Mobile/Evangelism/Standard letters

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I am writing on behalf of Mozilla, the non-profit organization behind the Firefox web browser. We have received reports from your users that your website does not display correctly in some browsers. We wanted to reach out to offer our support and help you ensure that all users see your website the way you intended.

After looking at your website, we determined that the following problems caused display issues:

  • <standard snippets for detected problem>

We have added <a report about this> to Bugzilla, our bug tracking system. Please add a comment to this report if you have any questions. Our engineers are very eager to help and will do whatever they can to do to assist in getting this resolved. If you would rather not use Bugzilla, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Thanks for taking this into consideration. We look forward to helping you, making your users happy, and simultaneously improving the open web. We look forward to your response.

Best Regards,



Problem 1: CSS Animations


CSS Animations have been unprefixed (or are in the progress to be unprefixed in Fx 16, IE 10 and Opera 12.50; all due out around September 2012). The Web site should add the unprefixed version for all new compliant browsers


Usage of @keyframes, animation, animation-* with a (non-moz) prefix, without Moz prefix and without unprefix version. Note: if the unprefixed is not present, but the -moz is, we should signal it to them too (but this should not trigger a letter if this is the only problem). It is less Open Web than expected, even if it work for us.


CSS Animations: Your CSS uses only the -webkit- prefix to build animations. This prefix (and others like -moz- and -o-) were necessary for a while, but will not be supported in upcoming versions of major browsers (Firefox 16, Internet Explorer 10, and Opera 12.50). These browsers will be launched around September 2012. To fix this issue, you should search your CSS for properties and at-rules that are related to animation and begin with a prefix. For each one you find, you should provide a version of that property or at-rule that does not use a prefix. You can keep the prefixed versions as well if you want to support older, non-standard browsers.

Problem 2: CSS Transitions


CSS Transitions have been unprefixed (or are in the progress to be unprefixed in Fx 16, IE 10 and Opera 12.50; all due out around September 2012). The Web site should add the unprefixed version for all new compliant browsers


Usage of transition, transition-* with a (non-moz) prefix, without Moz prefix and without unprefix version. Note: if the unprefixed version is not present, but the -moz is, we should signal it to them too (but this should not trigger a letter if this is the only problem). It is less Open Web than expected, even if it work for us.


CSS Transitions: Your CSS uses only the -webkit- prefix to build transitions. This prefix (and others like -moz- and -o-) were necessary for a while, but will not be supported in upcoming versions of major browsers (Firefox 16, Internet Explorer 10, and Opera 12.50). These browsers will be launched around September 2012. To fix this issue, you should search your CSS for properties and at-rules that are related to transitions and begin with a prefix. For each one you find, you should provide a version of that property or at-rule that does not use a prefix. You can keep the prefixed versions as well if you want to support older, non-standard browsers.

Problem 3: CSS 2D Transforms

Description: CSS Transforms have been unprefixed (or are in the progress to be unprefixed in Fx 16, IE 10 and Opera 12.50; all due out around September 2012). The Web site should add the unprefixed version for all new compliant browsers

Note: 2D and 3D transforms overlap. They differ in that Opera doesn't support 3D transforms. Only one of the 2 snippets is needed.


Usage of transform, transform-origin, but not: backface-visibility, transform-style, perspective with a (non-moz) prefix, without Moz prefix and without unprefix version. Also the transform function matrix3d(), translate3d(), translateZ(), scale3d(), scaleZ(), rotate3d(), rotateX(), rotateY(), rotateZ(), or perspective() must not been used.

Note: if the unprefixed version is not present, but the -moz is, we should signal it to them too (but this should not trigger a letter if this is the only problem). It is less Open Web than expected, even if it work for us.

Note2: skew() has been removed. Browsers support it (we are reintroducing it), but Web sites should stop using it. If we detect it, we should signal it, but this should not trigger a letter.


CSS 2D Transforms: Your CSS uses only the -webkit- prefix to build 2D transforms. This prefix (and others like -moz- and -o-) were necessary for a while, but will not be supported in upcoming versions of major browsers (Firefox 16, Internet Explorer 10, and Opera 12.50). These browsers will be launched around September 2012. To fix this issue, you should search your CSS for properties and at-rules that are related to 2D transforms and begin with a prefix. For each one you find, you should provide a version of that property or at-rule that does not use a prefix. You can keep the prefixed versions as well if you want to support older, non-standard browsers.

Problem 4: CSS 3D Transforms


CSS Transforms have been unprefixed (or are in the progress to be unprefixed in Fx 16, IE 10 and Opera 12.50; all due out around September 2012). The Web site should add the unprefixed version for all new compliant browsers

Note: 2D and 3D transforms overlap. They differ in that Opera doesn't support 3D transforms. Only one of the 2 snippets is needed.



CSS 3D Transforms: Your CSS uses only the -webkit- prefix to build 3D Transforms. This prefix (and others like -moz- and -o-) were necessary for a while, but will not be supported in upcoming versions of major browsers (Firefox 16, Internet Explorer 10, and Opera 12.50). These browsers will be launched around September 2012. To fix this issue, you should search your CSS for properties and at-rules that are related to 3D Transforms and begin with a prefix. For each one you find, you should provide a version of that property or at-rule that does not use a prefix. You can keep the prefixed versions as well if you want to support older, non-standard browsers.

Problem 5: CSS Linear Gradients

Problem 5a: Final syntax, prefixed (unlikely

Problem 5b: Almost final syntax, prefixed

Problem 5c: Old WebKit syntax

Problem 6: CSS Radial Gradients

Problem 6a: Final syntax, prefixed (unlikely)

Problem 6b: Almost final syntax, prefixed

Problem 6c: Old WebKit syntax

Problem 7: CSS Repeating Linear Gradients

Problem 7a: Final syntax, prefixed (unlikely)

Problem 7b: Almost final syntax, prefixed

Problem 7c: Old WebKit syntax

Problem 8: CSS Repeating Radial Gradients

Problem 8a: Final syntax, prefixed (unlikely)

Problem 8b: Almost final syntax, prefixed

Problem 8c: Old WebKit syntax

Problem 9: CSS Flexbox


CSS Flexbox is a new layout that will have a lot of success. A few Web sites already use them.

We don't support this unprefixed or prefixed now. It is a work of progress on our side (with good progress!). The spec is not yet a CR but should be by September (LC closed, issued resolved, CSSWG said 'ok'). More important, fixing this to support us _now_ means more or less rewriting the whole Web site. Therefore we shouldn't try to contact these Web sites and wait a couple of months for these.

In the future, this will be cut in sub-problem, depending on how recent the spec used is.


A display property with: flexbox, flexbox-inline, box or a prefixed variant of these values.



Problem 10: CSS Multicol


CSS Multicol is a new layout, with few success. We don't expect many Web Site with this problem.

For the moment, we don't support column-span, break-after, break-before, break-inside and we are the last browser with prefix. Work in progress (medium speed).


Usage of one of columns, column-* or break-* unprefixed or prefixed (without -moz- equivalent).


TBD if we meet a Web site with this problem (unlikely)