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- Streaming is rolling in the US. Streaming devices continue to see interest with the release of Amazon's Fire TV and a revised version of Roku's Streaming Stick (and even Google's revised streamer). It's important to note the "Big in the US" bit (it will never be an Alphaville song), as most content outside the US is limited, and even within the US there's some questions on how much interest there will be in ancillary services as they are now given the availability of Netflix and Roku. The devices are inexpensive, and we should expect to see further uptake over the summer, and the content subscriptions for traditional distributors will bear watching.
Why should we care?: There's an opportunity to add to our second-screen repertoire. Amazon and Google obviously have their own goals, and if we're going to continue to support second screen, we should investigate all solutions and see what it'd take to support them while still giving access to the web (which people use a lot while watching TV).

- Google aiming to tunnel your vision with Hera? While it's a rumor, Android Police's take on how Android 4.5 will continue to bridge platforms and user experiences is awfully plausible. The gist of the update is that 4.5 will combine the things you do in Chrome and Search, and make it available to and from other platforms. If you start a task on Desktop Chrome, you can continue it on Android - it's taking the Tab sync idea and applying it to tasks/sessions. Worth the read, and paints a picture of Google continuing to narrow the focus of the lens Android applies to the web, which is consistent with a lot of the work we've seen from Google over the last couple years.
Why should we care?: Our cross-platform strategy (beyond Sync) is weak, and our competitors continue to work on making the User Experience consistent across platforms, supported by their client apps and services. It's an area that needs more focus and alignment on.



Rob No Android specific notes.

We're starting to dig deeper into the 2 most common complaints in feedback video and general performance issues to see try to see if there's any deeper analysis we can do for those issues. We plan on doing both an analysis of user feedback and following up with users through targeted surveys (some users volunteer their email address for follow up).

Feedback is still dominated by Eich commentary. User Advocacy is pulling a quantitative summary for interested parties (we don't feel like verbatim analysis is productive). We're breaking down feedback by country / browser and displaying the overall volume of Eich specific feedback



Partner review

No notes - in-meeting updates from Mark and Deb

Goals & Roadmap update

Read only

  • Second attempt at a Q2 goals meeting is on the calendar for tomorrow at 3pm Eastern, Noon Pacific - hoping to get those finalized this week.
  • Deb's still working on rejigging the Feature funnel & Roadmap structure.


Any thing else...