
< Modules

Only module owners may edit this page.

They may:

  • update any information about their module except the name of the owner
  • add or remove sub-modules
  • change the owner of a sub-module
  • add emeritus owners or peers

Other changes, including changes of module owner or addition/removal of modules, must be agreed with the Module Ownership Module group, probably via a discussion in mozilla.governance.

Name: (#)
Description: Development, configuration and administration of Mozilla's instance of the Bugzilla bug tracking system
Owner: David Lawrence
Peer(s): Byron Jones
Owner(s) Emeritus: Byron Jones, Dylan Hardison
Peer(s) Emeritus: Kohei Yoshino, Emma Humphries
Source Dir(s): BMO lives in github
Bugzilla Component(s):*
Discussion Group: tools-bmo