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Topics for This Week

Tracking Review


  • Next Build:

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0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


  • Next Build:

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  • Next Build:

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Friends of the Mobile Team

Give a shoutout/thanks to people for helping fix and test bugs. Make sure friends also get awarded a badge. New contributors are highlighted in bold. Want to update this section?

  • Boris Dušek fixed bug 1195204 - iOS 9: VoiceOver presents lock image and reader button even when those are not visible
  • Dominique Vincent [:domivinc] fixed bug 1192075 - Change copy in Settings for Zoomed View/ magnifying glass preference
  • Jeff Beatty [:gueroJeff] fixed bug 1197219 - [hr] Add hr to mobile/android/locales/maemo-locales
  • Justin Inouye [:inouju] fixed bug 1146735 - Change outer container in @layout/anchored_popup to FrameLayout
  • Kartikaya Gupta ( fixed bug 1180267 - Update Fennec code to use MobileViewportManager instead of the big pile of browser.js code
  • Kartikaya Gupta ( fixed bug 1180295 - Redo Fennec dynamic toolbar implementation
  • Kartikaya Gupta ( fixed bug 1195401 - Assertion failure while playing a video on Fennec (Preferences accessed off-main-thread)
  • Kartikaya Gupta ( fixed bug 1196593 - Sometimes when reaching the bottom of the page the toolbar doesn't automatically appear
  • Kartikaya Gupta ( fixed bug 1196594 - Transition the toolbar to fully shown/hidden after finger is lifted
  • Kartikaya Gupta ( fixed bug 1196914 - When the toolbar is shown/hidden while an input field has focus, the scroll position jumps
  • Kartikaya Gupta ( fixed bug 1197176 - Coming back to fennec from the task switcher sometimes doesn't repaint the content area
  • Kartikaya Gupta ( fixed bug 1197233 - When fullscreening a video while the dynamic toolbar is showing, the toolbar area shows garbage
  • Kartikaya Gupta ( fixed bug 998929 - Title bar obscures top of page after returning from fullscreen with title bar auto-hide disabled
  • Mike Taylor [:miketaylr] fixed bug 1175378 - Audit /mobile/android/themes/core/images for unused images
  • Mike Taylor [:miketaylr] fixed bug 717822 - Tapping 2 times on a button causes its size to decrease for a brief moment
  • Milan Sreckovic [:milan] fixed bug 1161083 - Fixed position elements with bottom: 0 are misplaced when scrolled to the bottom of the page
  • Robin Andersen [:tecgirl] fixed bug 1196913 - Firefox for iOS v1.0 App Store Icon

Stand ups

Suggested format:

  • What did you do last week?
  • What are working on this week?
  • Anything blocking you?

Please keep your update to under 2 minutes!

James W. (snorp), Platform Team (Randall, Jim, Eugen, Dylan)

  • It looks like I finally might be able to land the paint suppression patches, got some r+ and good comments. Also looked into web-page-replay, and put up a PR to make it work with Firefox. Nice tool, but could use some love. Profiled some other page load performance issues and found that handling redirects (302) on the main thread can really hurt us. Need to file a bug about that.
  • Randall is working through some tough problems with the native APZ. The fact that we do not use e10s is making some things very complicated.
  • Eugen is working on some media issues (MP4, MP3, VP8/9 w/ MSE) and trying to land some changes to nsIPerformance that will allow you to see thread and cpu time in addition to wall time.
  • Jim continues to land a bunch of JNI changes and refactoring. See his blog post here. He may also work on decoupling BHR from breakpad so we can update to a newer version and fix some of the bad crash reports we're seeing.
  • Dylan is hammering away on bugs, currently moving some of the native calls in AndroidJNI to the new hotness that Jim wrote. He also helped me look into Web Page Replay.


  • Video Sandboxing, final touchups.
  • Tracking Protection/SafeBrowsing, multiple provider support.
  • Reviewing SafeBrowsing specs for v4.

Brian Nicholson

  • Spent some time investigating the web view white screen issue (bug 1194726). Not much success.
  • Some Swift 2 fixes
  • Looking into failing tests



  • First run on Samsung
  • Reviews, interviews





  • Wrapping up on home feeds integration



  • Manager stuff
  • Trying to finish tab audio indicator
  • PTO August 27 - September 14



  • Tracking down test failures related to click-to-play images
  • Playing around with hyphenation stuff (testing out by using an addon - not much success)
  • Making intern presentation prep! (Will send an invite/reminder today)


  • Menu polish (w/ some Material updates!)
  • Misc. bugs
  • Going to work on distinguishing between remote and local visits in synced data




  • Firefox for iOS v1.0 submitted to the app store. oof.
  • Spending a little time on Xcode 7/Swift 2.0 port that Emily's driving.
  • Lots of reviews. I'm catching up!
  • Lots of emails and writing, including:
    • Go Faster and Fennec update PRDs
    • Investigating GMP updater numbers (thanks Ben and Sheeri!)
  • Lots of triage and meetings, including:
    • about:newtab remote loading
    • iOS 1.1
    • Go Faster
    • Hello
    • TAG, particularly dexulification


<Read Only>

  • Fallout from moving so a little behind


  • Moving b2gdroid ahead with fabrice
    • Second round of patches ready to land
    • Many thanks to glandium for reviews
  • First round of patches for Sign in to Firefox Accounts on the web
    • Mostly r+, thanks to sebastian for reviews


  • Lots of issues with Android SDK 23 and versions -- thanks to sebastian for handling these, including a mobile-firefox-dev post.
    • One more reason to pin versions (Bug 1108782).
  • Looking at android:versionCode future-proofing.




Martyn Haigh





Things I've fixed!

Things that need more fixing/reviewing/merges!

James Hugman




Other:* PSA please remember that changes to histogram.json need a p={data steward} attached or we'll back you out.


  • FxiOS 1.0 out the door
  • Swift 2.0 Migration Hell
  • looking ahead to V1.0.1/V1.1




  • Past
    • TRIBE
    • Interview & debrief
    • TV meetings and stuff
    • bug 1170725: Click-to-play images
    • bug 1189719: Display search history in Awesomescreen
  • Upcoming
    • Mocks for TV stuff
    • Mocks for Hello integration
    • Privacy/security co-ordination
    • bug 1195721: Set a homepage
    • Filing some UI polish bugs


  • Pocket integration mocks (Android and iOS)


  • bug 1186013 Offer to open URLs on the clipboard when entering Firefox
  • bug 1162778 When disconnecting account, give user option to clear browsing data
  • bug 1193363 Determine how to maintain relationship between panels and webview


  • bug 1182303 Firefox iOS susceptible to infinite alert loops
  • bug 1145228 Allow collapsing and expanding Synced (Remote) Tabs clients
  • bug 1183905 Add Sync Now button timestamps
  • bug 1193462 Tapping Sign in on Empty Sync panel should take you to the Sign in flow, not Settings first




Feature Focus

Round Table