant, at least partially interoperable implementation in m-c by the time Chrome ships with WebRTC in around 12 weeks from today (release M23) and to have a publicly deployed version by end-of-year (target: Firefox 18). The first step in this process is to have a plausible, compliant implementation at all. The remainder of this message is focused on that.



The first priority is to finish the functionality that is indicated as partly finished above. This comprises the following tasks.

  • Overall:
    • Verify that a call between two endpoints on different machines works. Fix as necessary. [ekr, anant].
  • JSEP:
    • Wire up DTLS-SRTP fingerprints to the SDP [ekr, emannion]
  • Data Channels
    • Move data channels to run over ICE/DTLS [jesup]
  • Identity
    • Real in-chrome dialog for relying party [anant]
    • Wire up identity to DTLS-SRTP fingerprint checks [ekr] bug 786239
  • Stability
    • Make sure the system can run multiple calls, stop and start, and exit without crashing [all]
  • Building
    • Make sure the system builds in tbpl (on alder) on Mac, Linux and Windows and works [ted, jesup] - Bug 699646, Bug 783703

If we do the above, we will have something that people could at least download, play with, and demo. Also, we can't interoperate with Chrome without some of this stuff working.



Our second objective should be specification compliance. Obviously this is something of a work-in-progress and interacts with interop (below), but there are a number of known points of nonconformance which we need to address. Note: tasks below marked with are ones that we believe are needed for real interop with Chrome.

These tasks generally fall into two categories:

  1. Places where we are noncompliant with everything (e.g., we advertise rtcp-mux but don't do it.)
  2. Implement stuff we are required to (or at least really should) implement by WebRTC but don't (e.g., bundle).

Here's the known list:

  • JSEP [emannion, ehugg]
    • Implement rtcp-mux. Currently, we have support for this in the SDP but it's not implemented in the transport layer. [ekr, emannion] - Bug 777524
    • Implement bundle [ehugg, emannion, (ekr for transport piece?)] - Bug 784491
    • Make sure that the VP8 and Opus SDP is correct [emannion] - Bug 783881 (???)
    • Implement/spec SDP for DataChannels [jesup, emannion] - Bug 786152
    • Implement hints [emannion, ehugg]- Bug 784513
    • Decide on which changes the JS can make to the SDP. Modify SIPCC to accept those changes. [ehugg, emannion] [Note from Maire: Need decision from working group.] - Bug 784514
    • Allow audio w/o video, unidirection audio/video [emannion, ehugg]- Bug 784515
    • Allow >1 of each type of media stream [emannion, ehugg, crypt, ekr] - Bug 784517
    • Enforce state transition rules in SIPCC [emannion, ehugg] - Bug 784519
    • Allow some minimal variation in the SDP. At minimum this means ignoring new identity attributes added by Anant. [emannion, ehugg, w/ ekr, fluffy] - Bug 786161
  • Media Transport [ekr, anant]
    • SSRC filtering for bundle [crypt, ekr] bug 786234
    • Receive trickle ICE [ekr, emannion] bug 784161
    • Send trickle ICE (lower priority) [ekr, emannion] bug 784161
    • Implement per-flow STUN configuration [anant, ekr] bug 786236
    • Implement/wire up TURN. This is already in nICEr but may be obsolete/broken [ekr] bug 786235
  • Media [derf, jesup]
    • Implement Opus [derf, rillian]
    • Audio/video synchronization. GIPS has some support for this, but it needs to be hooked up and may require MediaStreams changes [crypt, jesup]
      [Note: I am not sure why I put this into P1. This seems more like P3 really... I've used lots of calls where lipsync is bad. --EKR]
    • Remove the video time distortion (video now seems to play out at a very slow rate). This appears to be a result of the advertised frame rate for the source media stream. [crypt, jesup; bug 782299]
      [Note: made a temporary hack here, so this actually appears to work -- EKR]
  • DOM [jesup, anant]
    • PeerConnection needs several items for spec compliance [anant, jesup]
      • local & remotestreams arrays - Bug 711628
      • local/remoteDescription attributes - Bug 786158
      • figure out visibility issues name conflicts (if not already fixed) - currently worked around by renaming onDataChannel/onConnection/etc
    • Finish DOM API for DataChannels (support for unreliable channels & labels) [jesup]
  • Identity [ekr, anant]
    • Implement generic identity as specified in draft-ietf-rtcweb-security-arch, not just browserid [ekr, anant] bug 786244



As noted above, fixing noncompliance is intertwined with interop testing with Chrome. However, we can start doing interop testing as soon as we have fixed the really high order specification compliance issues.

The plan for interop testing is still evolving, but my thought was to have two levels of testing:

  • A command line test in the mode of peerconnection_client
  • End-to-end browser tests

The first of these is harder to stand up but better for debugging. The second is good for a demo and easy to stand up, especially since we need a roughly equivalent JS test harness for testing our own browser-to-browser mode. EKR is already working on the command line version, but we may start browser-to-browser testing first.