Mobile/Projects/Webfeed handling

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Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Assigned to
852828 -- Add basic support for subscribing to feeds (RSS/Atom) RESOLVED Mark Finkle (:mfinkle) (use needinfo?)

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

User stories


  • As a user, I would like a simple way to subscribe to a web feed if one is available on a page I am visiting.
  • As a user, I would like to be able to subscribe to webfeeds using any of the major online services.


  • As a user, I would like there to be some indication that the web page I'm visiting has a web feed available.
  • As a user, I would like to be able to subscribe to a webfeed using any feedreader app I have installed on my device.
  • As a user, I would like to be able to add other online feed services to the list of those I can use to subscribe, if it is not already included in the list of available services or apps.
  • As a user, I would like to be able to add installed feedreader apps to the list of those I can use to subscribe, if it is not already included in the list of available services or apps.
  • As a user, I would like feedreader apps to automatically be added to the list of available services and apps when I install the app on my device. (No idea if this is possible.)
  • As a user, I would like to be able to remove all but one of the items from the list of available services and apps, so I can keep that list as compact as possible.
  • As a user, if I have removed all but one of the items from the list of available services or apps, I would like feeds to be automatically sent to the remaining item, so I can reduce the number of steps I need to take by one.


