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  • Wednesdays - 9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern, 16:30 UTC
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 99998
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 99998
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 99998
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 99998
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    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
  • #mobile for backchannel
  • Mobile Vidyo Room


  • Next merge is 2013-02-18

Major Topics for This Week

Shipping Open Sans and Charis fonts for Web Content
As part of the Readability 2.0 feature, bug 831354 landed in central after a heroic effort on part of UX and Johnathan Kew to correct test failures. We are removing the Reader Mode only use of Open Sans in bug 831883. Package size increased by about ~2MB. We are also looking into a talos regression bug 833000. Once we have that nailed down, we will figure out if this will ride the trains for Fx21 or if we'll uplift to Fx20. The web content looks much nicer!

Stand ups

Suggested format:

  • What did you do last week?
  • What are working on this week?
  • Anything blocking you?

Please keep your update to under 2 minutes!

James W. (snorp)


  • Jan 16 - Jan 23:
    • landed bug 830175 (cleanup of PromptService code)
    • interviews
    • bug 831783 - some event constants code cleanup
    • bug 831781 - add gamepad joystick based scrolling
    • bug 803791 - guard against exception when allocating a zero-size buffer
    • bug 832635 - make rck2 work on pandaboards
    • looking at bug 833000 - panning regression caused by fonts
    • bug 807606 - NSS dialogs implementation in native UI (pending feedback)
    • landed bug 828126 (un-ifdef some android stuff)
    • bug 832987 - don't lose the Gecko:Ready if GeckoApp is killed
  • Next:
    • more font inflation stuff (bug 757257)
    • more ouya stuff (see bug 831778)
    • some profiling on 384meg devices to see if we can fix UI sluggishness


  • Working on:
    • bug 826385 "Clear private data" not clearing cache
    • bug 792242 Loading about:cache says the cache is disabled
    • bug 829419 test crashes in nsDeleteDir::PostTimer
    • bug 761987 test shutdown crashes in nssCertificate_Destroy
    • bug 803158 if no crash report is generated by a tegra ... use ndk-stack to get a stack
    • bug 810471 crash on startup during various tests
    • robocop failure investigations: bugs 770483, 813107, 817440, 824067

Chris Lord (cwiiis)

  • Done (+ last week)
    • bug 827844 - Fix flickering when keyboard appears/disappears
    • bug 828249 - Fix layer positioning when zoomed out beyond page bounds (regression)
    • bug 828345 - Maintain screen aspect ratio when clamping scrollport
    • Meet with Morrison and discuss canvas performance
    • Get educated on styling and dynamic changes in layout from dbaron
    • Interviews
  • Now
    • bug 822810 - Unexpected painting behaviour with low-res tiling code
    • bug 716403 - Scroll the location bar off the top
    • Hack up some patches to get fennec working reasonably on Ouya
    • Meet with Al Sutton from Ouya + Ouya event
    • FOSDEM talk planning
  • Next
    • More Ouya stuff
    • Investigate canvas performance
    • Plan for EdgeConf performance panel

Chris Peterson

  • Done
    • Investigating B2G WebAPIs for Android
    • bug 816298 - Change "-moz-user-select:none" to fix and Facebook login
    • bug 829912 - NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoInputConnection.notifyIMEEnabled(
    • bug 729617 - Compile with ASLR on ICS and above
    • bug 831188 - about:plugins lists blocklisted and user-disabled plugins
  • Next
    • Begin implementing WebAPIs, including Push Notification
    • Write IME tests


  • Past week
    • Worked on bug 826053 - Detect and report ANRs through our own channel
    • Fixed bug 829318 - Problems using Grooveshark sidebar search field
    • Fixed bug 829912 - java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoInputConnection.notifyIMEEnabled
    • Fixed bug 831862 - Disable dictionary suggestions on password-fields
    • Investigated ndk-stack crash in bug 803158 - if no crash report is generated by a tegra use ndk-stack to get a stack
    • Mentoring
      • Reviewed and going to land soon Agam's patch in bug 809018
  • Next week
    • bug 826053 - Detect and report ANRs through our own channel
    • bug 827325 - Regression: Unable to enter 'o' and 'p' in a URI; characters deleted following a colon
    • bug 832028 - Let Java block while resetting GeckoEditable during focus
    • bug 831144 - Implement editor key bindings on Android


  • Last week:
  • Next week:
    • Try to get DataChannels to work on Android

Brian N

  • Done
    • Bug 819953 - Tab thumbnails are never displayed/updated
    • Bug 816998 - Clipboard buffer contains copied link from a Private Tab outside of Private Browsing
    • Bug 826644 - PBM - Hide 'Open in New Tab' context menu option in private tabs
  • Next
    • Cursor stuff



  • Bug 832559 - Remove clear all from pinned sites menu
  • Bug 830758 - Pinned sites should not show "pin site" in context menu
  • Bug 832561 - Don't update about:home top sites immediately when pins are added/cleared
  • Bug 832321 - Blank context menu items (Android 2.3.x)
  • Bug 830404 - Regression: Delete All in the Download Manager not working
  • Bug 819037 - navigator.mozApps.getSelf does not include .result
  • Bug 830761 - Add a way to undo Clear Pin(s)


Last week

Next week

  • Work on FOSDEM talk with Chris Lord
  • More work on TwoWayView and tabs UI
  • Browser toolbar regressions:


Scott (jwir3)

  • bug 803719 (Reflow-on-zoom should zoom in and snap to a piece of text) is almost complete. Scroll position maintenance code is in place, and working well. Debugging a couple of invalidation/screen-update issues. It seems as though, on zoom-out, the zoom happens, along with the reflow, but the screen doesn't get repainted until the user scrolls and/or does something else that would generate a reflow.
  • Working also on bug 830645: allow text reflow automatically if default zoom is changed




  • Metro work week!
    • Scrum-ish process. See sprint info.
  • Landed some syntax fixes in bug 833050
  • Attempted to win back some Tp regression in bug 831123
  • Wallpapered over a WallpaperManager crash in bug 827250

Ian Barlow

  • Fonts are in Nightly! \o/
    • blog post coming

In progress

  • about home designs for MWC
  • top site customization tweaks
  • lots of high level discussions about Firefox Account / continuity of UX across devices / Reading List
  • did a brief UX review of Firefox on OUYA, made some notes / suggestions
  • working through tab menu updates with Sriram and Lucas



  • jchen: Agam fixed bug 809018 - DateTimePicker does not have 12 hour mode
  • jinsu bug 791654 - Add save file as to the html5 player context menu. Almost done!
  • lannguyen bug 750167 - Remember which of "Top Sites", "Bookmarks" or "History" was last selected. Digging into some bugs that this turned up in the Awesomebar.
  • mcomella bug 811905 - Make bookmarks and history buttons in awesomescreen look more clickable
  • mcomella bug 770101 - about:config should label integer fields correctly so keyboard uses numerical mode

Round Table


Nothing major to report this week, may have a lead on the reported slowness in Firefox 18